Gender differences in occupational health and safety perceptions: Insights from youth in dual vocational training
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Études primaires
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Safety Science
Introduction While occupational health and safety (OHS) education is important for all new workers, it appears critical for youth in dual vocational training programs. To develop prevention tools adapted to their situation, the first stage of an action-research study was to question their perceptions and experiences of OHS. Objective This study examines the perceptions of OHS among young students with disabilities enrolled in the Work-Oriented Training Path (WOTP) in Québec. Method A mixed-methods study based on questionnaires given to 131 (38 women, 93 men) WOTP students and Ministry documents. Descriptive and comparative quantitative analyses were conducted with a qualitative analysis of open-ended questions and documents. A gender-sensitive analysis was carried out since it is a recognized influencing factor to consider in OHS. Results Men and women worked in different environments (p = 0.002). Men seem to be more aware of the presence of hazards (yes = 79.6 %) than women (yes = 50 %) (p = 0.001), and collectively named 15 risk categories, compared to 9 for women. A modest proportion of men (yes = 44.1 %) and women (yes = 31.6 %) reported having received OHS training in their traineeship. Men had a slightly less marked interest in OHS (p = 0.047). A large proportion of students reported having experienced an occupational injury (43.5 %). Conclusions Targeted interventions are needed to ensure safe learning environments and equitable OHS training for youth with disabilities. Women might be confronted with unrecognized or invisible hazards, and all could benefit from a training that addresses those.
Différence liée au sexe, Sex difference, Jeune travailleur, Young employee, Esprit de sécurité, Safety consciousness, Comportement humain, Human behaviour, Enquête par questionnaire, Questionnaire survey
Numéro de projet IRSST
Citation recommandée
Bérubé, M., Chatigny, C. et Laberge, M. (2025). Gender differences in occupational health and safety perceptions: Insight from youth in vocational training. Safety Science, 186, article 106797.