
Submissions from 2015

Association between outdoor ozone and compensated acute respiratory diseases among workers in Quebec (Canada), Ariane Adam-Poupart, France Labrèche, Marc-Antoine Busque, Allan Brand, Patrice Duguay, Michel Fournier, Joseph Zayed, and Audrey Smargiassi

Effect of summer outdoor temperatures on work-related injuries in Quebec (Canada), Ariane Adam-Poupart, Audrey Smargiassi, Marc-Antoine Busque, Patrice Duguay, Michel Fournier, Joseph Zayed, and France Labrèche

A hybrid finite element-transfer matrix model for vibroacoustic systems with flat and homogeneous acoustic treatments, Luca Alimonti, Noureddine Atalla, Alain Berry, and Franck Sgard

Comparing standing posture and use of a sit-stand stool: Analysis of vascular, muscular and discomfort outcomes during simulated industrial work, David M. Antle, Nicole Vézina, and Julie Côté

Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation may generate spine loads exceeding recommended limits, Navid Arjmand, Mohammad Amini, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, André Plamondon, and Mohammad Parnianpour

Superficial shoulder muscle co-activations during lifting tasks: Influence of lifting height, weight and phase, Yoann Blache, Fabien Dal Maso, Landry Desmoulins, André Plamondon, and Mickael Begon

Effects of height and load weight on shoulder muscle work during overhead lifting task, Yoann Blache, Landry Desmoulins, P. Allard, André Plamondon, and Mickael Begon

Detection and quantification of airborne norovirus during outbreaks in healthcare facilities, Laetitia Bonifait, Rémi Charlebois, Allison Vimont, Nathalie Turgeon, Marc Veillette, Yves Longtin, Julie Jean, and Caroline Duchaine

Low frequency finite element models of the acoustical behavior of earmuffs, Sylvain Boyer, Olivier Doutres, Franck Sgard, Frédéric Laville, and Jérôme Boutin

Validation of a laboratory test bench for the efficiency of an N95 filtering face piece, using simulated occupational exposure, Clothilde Brochot, Abdelhakim Djebara, Fariborz Haghighat, and Ali Bahloul

An axisymmetric finite element model to study the earplug contribution to the bone conduction occlusion effect, M.-K. Brummund, Franck Sgard, Yvan Petit, Frédéric Laville, and Hugues Nélisse

Design and application of a 5 step risk assessment tool for confined space entries, Damien Burlet-Vienney, Yuvin Chinniah, Ali Bahloul, and Brigitte Roberge

Occupational safety during interventions in confined spaces, Damien Burlet-Vienney, Yuvin Chinniah, Ali Bahloul, and Brigitte Roberge

OSH practices and interventions in small businesses: Global issues in the Quebec context, Danièle Champoux and Jean-Pierre Brun

Union perceptions of factors related to the return to work of employees with depression, Marc Corbière, Marianne Renard, Louise St-Arnaud, Marie-France Coutu, Alessia Negrini, Geneviève Sauvé, and Tania Lecomte

Factors associated with presenteeism and psychological distress using a theory-driven approach, Marie-France Coutu, Marc Corbière, Marie-José Durand, Iuliana Nastasia, Marie-Elise Labrecque, Djamal Berbiche, and Valérie Albert

Operationalizing a shared decision making model for work rehabilitation programs: A consensus process, Marie-France Coutu, France Légaré, Marie-José Durand, Marc Corbière, Dawn Stacey, Lesley Bainbridge, and Marie-Elise Labrecque

Occupational therapists' shared decision-making behaviors with patients having persistent pain in work rehabilitation context: A cross-sectional study, Marie-France Coutu, France Légaré, Dawn Stacey, Marie-José Durand, Marc Corbière, Lesley Bainbridge, and Marie-Elise Labrecque

Noise as an explanatory factor in work-related fatality reports, Pierre Deshaies, Richard Martin, Danny Belzile, Pauline Fortier, Chantal Laroche, Tony Leroux, Hugues Nélisse, Serge-André Girard, Robert Arcand, Maurice Poulin, and Michel Picard

Effects of elastic seats on seated body apparent mass responses to vertical whole body vibration, Krishna N. Dewangan, Subhash Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, and A. Shahmir

Is my material an efficient acoustical material?, Olivier Doutres, Franck Sgard, Frédéric Laville, Jérémie Voix, Olivier Bouthot, Hugues Nélisse, Pierre Marcotte, and Jérôme Boutin


Determination of triglycidyl isocyanurate from air samples by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with coordination ion spray mass spectrometry, Sébastien Gagné, Marielle Carrier, and Simon Aubin

Micropore characterization of activated carbons of respirator cartridges with argon, carbon dioxide, and organic vapors of different vapor pressures, Florence Janvier, Ludovic Tuduri, Daniel Cossement, Daniel Drolet, and Jaime Lara

Feasibility analysis of low-cost flexible resistive sensors for measurements of driving point mechanical impedance of the hand-arm systems, Mayank Kalra, Subhash Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, Krishna N. Dewangan, and Surajudeen Adewusi

Measurement of coupling forces at the power tool handle-hand interface, Mayank Kalra, Subhash Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, Krishna N. Dewangan, and Surajudeen Adewusi

Noise and vibration: Mine workers' exposure in Québec underground mines, M. Laflamme, Pierre Marcotte, Jérôme Boutin, S. Ouellette, and G. LeBlanc


Trunk postural control in unstable sitting: Effect of sex and low back pain status, Christian Larivière, Dany H. Gagnon, and Hakim Mecheri


Identification of intrinsic and reflexive contributions to low-back stiffness: Medium-term reliability and construct validity, Christian Larivière, Daniel Ludvig, Robert Kearney, Hakim Mecheri, Jean-Maxime Caron, and Richard Preuss

ÉTS-IRSST common infrastructure for research in acoustics: ICAR, Frédéric Laville, Jérémie Voix, Olivier Doutres, Cécile Le Cocq, Olivier Bouthot, Franck Sgard, Hugues Nélisse, Pierre Marcotte, and Jérôme Boutin

Evaluation of bioaerosol exposures during hospital bronchoscopy examinations, Jacques Lavoie, Geneviève Marchand, Yves Cloutier, Stéphane Hallé, Sylvie Nadeau, Caroline Duchaine, and Gilbert Pichette

Particle loading time and humidity effects on the efficiency of an N95 filtering facepiece respirator model under constant and inhalation cyclic flows, Alireza Mahdavi, Fariborz Haghighat, Ali Bahloul, Clothilde Brochot, and Claude Ostiguy

Systematic evaluation of the relationship between physical and psychoacoustical measurements of hearing protectors’ attenuation, Hugues Nélisse, Cécile Le Cocq, Jérôme Boutin, Frédéric Laville, and Jérémie Voix

Robustness and reproducibility of a glenoid-centered scapular coordinate system derived from low-dose stereoradiography analsyis, X. Ohl, P.-Y. Lagacé, F. Billuart, O. Gagey, W. Skalli, and N. Hagemeister


CIP10 optimization for 4,4-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate aerosol sampling and field comparison with impinger method, Silvia Puscasu, Simon Aubin, Yves Cloutier, Philippe Sarazin, Huu Van Tra, and Sébastien Gagné


Comparison between the ASSET EZ4 NCO and impinger sampling devices for aerosol sampling of 4,4′-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate in spray foam application, Silvia Puscasu, Simon Aubin, Yves Cloutier, Philippe Sarazin, Huu Van Tra, and Sébastien Gagné

External abdominal oblique muscle ultrasonographic thickness changes is not an appropriate surrogate measure of electromyographic activity during isometric trunk contractions, L. M. Rabello, Denis Gagnon, Philippe Paquette, Rubens A. Da Silva, and Christian Larivière

Analysis of airborne pesticides from different chemical classes adsorbed on Radiello® Tenax® passive tubes by thermal-desorption-GC/MS, Caroline Raeppel, Marie Fabritius, Marie Nief, Brice M. R. Appenzeller, Olivier Briand, Ludovic Tuduri, and Maurice Millet

Comparative evaluation of six quantitative lifting tools to estimate spine loads during static activities, Mohammad Ali Rajaee, Navid Arjmand, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, André Plamondon, and Hendrik Schmidt

Time profiles and toxicokinetic parameters of key biomarkers of exposure to cypermethrin in orally exposed volunteers compared with previously available kinetic data following permethrin exposure, M. Ratelle, Julie Côté, and Michèle Bouchard

Toxicokinetics of permethrin biomarkers of exposure in orally exposed volunteers, M. Ratelle, Julie Côté, and Michèle Bouchard

Experimental investigation on fine particle emission during granite polishing process, Mohamed N. Saidi, Victor Songmene, Jules Kouam, and Ali Bahloul

Creatinine and specific gravity normalization in biological monitoring of occupational exposures, Jean-François Sauvé, Martine Lévesque, Mélanie Huard, Daniel Drolet, Jérôme Lavoué, Robert Tardif, and Ginette Truchon

Prediction of the niche effect for single flat panels with or without attached sound absorbing materials, Franck Sgard, Noureddine Atalla, and Hugues Nélisse

Computation of trunk stability in forward perturbations: Effects of preload, perturbation load, initial flexion and abdominal preactivation, Ali Shahvarpour, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Christian Larivière, and Babak Bazrgari

Trunk active response and spinal forces in sudden forward loading: Analysis of the role of perturbation load and pre-perturbation conditions by a kinematics-driven model, Ali Shahvarpour, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Christian Larivière, and Babak Bazrgari

Combined Puncture/cutting of elastomer membranes by pointed blades: Characterization of mechanisms, Ennouri Triki, Phuong Nguyen-Tri, Chantal Gauvin, Meriam Azaiez, and Toan Vu-Khanh

Investigation of the variability in earplugs sound attenuation measurements using a finite element model, Guilhem Viallet, Franck Sgard, Frédéric Laville, and Hugues Nélisse

Submissions from 2014

Assessment of a hybrid finite element-transfer matrix model for flat structures with homogeneous acoustic treatments, Luca Alimonti, Noureddine Atalla, Alain Berry, and Franck Sgard

An experimental approach to examining psychological contributions to multisite musculoskeletal pain, Nils Georg Niederstrasser, P. Maxwell Slepian, Tsipora Mankovski-Arnold, Christian Larivière, Johan W. Vlaeyen, and Michael J. L. Sullivan


Adaptation of CIP10 for the sampling of 4,4'-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate aerosols, Silvia Puscasu, Simon Aubin, Huu Van Tra, and Sébastien Gagné

A finite element model to predict the sound attenuation of earplugs in an acoustical test fixture, Guilhem Viallet, Franck Sgard, Frédéric Laville, and Jérôme Boutin

Submissions from 2013

A comprehensive proteomics approach in characterizing and quantifying allergenic proteins from Northern Shrimp: Towards better occupational asthma prevention, Anas M. Abdel Rahman, Sandip D. Kamath, Sébastien Gagné, Andreas L. Lopata, and Robert Helleur


Achieving greater selectivity for the analysis of o-, m-, p-methylhippuric acids in workers' urine by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry, Sébastien Gagné

A wind tunnel study of the effects of adjacent buildings on near-field pollutant dispersion from rooftop emissions in an urban environment, B. Hajra, T. Stathopoulos, and Ali Bahloul

An exploratory study on the effect of pain interference and attentional interference on neuromuscular responses during rapid arm flexion movements, Christian Larivière, Heather Butler, Michael J. L. Sullivan, and Joyce Fung

A simplified approach for modelling airborne nanoparticles transport and diffusion, François Morency and Stéphane Hallé

Submissions from 2012

An experimental investigation on ultrafine particles emission during milling process using statistical analysis, A. Djebara, V. Songmene, R. Khettabi, and J. Kouam


A reliable method by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry to quantify and confirm simultaneously the presence of solvent metabolites in workers' urine, Sébastien Gagné

Analysis of humeral head displacements from sequences of biplanar x-rays: repeatability analysis and preliminary results in healthy subjects, Pierre-Yves Lagacé, Fabien Billuart, Xavier Ohl, Wafa Skalli, Patrice Tétreault, Jacques de Guise, and Nicola Hagemeister

Apparent mass and head vibration transmission responses of seated body to three translational axis vibration, Santosh Mandapuram, Subhash Rakheja, Paul-Émile Boileau, and Setsuo Maeda

3D morphometric analysis of 43 scapulae, X. Ohl, F. Billuart, P. Y. Lagacé, O. Gagey, N. Hagemeister, and W. Skalli

Absenteeism screening questionnaire (ASQ): A new tool for predicting long-term absenteeism among workers with low back pain, Manon Truchon, Marie-Ève Schmouth, Denis Côté, Lise Fillion, Michel Rossignol, and Marie-José Durand

A weight of evidence approach for the assessment of the ototoxic potential of industrial chemicals, A. Vyskocil, G. Truchon, T. Leroux, F. Lemay, M. Gendron, F. Gagnon, N. El Majidi, A. Boudjerida, S. Lim, C. Emond, and C. Viau

Submissions from 2011

An improved multi-joint EMG-assisted optimization approach to estimate joint and muscle forces in a musculoskeletal model of the lumbar spine, Denis Gagnon, Navid Arjmand, André Plamondon, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, and Christian Larivière

Activation of neutrophils by nanoparticles, David M. Gonçalves, Rafael de Liz, and Denis Girard

A process mapping model for calculating indirect costs of workplace accidents, Romain Jallon, Daniel Imbeau, and Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin

A new sustainability model for machining processes, Riad Khettabi, Imed Zaghbani, Abdelhakim Djebara, Jules Kouam, and Victor Songmene

Analyses of biodynamic responses of seated occupants to uncorrelated fore-aft and vertical whole-body vibration, Santosh Mandapuram, Subhash Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, and Paul-Émile Boileau

Submissions from 2010

A comparative study of two trunk biomechanical models under symmetric and asymmetric loadings, N. Arjmand, D. Gagnon, André Plamondon, A. Shirazi-Adl, and Christian Larivière

A bi-level representational model of hazardous material supply chains, Nathalie De Marcellis-Warin, Martin Trépanier, and Sébastien Favre

Analysis of ride vibration environment of soil compactors, Ario Kordestani, Subhash Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, Alireza Pazooki, and Dainius Juras

Apparent mass and seat-to-head transmissibility responses of seated occupants under single and dual-axis horizontal vibration, Santosh Mandapuram, Subhash Rakheja, Paul-Émile Boileau, Setsuo Maeda, and Nobuyuki Shibata

Are immigrants, ethnic and linguistic minorities over-represented in jobs with a high level of compensated risk? Results from a Montréal, Canada study using census and workers' compensation data, Stéphanie Premji, Patrice Duguay, Karen Messing, and Katherine Lippel

Activity-related summation of pain and functional disablity in patients with whiplash injuries, Michael J. L. Sullivan, Christian Larivière, and Maureen Simmonds

Airborne porcine circovirus in Canadian swine confinement buildings, Daniel Verreault, Valérie Létourneau, Louis Gendron, Daniel Massé, Carl A. Gagnon, and Caroline Duchaine

Submissions from 2009

Analysis of anti-vibration gloves mechanism and evaluation methods, Ren G. Dong, Thomas W. McDowell, Daniel E. Welcome, Christopher Warren, John Z. Wu, and Subhash Rakheja

Assessment of hair and bone accumulation of beryllium by mice exposed to contaminated dusts, Katherine Drolet-Vives, Joseph Zayed, and Sébastien Sauvé


A submaximal test to assess back muscle capacity: evaluation of construct validity, Christian Larivière, Denis Gravel, Phillip Gardiner, A. Bertrand Arsenault, Denis Gagnon, and Patrick Loisel

An elastoplastic evaluation of the stress state around cylindrical openings based on a closed multiaxial yield surface, Li Li and Michel Aubertin

An international comparison of the crystallinity of calibration materials for the analysis of respirable alpha-quartz using X-ray diffraction and a comparison with results from the infrared KBr disc method, Peter Stacey, Edmond Kauffer, Jean-Claude Moulut, Chantal Dion, Martin Beauparlant, Pablo Fernandez, Rosa Key-Schwartz, Bernd Friede, and Derrick Wake

Submissions from 2008

A method for analyzing absorbed power distribution in the hand and arm substructures when operating vibrating tools, Jennie H. Dong, Ren G. Dong, Subhash Rakheja, Daniel E. Welcome, Thomas W. McDowell, and John Z. Wu

An improved analytical solution to estimate the stress state in sub-vertical backfilled stopes, Li Li and Michel Aubertin

A laboratory study to quantify the biomechanical responses to whole-body vibration: The influence on balance, reflex response, muscular activity and fatigue, Brenda R. Santos, Christian Larivière, Alain Delisle, André Plamondon, Paul-Émile Boileau, and Daniel Imbeau

Submissions from 2007

Analysis of squat and stoop dynamic liftings: Muscle forces and internal spinal loads, Babak Bazrgari, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, and Navid Arjmand

Anticipating ethical aspects of the use of biomarkers in the workplace: A tool for stakeholders, Chantal Caux, David J. Roy, Louise Guilbert, and Clause Viau

Aerosolization of mycobacteria and legionellae during dental treatment: low exposure despite dental unit contamination, Steve Dutil, Marc Veillette, Anne Mériaux, Louis Lazure, Jean-Pierre Barbeau, and Caroline Duchaine

Apport de diverses sources de données à la realisation d’une intervention ergonomique, Marie St-Vincent, Denys Denis, Daniel Imbeau, and François Ouellet

A web tool for the identification of potential interactive effects of chemical mixtures, Adolf Vyskocil, Daniel Drolet, Claude Viau, François Lemay, Gilles Lapointe, Robert Tardif, Ginette Truchon, Marc Baril, Normand Gagnon, France Gagnon, Denis Bégin, and Michel Gérin

Submissions from 2006

Allowing for MSD prevention during facilities planning for a public service: an a posteriori analysis of 10 library design projects, Marie Bellemare, Louis Trudel, Élise Ledoux, Sylvie Montreuil, Micheline Marier, Marie Laberge, and Patrick Vincent

A preliminary validation of a new measure of occupational health and safety, Jean Cadieux, Mario Roy, and Lise Desmarais

Analysis of self reported problematic tasks for pregnant women, P. L. Cheng, G. A. Dumas, J. T. Smith, A. B. Léger, André Plamondon, M. J. McGrath, and J. E. Tranmer

A randomized controlled trial of an adapted form of individual critical incident stress debriefing for victims of an armed robbery, André Marchand, Stéphane Guay, Richard Boyer, Soledad Iucci, Annick Martin, and Marie-Hélène St-Hilaire

Analysis of large compression loads on lumbar spine in flexion and in torsion using a novel wrapping element, A. Shirazi-Adl

Submissions from 2005

Assessment of exposure to quartz, cristobalite and silicon carbide fibres (whiskers) in a silicon carbide plant, Chantal Dion, André Dufresne, Marcel Jacob, and Guy Perrault

An algorithm comprising 7 baseline variables predicted the 2 year work disability status in non-specific back pain, C. E. Dionne, R. Bourbonnais, P. Frémont, M. Rossignol, S. R. Stock, and I. Larocque

A clinical return-to-work rule for patients with back pain, Clermont E. Dionne, Renée Bourbonnais, Pierre Frémont, Michel Rossignol, Susan R. Stock, and Isabelle Larocque

A method for assessing the effectiveness of anti-vibration gloves using biodynamic responses of the hand-arm system, R. G. Dong, S. Rakheja, T. W. McDowell, Daniel E. Welcome, J. Z. Wu, C. Warren, J. Barkley, B. Washington, and A. W. Schopper

Améliorer la performance en SST : les résultats vs les prédicteurs, Mario Roy, Lise Desmarais, and Jean Cadieux

A study on the puncture resistance of rubber materials used in protective clothing, C. Thang Nguyen, T. Vu-Khanh, and J. Lara

Submissions from 2004

A porosity-dependent inelastic criterion for engineering materials, Michel Aubertin and Li Li