Most Recent Additions*
Respiratory monitoring with textile inductive electrodes in driving applications: Effect of electrode's positioning and form factor on signal quality
James Elber Duverger, Victor Bellemin, Geordi-Gabriel Renaud Dumoulin, Patricia Forcier, Justine Decaens, Ghyslain Gagnon, and Alireza Saidi
Microbial volatile organic compunds measured in the air of a waste sorting plant and a university by thermal desorption-gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Sarah Tabbal, Badr El Aroussi, Sami Haddad, and Geneviève Marchand
Gender differences in occupational health and safety perceptions: Insights from youth in dual vocational training
Myriam Bérubé, Céline Chatigny, and Marie Laberge
Intervention challenges experienced in physiotherapy and occupational therapy with workers' pain and disability representations: A mixed methods study
Patricia Godbout, Marie-France Coutu, and Marie-José Durand
The influence of workload on muscle fatigue, tissue properties, and postural stability in older and younger workers
Julien Ducas, Janny Mathieu, Michel Drouin, Stéphane Sobczak, Jacques Abboud, and Martin Descarreaux
A systematic review and evaluation of the tools measuring work-related psychosocial factors in prospective research on sickness absence of health care workers
Laurent Corthésy-Blondin, Simona Margheritti, Samantha Vila Masse, Andrea Gragnano, and Alessia Negrini
Work-related psychosocial risk and protective factors influencing workplace absence: A systematic literature review
Simona Margheritti, Laurent Corthésy-Blondin, Samantha Vila Masse, and Alessia Negrini
Actes de la 7e conférence internationale sur la sécurité des systèmes industriels automatisés = Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Safety of Industrial Automated Systems (SIAS 2012)
Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail
Estimation of noise levels and HPD attenuation in the workplace using microphones located in the vicinity of the ear
H. Nélisse, C. Le Cocq, J. Boutin, F. Laville, and J. Voix
On the influence of the material properties of the external ear on occlusion effect simulations
M. Brummund, F. Sgard, Y. Petit, and F. Laville
Analysis of ride vibration environment of soil compactors
A. Kordestani, S. Rakheja, P. Marcotte, A. Pazooki, and D. Juras
Experimental and analytical evaluations of a torsio elastic suspension for off road vehicles
A. Pazooki, D. Cao, S. Rakheja, and P.-É. Boileau
Development of a low-cost system to evaluate coupling forces on real power tool handles
P. Marcotte, S. Adewusi, and S. Rakheja
Hypothenar hammer syndrome: an underdiagnosed cause in workers exposed to hand-arm vibration
A. Turcot, M. Fortier, and M. D. Dumiterscu
Analyses of distributed absorbed power responses on the human hand-arm system in the bent- and extended-arm postures
S. Adewusi, S. Rakheja, and P. Marcotte
Impact of acoustic leakage on the absorption of mono layer and two-layer porous materials
F. Castel, F. Sgard, and N. Atalla
Development of an equivalent solid model to predict the vibroacoustic behavior of eamuff cushions
S. Boyer, F. Sgard, F. Laville, and M. A. Hamdi
Influence of source location, subjects and HPD size on the sound field around earmuffs
C. Le Cocq, H. Nélisse, J. Boutin, J. Voix, and F. Laville
Development of a 3D finite element model of the human external ear for simulation of the auditory occlusion effect
M. Brummund, Y. Petit, F. Sgard, and F. Laville
Study of the compliance of a sound intensity mapping device located in space by computer vision with conventional certified methods for measuring sound power
J. M. Attendu, H. Nélisse, L.-A. Boudreault, and M. Pearson
*Updated as of 03/26/25.