Most Recent Additions*


Respiratory monitoring with textile inductive electrodes in driving applications: Effect of electrode's positioning and form factor on signal quality
James Elber Duverger, Victor Bellemin, Geordi-Gabriel Renaud Dumoulin, Patricia Forcier, Justine Decaens, Ghyslain Gagnon, and Alireza Saidi


The influence of workload on muscle fatigue, tissue properties, and postural stability in older and younger workers
Julien Ducas, Janny Mathieu, Michel Drouin, Stéphane Sobczak, Jacques Abboud, and Martin Descarreaux


Work-related psychosocial risk and protective factors influencing workplace absence: A systematic literature review
Simona Margheritti, Laurent Corthésy-Blondin, Samantha Vila Masse, and Alessia Negrini


Analysis of ride vibration environment of soil compactors
A. Kordestani, S. Rakheja, P. Marcotte, A. Pazooki, and D. Juras


Influence of source location, subjects and HPD size on the sound field around earmuffs
C. Le Cocq, H. Nélisse, J. Boutin, J. Voix, and F. Laville

*Updated as of 03/26/25.