
Submissions from 2025


Validation of a laboratory spray generation system and its use in a comparative study of hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) evaluation methods, Hugues Ahientio, Loïc Wingert, Sébastien Gagné, Livain Breau, Jacques Lesage, and Simon Aubin (Disponible pour téléchargement le 11/04/25 )


Organizational and structural factors in building the therapeutic alliance in a work rehabilitation program with injured immigrant workers in Quebec, Daniel Côté, Maude Arsenault, and Jessica Dubé

On the design of an acoustical test fixture for assessing the objective occlusion effect, Olivier Doutres, Yu Luan, Marc-Olivier Cyr-Desroches, Kévin Carillo, Robin Richert, and Franck Sgard


Effect of a back-support exoskeleton on internal forces and lumbar spine stability during low load lifting task, Amir Hossein Eskandari, Farshid Ghezelbash, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Navid Arjmand, and Christian Larivière (Disponible pour téléchargement le 11/02/26 )


Evolution of stressors for healthcare workers over the COVID-19 pandemic, France Labrèche, Quentin Durand-Moreau, Anil Adisesh, Jean-Michel Galarneau, Shannon Ruzycki, Tanis Zadunayski, and Nicola Cherry

SafeRespirator: Comprehensive database for N95 filtering facepiece respirator leak detection including infrared, RGB videos, and quantitative fit testing, Geoffrey Marchais, Mohamed Arbane, Barthelemy Topilko, Jean Brousseau, Clothilde Brochot, Yacine Yaddaden, Ali Bahloul, and Xavier Maldague

Development and validation of the North American COmfort of hearing PROtection Device questionnaire (COPROD-NAQ), Alessia Negrini, Chantal Gauvin, Djamal Berbiche, Jonathan Terroir, Nellie Perrin, Caroline Jolly, Laurence Martin, Franck Sgard, and Olivier Doutres


Determinants of post-COVID ill-health in a cohort of Canadian healthcare workers, Tanis Zadunayski, Quentin Durand-Moreau, Anil Adisesh, Igor Burstyn, France Labrèche, Shannon Ruzycki, and Nicola Cherry

Submissions from 2024

Qualitative examination of the experience of perceived injustice following disabling occupational injury, Heather Adams, Judy E. MacDonald, Ana Nightingale Castillo, Antonina Pavilanis, Manon Truchon, Marie Achille, Pierre Côté, and Michael J. L. Sullivan

Association between exposure to airborne trichloramine and health effects in indoor swimming pool workers, Elham Ahmadpour and Maximilien Debia

Estimating airborne trichloramine levels in indoor swimming pools using the well-mixed box model, Elham Ahmadpour and Maximilien Debia


Computer vision-enabled real-time job hazard analysis for safe human–robot collaboration in disassembly tasks, Morteza Jalali Alenjareghi, Samira Keivanpour, Yuvin Adnarain Chinniah, and Sabrina Jocelyn (Disponible pour téléchargement le 11/25/25 )

Hearing aid amplification improves postural control for older adults with hearing loss when other sensory cues are impoverished, L. Behtani, D. Paromov, K. Moïn-Darbari, M.S. Houde, B.A. Bacon, M. Maheu, T. Leroux, and F. Champoux

Understanding musculoskeletal disorders in dancers: The role of lumbopelvic muscles and movement competency, Justine Benoit-Piau, Nathaly Gaudreault, Hugo Massé-Alarie, Christine Guptill, Sylvie Fortin, and Mélanie Morin

Passion and performance anxiety: How it affects the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders in dancers, Justine Benoit-Piau, Nathaly Gaudreault, Robert Vallerand, Sylvie Fortin, Christine Guptill, and Mélanie Morin


La population immigrante est-elle plus à risque d'accidents du travail? Une analyse basée sur des données administratives au Québec [¿Tiene la población inmigrante más riesgo de sufrir accidentes laborales? Un análisis basado en datos administrativos en Quebec]; [Is the immigrant population more at risk of work-related accidents? An analysis based on Québec administrative data], Jaunathan Bilodeau, Martin Lebeau, Marc-Antoine Busque, and Daniel Côté

Interindividual variability in coherence between self-reported alertness and performance in shift workers, Diane B. Boivin and Philippe Boudreau

Design and validation of a wind tunnel for viral aerosol filtration testing, Vincent Brochu, Gabriel St-Onge, Nathalie Turgeon, Marc Veillette, Mathieu Olivier, and Caroline Duchaine


Follow-up biomonitoring study of metal exposure in apprentice welders in Montreal, Quebec, during gas metal arc welding (GMAW), Jairo Buitrago-Cortes, Philippe Sarazin, Denis Dieme, Jonathan Côté, Capucine Ouellet, Naïma El Majidi, and Michèle Bouchard (Disponible pour téléchargement le 08/30/25 )


Factors influencing metal concentrations in hair and nails during longitudinal follow-up of apprentice welders, Jairo Buitrago-Cortes, Philippe Sarazin, Denis Dieme, Naïma El Majidi, and Michèle Bouchard (Disponible pour téléchargement le 10/03/25 )

An impedance tube technique for estimating the insertion loss of earplugs, K. Carillo, O. Doutres, and F. Sgard

Determinants of SARS-CoV-2 IgG response and decay in Canadian healthcare workers: A prospective cohort study, Nicola Cherry, Anil Adisesh, Igor Burstyn, Carmen Charlton, Yan Chen, Quentin Durand-Moreau, France Labrèche, Shannon Ruzycki, LeeAnn Turnbull, Tanis Zadunayski, and Yutaka Yasui

Work characteristics, workplace support, and mental ill-health in a Canadian cohort of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, Nicola Cherry, Anil Adisesh, Igor Burstyn, Quentin Durand-Moreau, Jean-Michel Galarneau, France Labrèche, Shannon Ruzycki, and Tanis Zadunayski

Validation of the return-to-work obstacles and selfe-efficacy scale for women on sick leave due to breast cancer (ROSES-BC), Marc Corbière, Daniel Rabouin, Alessia Negrini, Maud Mazaniello-Chézol, Lucas Sideris, Catherine Prady, and Jean-Philippe Lachance

Toxicokinetic model of the pyrethroid pesticide lambda-cyhalothrin, main exposure route and dose reconstruction predictions in agricultural workers, Jonathan Côté and Michèle Bouchard

Workers’ worries, pain, psychosocial factors, and margin of manoeuvre, in relation to outcomes in a return-to-work program: An exploratory study, Marie-France Coutu, Marie-José Durand, Fergal O’Hagan, Patrick Gosselin, Iuliana Nastasia, Djamal Berbiche, Marie-Élise Labrecque, Sara Pettigrew, and Martine Bordeleau

Rehabilitating workers aged 55 and over: Professionals’ perspectives and solutions, Marie-José Durand, Marie-France Coutu, Alexandra Lecours, Guillaume Léonard, Valérie Lederer, Iuliana Nastasia, Junie Carrière, and Marie-Andrée Paquette


A quantitative method to guide the integration of textile inductive electrodes in automotive applications for respiratory monitoring, James Elber Duverger, Victor Bellemin, Patricia Forcier, Justine Decaens, Ghyslain Gagnon, and Alireza Saidi

Comparative evaluation of different spinal stability metrics, Amir Hossein Eskandari, Farshid Ghezelbash, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, and Christian Larivière


Outdoor worker knowledge of ticks and Lyme disease in Québec, Erica Fellin, Mathieu Varin, and Virginie Millien


L’insolite « monde d’après » de la restauration : une comparaison France-Italie-Québec, Giovanna Fullin, Sylvie Monchatre, and Samantha Vila

Excess risk of COVID-19 infection and mental distress in healthcare workers during successive pandemic waves: Analysis of matched cohorts of healthcare workers and community referents in Alberta, Canada, Jean-Michel Galarneau, France Labrèche, Quentin Durand-Moreau, Shannon Ruzycki, Anil Adisesh, Igor Burstyn, Tanis Zadunayski, and Nicola Cherry


Machine learning applications in spine biomechanics, Farshid Ghezelbash, Xavier Robert-Lachaine, Frank Cao, Mehran Pesteie, Zhuohua Qiao, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, and Christian Lariviere (Disponible pour téléchargement le 04/01/25 )


Physiotherapy experiences of injured immigrant workers in Quebec: An intersectional perspective, Victoria Gómez, Debbie Ehrmann Fieldman, Daniel Côté, Dahlia Kairy, Marie Laberge, Amelia León, Maxi Miciak, Maud Morin, Sara Saunders, Tatiana Orozco, and Anne Hudon


Occupational pressures of frontline workers enforcing COVID-19 pandemic measures in Ontario and Quebec, Canada, Pamela Hopwood, Ellen MacEachen, Daniel Côté, Samantha B. Meyer, Shannon Majowicz, Ai-Thuy Huynh, Meghan K. Crouch, Yamin T. Jahangir, Amelia León, and Antonela Ilic

What are the perceptions and lived experiences of Canadian injured workers about the provision of physiotherapy services using telerehabilitation?, Anne Hudon, Maxi Miciak, Teri Slade, Stacey Lovo, Jackie L. Whittaker, Daniel Côté, Debbie E. Feldman, Dahlia Kairy, Marie Laberge, Beverley McKeen, Lynn Cooper, and Douglas P. Gross

Impact of the ear canal motion on the impedance boundary conditions in models of the occlusion effect, Simon Kersten, Franck Sgard, and Michael Vorländer

Circadian adaptation of melatonin and cortisol in police officers working rotating shifts, Anastasi Kosmadopoulos, Philippe Boudreau, Laura Kervezee, and Diane B. Boivin

Biodegradable polyhydroxybutyrate microfiber membranes decorated with photoactive Ag-TiO2 nanoparticles for enhanced antibacterial and anti-biofouling activities, Safa Ladhari, Nhu-Nang Vu, Cédrik Boisvert, Marcos Antonio Polinarski, Camille Venne, Alireza Saidi, Simon Barnabé, and Phuong Nguyen-Tri

Mechanical and antimicrobial properties of green and photoactive AgTiO2/poly(3hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) electrospun membranes, Safa Ladhari, Nhu Nang Vu, Alireza Saidi, Amine Aymen Assadi, and Phuong Nguyen-Tri

A green synthesis route of ZnO/polyhydroxybutyrate composites with antibacterial and biodegradable properties, Safa Ladhari, Nhu Nang Vu, Juliette Vallée Bastien, Bich Van Tran, Thi Ha Nguyen, Alireza Saidi, Simon Barnabé, Cyrille Sollogoub, and Phuong Nguyen-Tri

Effect of personalized spinal profile on its biomechanical response in an EMG-assisted optimization musculoskeletal model of the trunk, C. Larivière, A.H. Eskandari, H. Mecheri, F. Ghezelbash, D. Gagnon, and A. Shirazi-Adl


Validation of proprioception measures of the lumbar spine, Christian Larivière, Amir Hossein Eskandari, Hakim Mecheri, and C. Duclos (Disponible pour téléchargement le 08/24/25 )

Disability reduction following a lumbar stabilization exercise program for low back pain: Large vs. small improvement subgroup analyses of physical and psychological variables, Christian Larivière, Richard Preuss, Marie-France Coutu, Michael J. Sullivan, Nicolas Roy, and Sharon M. Henry

The cost of protecting resources: a cross-sectional study on the interaction between LMX and role ambiguity on work addiction and burnout among Canadian first-level healthcare managers, Francis Maisonneuve, Patrick Groulx, Anaïs Galy, Denis Chênevert, and Michel Cossette

Modeling the impact of heat stress on the toxicokinetics of toluene and acetone, Axelle Marchand, Jessie Ménard, Pierre Brochu, and Sami Haddad

Assessment of waste workers occupational risk to microbial agents and cytotoxic effects of mixed contaminants present in the air of waste truck cabin and ventilation filters, Genevieve Marchand, Loïc Wingert, Carla Viegas, Liliana Caetano, Susana Viegas, Magdalena Twaruzek, Nancy Lacombe, Delphine Lanoie, Isabelle Valois, Francois Gouin, Ewelina Soszczyńska, Robert Kosicki, Marta Dias, and Maximilien Debia

Measurement of the local static mechanical pressure of earplugs, Luiz G.C. Melo, Ahmed S. Dalaq, Franck Sgard, Olivier Doutres, Laurianne Legroux, and Eric Wagnac

Engaging patients through education: A modified-Delphi consultation to develop recommendations for patient education interventions in the management of subacromial pain syndrome in physical therapy, Katherine Montpetit-Tourangeau, Annie Rochette, and Joseph-Omer Dyer

Stratégies posturales de bagagistes novices et expérimentés utilisant un convoyeur télescopique à rouleaux dans les soutes d'avion [Postural strategies of novice and experienced baggage handlers using an extendable roller track conveyor in aircraft cargo holds], C. Mostosi, J.-F. Stéphenne, E. Kempeneers, D. Denis, A. Plamondon, and F. Dierick

Successful strategies for occupational health and safety in small and medium enterprises: Insights for a sustainable return to work, Iuliana Nastasia and Romain Rives

Reliability of an extended version of the 3m™ Eargage tool to assess earcanal size and assist earplug selection, Bastien Poissenot-Arrigoni, Laurence Martin, Alessia Negrini, Djamal Berbiche, Olivier Doutres, and Franck Sgard

Impact of modified ventilation strategies on water evaporation rate and thermal comfort in an indoor swimming pool by numerical study, H. Proulx, M. Debia, and S. Hallé

Knee braces and foot orthoses multimodal 3-month treatment of medial knee osteoarthritis in a randomised crossover trial, Xavier Robert-Lachaine, Yoann Dessery, Étienne L. Belzile, and Philippe Corbeil

Workplace injury prevention and wellness program for orchestra musicians: A randomized controlled trial, Marianne Roos, Lamontagne Marie-Eve, François Desmeules, Clermont Dionne, Isabelle Savard, Anne Marie Pinard, Simon Lafrance, Maryse Tanguay, and Roy Jean-Sébastien

Availability, use, and impact of workplace mental health supports during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Canadian cohort of healthcare workers, Shannon Ruzycki, Anil Adisesh, Igor Burstyn, Quentin Durand-Moreau, France Labreche, Tanis Zadunayski, and Nicola Cherry


Intelligent thermoregulation in personal protective equipment, Alireza Saidi and Chantal Gauvin

Estimation of acoustical materials sound absorption coefficient under oblique incidence plane wave and diffuse field via Allard model inversion, Magdeleine Sciard, Alain Berry, Franck Sgard, Thomas Dupont, and Olivier Robin

On the area-averaged effective sound absorption coefficient of porous materials excited by a monopole, Franck Sgard, Noureddine Atalla, Olivier Robin, and Alain Berry

Longitudinal survey of total airborne bacterial and archaeal concentrations and bacterial diversity in enriched colony housing and aviaries for laying hens, Magali-Wen St-Germain, Valérie Létourneau, Perrine Cruaud, Candice Lemaille, Kim Robitaille, Éloïse Denis, Martine Boulianne, and Caroline Duchaine

Assessing the treatment response of lateral elbow tendinopathy using time-dependent ultrasonography, Doppler imaging, and elastography, David Tobaly, Patrice Tétreault, Guy Cloutier, Manon Choinière, Philippe Grondin, Véronique Freire, Anne-Sophie Julien, and Nathalie J. Bureau

Establishing the prognostic profile of patients with work-related musculoskeletal disorders: Development and acceptability of the MAPS questionnaire, Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme, Catherine Houle, Christian Longtin, Nathalie Desmarais, Thomas Gérard, Kadija Perreault, Emilie Lagueux, Pascal Tétreault, Marc-André Blanchette, Hélène Beaudry, and Simon Décary

Assessing the multidimensional comfort of earplugs in virtual industrial noise environments, Olivier Valentin, Said Ezzaf, Philippe-Aubert Gauthier, Djamal Berbiche, Alessia Negrini, Olivier Doutres, Franck Sgard, and Alain Berry

The influence of transfer distance and pace of work on foot positioning strategies and low back loading in a manual material handling task, Jasmin Vallée Marcotte, Xavier Robert-Lachaine, Antoine Muller, Denys Denis, Hakim Mecheri, André Plamondon, and Philippe Corbeil


Derivative method to detect sleep and awake states through heart rate variability analysis using machine learning algorithms, Fabrice Vaussenat, Abhiroop Bhattacharya, Philippe Boudreau, Diane B. Boivin, Ghyslain Gagnon, and Sylvain G. Cloutier

Prevalent occupational exposures and risk of lung cancer among women: Results from the application of the Canadian Job-Exposure Matrix (CANJEM) to a combined set of ten case–control studies, Mengting Xu, Vikki Ho, Jérôme Lavoué, Ann Olsson, Joachim Schüz, Lesley Richardson, Marie-Elise Parent, John R. McLaughlin, Paul A. Demers, Pascal Guénel, Loredana Radoi, Heinz-Erich Wichmann, Wolfgang Ahrens, Karl-Heinz Jöckel, Dario Consonni, Maria T. Landi, Lorenzo Richiardi, Lorenzo Simonato, Andrea 't' Mannetje, Beata Świątkowska, John K. Field, Neil Pearce, and Jack Siemiatycki

Submissions from 2023

Estimating evaporation rates and contaminant air concentrations due to small spills of non-ideal aqueous organic solvent mixtures in a controlled environment, Spéro Franck Abattan, Patrick Eddy Ryan, Jérôme Lavoué, Stéphane Hallé, Ali Bahloul, Daniel Drolet, and Maximilien Debia

Determinants of sickness absence duration after mild COVID-19 in a prospective cohort of Canadian healthcare workers, Anil Adisesh, Igor Burstyn, Quentin Durand-Moreau, France Labrèche, Shannon Ruzycki, Tanis Zadunayski, and Cherry Nicolas

Full-scale multisampling and empirical modeling of DBPs in water and air of indoor pools, Elham Ahmadpour, Ianis Delpla, Maximilien Debia, Sabrina Simard, François Proulx, Jean-Baptiste Sérodes, Isabelle Valois, Robert Tardif, Sami Haddad, and Manuel Rodriguez

Comparison of sampling collection strategies for assessing airborne trichloramine levels in indoor swimming pools, Elham Ahmadpour, Stéphane Hallé, Isabelle Valois, Patrick Eddy Ryan, Sami Haddad, Manuel Rodriguez, Robert Tardif, and Maximilien Debia

Impact of the contamination method on the disinfection of N95 respirators: Drops versus aerosols, Mirna Alameddine, Oluchi Okoro, Loïc Wingert, Geneviève Marchand, and Benoit Barbeau

Comprehensive methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) evaluation method comparison using a laboratory generation system, Simon Aubin, Loïc Wingert, Sébastien Gagné, Livain Breau, and Jacques Lesage


Experiences in the return-to-work process of workers having suffered occupational injuries in small and medium size enterprises, Jessika Audet, Alexandra Lecours, and Iuliana Nastasia

Sensory reweighting for postural control in older adults with age-related hearing loss, Lydia Behtani, Daniel Paromov, Karina Moïn-Darbari, Marie-Soleil Houde, Benoit Antoine Bacon, Maxime Maheu, Tony Leroux, and François Champoux

Determination of blood:air, urine:air and plasma:air partition coefficients of selected microbial volatile organic compounds, Wissam Berkane, Badr El Aroussi, Michèle Bouchard, Geneviève Marchand, and Sami Haddad

Assessing the impact of coexposure on the measurement of biomarkers of exposure to the pyrethroid lambda-cyhalothrin in agricultural workers, Yélian Marc Bossou, Jonathan Côté, Éloïse Morin, Étienne Dumais, Clara Bianchi, and Michèle Bouchard


Biomonitoring of exposure to multiple metal components in urine, hair and nails of apprentice welders performing shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), Jairo Buitrago-Cortes, Philippe Sarazin, Denis Dieme, Jonathan Côté, Capucine Ouellet, Naïma El Majidi, and Michèle Bouchard (Disponible pour téléchargement le 12/15/25 )

Prerequisite for imputing non-detects among airborne samples in OSHA's IMIS databank: Prediction of sample's volume, Igor Burstyn, Philippe Sarazin, George Luta, Melissa C Friesen, Laurel Kincl, and Jérôme Lavoué

Passive earplug including Helmholtz resonators arranged in series to achieve broadband near zero occlusion effect at low frequencies, Kévin Carillo, Franck Sgard, Olivier Dazel, and Olivier Doutres

Cohort profile: Recruitment and retention in a prospective cohort of Canadian healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic, Nicola Cherry, Anil Adisesh, Igor Burstyn, Quentin Durand-Moreau, Jean-Michel Galarneau, France Labrèche, Shannon M. Ruzycki, and Tanis Zadunayski

The evolution of workplace risk for Covid-19 in Canadian healthcare workers and its relation to vaccination: A nested case-referent study, Nicola Cherry, Trish Mhonde, Anil Adisesh, Igor Burstyn, Quentin Durand-Moreau, France Labrèche, and Shannon M. Ruzycki

A reflection on paradoxes and double binds in the workplace in the era of super-diversity, Daniel Côté

Managing the unknown or the art of preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection in workplaces in a context of evolving science, precarious employment, and communication barriers. A qualitative situational analysis in Quebec and Ontario, Daniel Côté, Ellen MacEachen, Ai-Thuy Huynh, Amelia León, Marie Laberge, Samantha Meyer, Shannon Majowicz, Joyceline Amoako, Yamir Jahangir, and Jessica Dubé

Are healthcare systems failing immigrants? Transnational migration and social exclusion in the workers' compensation process in Québec, Daniel Côté, Bob W. White, Jessica Dubé, and Sylvie Gravel

Pressure induced by roll-down foam-earplugs on earcanal, Ahmed Dalaq, Luiz Melo, Franck Sgard, Olivier Doutres, and Éric Wagnac

Implementation process evaluation of an ergonomic train the trainer program: How to learn from mechanisms and the temporal structure of processes?, Émilie Desjardins, Hélène Sultan-Taïeb, France St-Hilaire, Nicole Vézina, Élise Ledoux, Rita Naji, and Patricia Bélanger


Validation of an EMG submaximal method to calibrate a novel dynamic EMG-driven musculoskeletal model of the trunk: Effects on model estimates, Amir H. Eskandari, Farshid Ghezelbash, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Denis Gagnon, Hakim Mecheri, and Christian Larivière

Numerical simulation of the effect of geometric parameters on silicone airway stent migration, Maryam Mazraehei Farahani, Arman Bakhtiyari, Saed Beshkoofe, Abdolmohammad Kajbafzadeh, Arda Kiani, Amir Hossein Eskandari, Majid Baniassadi, and Mostafa Baghani

Les usages sociaux des technologies de l’information et de communication chez les étudiant·e·s internationaux et internationales en période de confinement lié à la pandémie de la COVID-19 au Québec, Jorge Frozzini, Joseph Lévy, Daniel Côté, Jessica Dubé, Farrah Bérubé, Aïcha Andjari, and Gabriel Bernard

Establishing the reliability, validity, and prognostic utility of the momentary pain catastrophizing scale for use in ecological momentary assessment research, Madelyn R. Frumkin, Jacob K. Greenberg, Preston Boyd, Saad Javeed, Bulenda Shayo, Jin Shin, Elizabeth A. Wilson, Justin K. Zhang, Michael J.L. Sullivan, Simon Haroutounian, and Thomas L. Rodebaugh

Dorsal suspension in full-body harnesses: Comparison of perceived discomfort, pressure and physiological response, Bertrand Galy, Antoine Archambault, Marie-Anne Landry-Duval, Guillaume Montpetit, Denis Marchand, Chantal Gauvin, Jean Arteau, and Yves Beauchamp

Risk mitigation strategies for automated current and future mine hoists, Bertrand Galy and Laurent Giraud

The effects of adherence to professional identity, workplace aggression, and felt accountability on child protection workers' professional quality of life, Steve Geoffrion, Josianne Lamothe, Charles-Édouard Giguère, and Delphine Collin-Vézina

The effect of VOC and environmental parameters on ozone sensors performance, Mahsa Ghasemi, Fariborz Haghighat, Chang-Seo Lee, and Marzieh Namdari

The risk of developing postmenopausal breast cancer from ambient exposures to selected volatile organic compounds, Mark S. Goldberg, Sara Zapata-Marin, France Labrèche, Vikki Ho, Sydney Westra, Eric Lavigne, and Marie-France Valois

Development of a context-specific knowledge base for Inherently Safer Design (ISD) in confined spaces: A resource for designers and end users, Andres Gonzalez-Cortes, Damien Burlet-Vienney, Yuvin Chinniah, Abdallah Ben Mosbah, Ali Bahloul, and Capucine Ouellet

O uso de tecnologias de precisão : recursos e limitações no trabalho agrícola, Fabienne Goutille, Marion Albert, Julie Fredj, Johanna Pannetier, Alain Garrigou, Adelaide Nascimento, and Caroline Jolly

Adaptation and validation of the cardiovascular version of the Return-to-Work Obstacles and Self-Efficacy Scale (ROSES-CVD) to the Italian context, Andrea Gragnano, Marc Corbière, Eleonora Picco, Alessia Negrini, Gaia Savioli, Massimo Conti, Luca Corsiglia, and Massimo Miglioretti

Occupational health and safety, metal exposures and multi-exposures health risk in Canadian electronic waste recycling facilities, Sabrina Gravel, Brigitte Roberge, Mickaël Calosso, Sébastien Gagné, Jacques Lavoie, and France Labrèche

Prospective effects of peer support and gender roles on the mental health and work functioning of child protection workers exposed to potentially traumatic events, Stéphane Guay, Alexandre Lemyre, Rocio Guédé, Robert-Paul Juster, and Steve Geoffrion