
Submissions from 2015

Comparison between the ASSET EZ4 NCO and impinger sampling devices for aerosol sampling of 4,4′-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate in spray foam application, Silvia Puscasu, Simon Aubin, Yves Cloutier, Philippe Sarazin, Huu Van Tra, and Sébastien Gagné

External abdominal oblique muscle ultrasonographic thickness changes is not an appropriate surrogate measure of electromyographic activity during isometric trunk contractions, L. M. Rabello, Denis Gagnon, Philippe Paquette, Rubens A. Da Silva, and Christian Larivière

Analysis of airborne pesticides from different chemical classes adsorbed on Radiello® Tenax® passive tubes by thermal-desorption-GC/MS, Caroline Raeppel, Marie Fabritius, Marie Nief, Brice M. R. Appenzeller, Olivier Briand, Ludovic Tuduri, and Maurice Millet

Comparative evaluation of six quantitative lifting tools to estimate spine loads during static activities, Mohammad Ali Rajaee, Navid Arjmand, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, André Plamondon, and Hendrik Schmidt

Time profiles and toxicokinetic parameters of key biomarkers of exposure to cypermethrin in orally exposed volunteers compared with previously available kinetic data following permethrin exposure, M. Ratelle, Julie Côté, and Michèle Bouchard

Toxicokinetics of permethrin biomarkers of exposure in orally exposed volunteers, M. Ratelle, Julie Côté, and Michèle Bouchard

Experimental investigation on fine particle emission during granite polishing process, Mohamed N. Saidi, Victor Songmene, Jules Kouam, and Ali Bahloul

Creatinine and specific gravity normalization in biological monitoring of occupational exposures, Jean-François Sauvé, Martine Lévesque, Mélanie Huard, Daniel Drolet, Jérôme Lavoué, Robert Tardif, and Ginette Truchon

Prediction of the niche effect for single flat panels with or without attached sound absorbing materials, Franck Sgard, Noureddine Atalla, and Hugues Nélisse

Computation of trunk stability in forward perturbations: Effects of preload, perturbation load, initial flexion and abdominal preactivation, Ali Shahvarpour, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Christian Larivière, and Babak Bazrgari

Trunk active response and spinal forces in sudden forward loading: Analysis of the role of perturbation load and pre-perturbation conditions by a kinematics-driven model, Ali Shahvarpour, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Christian Larivière, and Babak Bazrgari

Combined Puncture/cutting of elastomer membranes by pointed blades: Characterization of mechanisms, Ennouri Triki, Phuong Nguyen-Tri, Chantal Gauvin, Meriam Azaiez, and Toan Vu-Khanh

Investigation of the variability in earplugs sound attenuation measurements using a finite element model, Guilhem Viallet, Franck Sgard, Frédéric Laville, and Hugues Nélisse