What are the determinants of the sex/gender difference in the duration of work absence for musculoskeletal disorders? A mixed studies systematic review
Type de document
Communications orales
Date de la conférence
Nom de la conférence
PREMUS 2019, the 10th International Scientific Conference on the Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: From research to evidence based sustainable interventions and practices
Lieu de la conférence
Bologne, Italie
Troubles musculosquelettiques, Musculoskeletal disease, Différence liée au sexe, Sex difference, Absentéisme maladie, Sickness absenteeism
Numéro de projet IRSST
Citation recommandée
Stock, S., Nicolakakis, N., Cullen, K., Dionne, C. E., Franche, R.-L., Lederer, V., . . . Koehoorn, M. (2019, 2-5 septembre). What are the determinants of the sex/gender difference in the duration of work absence for musculoskeletal disorders?: A mixed studies systematic review [Communication]. PREMUS 2019, the 10th International Scientific Conference on the Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: From research to evidence based sustainable interventions and practices, Bologne, Italie.