Submissions from 2004
A contribution to understanding the hardening process of cemented paste backfill, M. Benzaazoua, M. Fall, and T. Belem
An investigation on the relationship between grip, push, and contact forces applied to a tool handle, D. Welcome, S. Rakheja, R. Dong, J. Z. Wu, and A. W. Schopper
A structural fingertip model for simulating of the biomechanics of tactile sensation, J. Z. Wu, R. G. Dong, S. Rakheja, A. W. Schopper, and W. P. Smutz
Submissions from 2003
A toxicokinetic model of malathion and its metabolites as a tool to assess human exposure and risk through measurements of urinary biomarkers, Michèle Bouchard, Nathalie H. Gosselin, Robert C. Brunet, Onil Samuel, Marie-Josée Dumoulin, and Gaétan Carrier
Apprenticeship in a work setting : The contribution and limits of operational resources constructed by workers, Céline Chatigny and Sylvie Montreuil
A general relationship between porosity and uniaxial strength of engineering materials, Li Li and Michel Aubertin
Submissions from 2002
A body mass dependent mechanical impedance model for applications in vibration seat testing, P.-É. Boileau, S. Rakheja, and X. Wu
An extension of complex modes for the resolution of finite-element poroelastic problems, O. Dazel, F. Sgard, C.-H. Lamarque, and N. Atalla
Assessment of a three-dimensional robotic model for b iomechanical-data acquisition of human movement, P. Desjardins, André Plamondon, and M. Gagnon
A biomechanical comparison of lifting techniques between subjects with and without chronic low back pain during freestyle lifting and lowering tasks, Christian Larivière, Denis Gagnon, and Patrick Loisel
Assessing waste collector’s exposure to bioaerosols, Jacques Lavoie and Christopher J. Dunkerley
Air intake contamination by building exhausts: Tracer gas investigation of atmospheric dispersion models in the urban environment, Louis Lazure, Patrick Saathoff, and Ted Stathopoulos
Analysis of hand-transmitted vibration of a hand-held percussive tool, S. Rakheja, C. Rajalingham, and P.-É. Boileau
A comparison of biodynamic models of the human hand-arm system for applications to the hand-held power tools, S. Rakheja, J. Z. Wu, R. G. Dong, A. W. Schopper, and P.-É. Boileau
Accident risks in disturbance recovery in an automated batch-production system, G. Toulouse
Submissions from 2001
A finite element model study on the role of trunk muscles in generating intra-abdominal pressure, Navid Arjmand, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, and Mohamad Parnianpour
Acoustic absorption from macro-perforated porous materials, Noureddine Atalla, R. Panneton, Franck Sgard, and X. Olny
Adjustment of permissible exposure values to unusual work schedules, Jules Brodeur, Adolf Vyskocil, Robert Tardif, Guy Perrault, Daniel Drolet, Ginette Truchon, and François Lemay
A force platform for large human displacements, Pierre Desjardins and M. Gagnon
A triaxial dynamometer to monitor lateral bending and axial rotation moments during static trunk extension efforts, Christian Larivière, Denis Gagnon, Denis Gravel, A. Bertrand Arsenault, Jean-Pierre Dumas, Michel Goyette, and Patrick Loisel
Submissions from 2000
A multiaxial stress criterion for short- and long-term strength of isotropic rock media, M. Aubertin, L. Li, and R. Simon
Airborne Microfungi from Eastern Canadian Sawmills, Caroline Duchaine and Anne Mériaux
An application of pattern recognition for the comparison of trunk muscles EMG waveforms between subjects with and without chronic low back pain during flexion-extension and lateral bending tasks, Christian Larivière, Denis Gagnon, and Patrick Loisel
Analyses de la stabilité d'un tunnel non supporté avec un nouveau critère de rupture multiaxial, Li Li, Michel Aubertin, and Richard Simon
A study on the substitution of trichoroethylene as a spot remover in the textile industry, Touseef Mirza, Michel Gérin, Denis Bégin, and Daniel Drolet
Disability measurement in persons with back pain: A validity study of spinal range of motion and velocity, Stéphane Poitras, Patrick Loisel, François Prince, and Jacques Lemaire
Submissions from 1999
A multiple multipole expansion approach for predicting the sound power of vibrating structures, Noureddine Atalla, Grégoire Winckelmans, and Franck Sgard
Application of visual analog scales (VAS) for the comparative evaluation of tool and equipment designs and work methods, Yves Beauchamp
Aging and shiftwork: the effects of 20 years of rotating 12-hour shifts among petroleum refinery operators, Madeleine A. Bourdouxhe, Yvon Quéinnec, Denise Granger, Raymond H. Baril, Serge C. Guertin, Paul R. Massicotte, Micheline Levy, and François L. Lemay
A toxicokinetic model to assess the risk of azinphosmethyl exposure in humans through measures of urinary elimination of alkylphosphates, G. Carrier and R. C. Brunet
Airborne microflora in Quebec dairy farms: Lack of effect of bacterial hay preservatives, Caroline Duchaine, Anne Mériaux, Gilles Brochu, and Yvon Cormier
An efficient tool for predicting the structural acoustic and vibration response of sandwich plates in light or heavy fluid, Olivier Foin, Jean Nicolas, and Noureddine Atalla
Accidents that occured in three hospitals in one year, M. St-Vincent, C. Tellier, and T. Petitjean-Roget
Analysis of relationships between biodynamic response functions, X. Wu, S. Rakheja, and P.-É. Boileau
Submissions from 1998
Analyse ergonomique du travail, formation et changements dans les situations de travail, J. Abrahao, D. Berthelette, D. Cau-Bareille, L. Desnoyers, L. Ferreira, M. Lacomblez, K. Launis, A. Leppänen, B. Maggi, S. Montreuil, R. Patesson, C. Teiger, L. Vogel, and E. Wendelen
Accident indicators and profiles as a function of the age of female nurses and food services workers in the Québec health and social services sector, Esther Cloutier, Hélène David, and Patrice Duguay
Angular and fibrous particles in lung in relation to silica-induced diseases, A. Dufresne, R. Bégin, C. Dion, J. Jagirdar, W. N. Rom, P. Loosereewanich, D. C. F. Muir, A. C. Ritchie, and G. Perrault
A study of the relationship between a device measuring back kinematics (Spinoscope), a functional capacity questionnaire (Oswestry) and work status, S. Poitras, P. Loisel, and J. Lemaire
A novel acceleration method for the variational boundary element approach based on multipole expansions, Michel A. Tournour and Noureddine Atalla
Submissions from 1997
A combined suspension seat-vehicle driver model for estimating the exposure to whole-body vehicular vibration and shock, P.-É. Boileau, S. Rakheja, and P. J. Liu
Angular and fibrous particles in lung are markers of job categories, A. Dufresne, R. Bégin, C. Dion, J. Jagirdar, W. N. Rom, P. Loosereewanich, D. C. F. Muir, A. C. Ritchie, and G. Perrault
A study of ethylene glycol exposure and kidney function of aircraft de-icing workers, M. Gérin, Sylvie Patrice, Denis Bégin, Mark S. Goldberg, A. Vyskocil, Georges Adib, Daniel Drolet, and Claude Viau
A numerical algorithm for double surface integrals over quadrilaterals, Weiping Wang and Noureddine Atalla
A unique boundary integral approach for acoustic radiation of axisymmetric bodies with arbitrary boundary conditions, Weiping Wang, Noureddine Atalla, and Jean Nicolas
Submissions from 1996
Acoustic radiation of a unbaffled vibrating plate with general elastic boundary conditions, Noureddine Atalla, Jean Nicolas, and Carol Gauthier
Analyse des accidents associés au travail de manutentionaire sur les quais dans le secteur du transport, M. Lortie, F. Lamonde, C. Collinge, and C. Tellier
Submissions from 1995
A new vacuum activated damping device to reduce noise and vibration during riveting, M. Amram, P. Masson, G. Brooks, P. E. Boileau, and R. Lahlou
Activity analysis in participatory design and analysis of participatory design activity, A. Garrigou, F. Daniellou, G. Carballeda, and S. Ruaud
Submissions from 1994
Asbestos related disorders, Raymond Bégin, André Dufresne, François Plante, and Serge Massé
A cohort study of silicon carbide production workers, Claire Infante-Rivard, André Dufresne, Ben Armstrong, Paul Bouchard, and Gilles Thériault
Submissions from 1993
Aluminum inhalation in sheep silicosis, R. Bégin, A. Cantin, S. Massé, A. Dufresne, G. Perrault, and P. Sébastien
Submissions from 1992
A theoretical model for respirator cartridge service life for binary systems: Application to acetone/styrene mixtures, Young Hee Yoon, James H. Nelson, Jaime Lara, Cherif Kamel, and Daniel Frégeau
Submissions from 1991
A theoretical interpretation of the service life of respirator cartridges for the binary cartridges acetone/m-xylene system, Young Hee Yoon, James H. Nelson, Jaime Lara, Cherif Kamel, and Daniel Frégeau
Submissions from 1990
Airborne microbial contents in two types of swine confinement buildings in Quebec, Yvon Cormier, Guy Tremblay, Anne Mériaux, Gilles Brochu, and Jacques Lavoie
A better understanding of occupational accident genesis to improve safety in the work place, L. Laflamme
A proposed optical guideline for mine vehicle automation, M. St-Amant, A. Piché, R. Hurteau, G. Chevrette, and G. Sauriol
Submissions from 1989
Aerial propagation of spherical sound waves in bounded spaces, G. Lemire and J. Nicolas
Submissions from 1988
Acute exposure to sawdust does not alter airway calibre and responsiveness to histamine in asthmatic subjects, S. De Luca, N. Caire, Y. Cloutier, A. Cartier, H. Ghezzo, and J. L. Malo
Aluminum inhalation reduces silicosis in a sheep model, F. Dubois, R. Bégin, A. Cantin, S. Massé, M. Martel, G. Bilodeau, A. Dufresne, G. Perrault, and P. Sébastien
An interlaboratory comparison program for several toxic substances in blood and urine, Jean-Philippe Weber
Submissions from 1987
Asbestos exposure, cigarette smoking and airflow limitation in long term canadian chrysotile miners and millers, Raymond Bégin, Robert Boileau, and S. Péloquin
Absentéisme et assiduité au travail : deux moyens d'adaptation au stress?, Christine Leonard, Marie-Reine Van Ameringen, Shimon L. Dolan, and André Arsenault
Antibiotics multi-resistances among coliforms isolated from the gut of swine and abattoirs workers: Evidence of transfer from animal to man, Gérard Ozanne, Pierre Bédard, Slobodan Ducic, and Jean-Claude Panisset
Submissions from 1986
Acetone potentiation of rat liver injury induced by trichloroethylene-carbon tetrachloride mixtures, Michel Charbonneau, Sharon Oleskevich, Jules Brodeur, and Gabriel L. Plaa
Analyse quantitative des courbes de force isocinétique des muscles fléchisseurs plantaires, D. Gravel, C. L. Richards, M. Filion, and D. Tardif
Submissions from 1985
Submissions from 1983
Asbestos-induced lung injury in the sheep model : The initial alveolitis, R. Bégin, M. Rola-Pleszczynski, S. Massé, I. Lemaire, P. Sirois, M. Boctor, D. Nadeau, G. Drapeau, and M. A. Bureau
A case control study of risk factors for large bowel carcinoma, Josef Vobecky, Jaime Caro, and Ghislain Devroede