Submissions from 2015
Noise as an explanatory factor in work-related fatality reports, Pierre Deshaies, Richard Martin, Danny Belzile, Pauline Fortier, Chantal Laroche, Tony Leroux, Hugues Nélisse, Serge-André Girard, Robert Arcand, Maurice Poulin, and Michel Picard
Effects of elastic seats on seated body apparent mass responses to vertical whole body vibration, Krishna N. Dewangan, Subhash Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, and A. Shahmir
Is my material an efficient acoustical material?, Olivier Doutres, Franck Sgard, Frédéric Laville, Jérémie Voix, Olivier Bouthot, Hugues Nélisse, Pierre Marcotte, and Jérôme Boutin
The effect of walking while typing on neck/shoulder patterns, Larissa M. Fedorowich, Kim Emery, and Julie N. Côté
Determination of triglycidyl isocyanurate from air samples by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with coordination ion spray mass spectrometry, Sébastien Gagné, Marielle Carrier, and Simon Aubin
Effect of intervertebral translational flexibilities on estimations of trunk muscle forces, kinematics, loads, and stability, Farshid Ghezelbash, Navid Arjmand, and Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl
Preparation, characterization, and safety evaluation of poly(Lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles for protein delivery into macrophages, Anne-Sophie Guedj, Arnold J. Kell, Michael Barnes, Sandra Stals, David Gonçalves, Denis Girard, and Carole Lavigne
The Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Research Laboratory: From basic mechanisms to clinical intervention, Sylvie Hébert
Prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in paramedics, S. Hegg-Deloye, P. Brassard, J. Prairie, D. Larouche, N. Jauvin, P. Poirier, A. Tremblay, and P. Corbeil
Micropore characterization of activated carbons of respirator cartridges with argon, carbon dioxide, and organic vapors of different vapor pressures, Florence Janvier, Ludovic Tuduri, Daniel Cossement, Daniel Drolet, and Jaime Lara
Feasibility analysis of low-cost flexible resistive sensors for measurements of driving point mechanical impedance of the hand-arm systems, Mayank Kalra, Subhash Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, Krishna N. Dewangan, and Surajudeen Adewusi
Measurement of coupling forces at the power tool handle-hand interface, Mayank Kalra, Subhash Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, Krishna N. Dewangan, and Surajudeen Adewusi
Noise and vibration: Mine workers' exposure in Québec underground mines, M. Laflamme, Pierre Marcotte, Jérôme Boutin, S. Ouellette, and G. LeBlanc
Trunk postural control in unstable sitting: Effect of sex and low back pain status, Christian Larivière, Dany H. Gagnon, and Hakim Mecheri
Identification of intrinsic and reflexive contributions to low-back stiffness: Medium-term reliability and construct validity, Christian Larivière, Daniel Ludvig, Robert Kearney, Hakim Mecheri, Jean-Maxime Caron, and Richard Preuss
ÉTS-IRSST common infrastructure for research in acoustics: ICAR, Frédéric Laville, Jérémie Voix, Olivier Doutres, Cécile Le Cocq, Olivier Bouthot, Franck Sgard, Hugues Nélisse, Pierre Marcotte, and Jérôme Boutin
Evaluation of bioaerosol exposures during hospital bronchoscopy examinations, Jacques Lavoie, Geneviève Marchand, Yves Cloutier, Stéphane Hallé, Sylvie Nadeau, Caroline Duchaine, and Gilbert Pichette
A numerical evaluation of continuous backfilling in cemented paste backfilled stope through an application of wick drains, Li Li and Pengyu Yang
Silver nanoparticles rapidly induce atypical human neutrophil cell death by a process involving inflammatory caspases and reactive oxygen species and induce neutrophil extracellular traps release upon cell adhesion, Rafael Liz, Jean-Christophe Simard, Laurien Bruna Araújo Leonardi, and Denis Girard
Particle loading time and humidity effects on the efficiency of an N95 filtering facepiece respirator model under constant and inhalation cyclic flows, Alireza Mahdavi, Fariborz Haghighat, Ali Bahloul, Clothilde Brochot, and Claude Ostiguy
Analysis of worker strategies: A comprehensive understanding for the prevention of work related musculoskeletal disorders, Marie-Eve Major and Nicole Vézina
Energy absorption of seated body exposed to single and three-axis whole body vibration, Santosh Mandapuram, Subhash Rakheja, Paul-Émile Boileau, and Wen-Bin Shangguan
A proposed occupational health and safety risk estimation tool for manufacturing systems, Afrooz Moatari-Kazerouni, Yuvin Chinniah, and Bruno Agard
Comparison of trunk muscle forces, spinal loads and stability estimated by one stability- and three EMG-assisted optimization approaches, Yousef Mohammadi, Navid Arjmand, and Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl
Systematic evaluation of the relationship between physical and psychoacoustical measurements of hearing protectors’ attenuation, Hugues Nélisse, Cécile Le Cocq, Jérôme Boutin, Frédéric Laville, and Jérémie Voix
Robustness and reproducibility of a glenoid-centered scapular coordinate system derived from low-dose stereoradiography analsyis, X. Ohl, P.-Y. Lagacé, F. Billuart, O. Gagey, W. Skalli, and N. Hagemeister
Repeatability and minimal detectable change in longitudinal median nerve excursion measures during upper limb neurodynamic techniques in a mixed population: A pilot study using musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging, Philippe Paquette, Martin Lamontagne, Johanne Higgins, and Dany H. Gagnon
Investigation of the short-term stress distribution in stopes and drifts backfilled with cemented paste backfill, Yang Pengyu and Li Li
CIP10 optimization for 4,4-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate aerosol sampling and field comparison with impinger method, Silvia Puscasu, Simon Aubin, Yves Cloutier, Philippe Sarazin, Huu Van Tra, and Sébastien Gagné
Comparison between the ASSET EZ4 NCO and impinger sampling devices for aerosol sampling of 4,4′-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate in spray foam application, Silvia Puscasu, Simon Aubin, Yves Cloutier, Philippe Sarazin, Huu Van Tra, and Sébastien Gagné
External abdominal oblique muscle ultrasonographic thickness changes is not an appropriate surrogate measure of electromyographic activity during isometric trunk contractions, L. M. Rabello, Denis Gagnon, Philippe Paquette, Rubens A. Da Silva, and Christian Larivière
Analysis of airborne pesticides from different chemical classes adsorbed on Radiello® Tenax® passive tubes by thermal-desorption-GC/MS, Caroline Raeppel, Marie Fabritius, Marie Nief, Brice M. R. Appenzeller, Olivier Briand, Ludovic Tuduri, and Maurice Millet
Comparative evaluation of six quantitative lifting tools to estimate spine loads during static activities, Mohammad Ali Rajaee, Navid Arjmand, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, André Plamondon, and Hendrik Schmidt
Time profiles and toxicokinetic parameters of key biomarkers of exposure to cypermethrin in orally exposed volunteers compared with previously available kinetic data following permethrin exposure, M. Ratelle, Julie Côté, and Michèle Bouchard
Toxicokinetics of permethrin biomarkers of exposure in orally exposed volunteers, M. Ratelle, Julie Côté, and Michèle Bouchard
Experimental investigation on fine particle emission during granite polishing process, Mohamed N. Saidi, Victor Songmene, Jules Kouam, and Ali Bahloul
Investigating the contribution of short wavelengths in the alerting effect of bright light, Alexandre Sasseville, Jeanne Sophie Martin, JérÔme Houle, and Marc Hébert
Creatinine and specific gravity normalization in biological monitoring of occupational exposures, Jean-François Sauvé, Martine Lévesque, Mélanie Huard, Daniel Drolet, Jérôme Lavoué, Robert Tardif, and Ginette Truchon
Prediction of the niche effect for single flat panels with or without attached sound absorbing materials, Franck Sgard, Noureddine Atalla, and Hugues Nélisse
Computation of trunk stability in forward perturbations: Effects of preload, perturbation load, initial flexion and abdominal preactivation, Ali Shahvarpour, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Christian Larivière, and Babak Bazrgari
Trunk active response and spinal forces in sudden forward loading: Analysis of the role of perturbation load and pre-perturbation conditions by a kinematics-driven model, Ali Shahvarpour, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Christian Larivière, and Babak Bazrgari
Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of a Canadian French adaptation of the Western Ontario Rotator Cuff (WORC) index, Corinne St-Pierre, Clermont E. Dionne, François Desmeules, and Jean-Sébastien Roy
Combined Puncture/cutting of elastomer membranes by pointed blades: Characterization of mechanisms, Ennouri Triki, Phuong Nguyen-Tri, Chantal Gauvin, Meriam Azaiez, and Toan Vu-Khanh
Energy expenditure at work in physical education teachers, François Trudeau, Louis Laurencelle, and Claude Lajoie
Investigation of the variability in earplugs sound attenuation measurements using a finite element model, Guilhem Viallet, Franck Sgard, Frédéric Laville, and Hugues Nélisse
Submissions from 2014
Assessment of a hybrid finite element-transfer matrix model for flat structures with homogeneous acoustic treatments, Luca Alimonti, Noureddine Atalla, Alain Berry, and Franck Sgard
Design of an intelligent tool for the observation and follow-up of lockout procedures during maintenance activities on industrial machines, Damien Burlet-Vienney, Yvuvin Chinniah, and Ary Pizarro-Chong
Effect of changes in orientation and position of external loads on trunk muscle activity and kinematics in upright standing, Z. El Ouaaid, A. Shirazi-Adl, and A. Plamondon
Elevation and orientation of external loads influence trunk neuromuscular response and spinal forces despite identical moments at the L5-S1 level, Z. El Ouaaid, A. Shirazi-Adl, A. Plamondon, and N. Arjmand
Carcinogenicity of fluoro-edenite, silicon carbide fibres and whiskers, and carbon nanotubes, Yann Grosse, Dana Loomis, Kathryn Z. Guyton, Béatrice Lauby-Secretan, Fatiha El Ghissassi, Véronique Bouvard, Lamia Benbrahim-Tallaa, Neela Guha, Chiara Scoccianti, Heidi Mattock, and Kurt Straif
Current state of knowledge of post-traumatic stress, sleeping problems, obesity and cardiovascular disease in paramedics, Sandrine Hegg-Deloye, Patrice Brassard, Nathalie Jauvin, Jérôme Prairie, Dominique Larouche, Paul Poirier, Angelo Tremblay, and Philippe Corbeil
Determinants of sleep duration among high school students in part-time employment, Luc Laberge, Élise Ledoux, Julie Auclair, and Marco Gaudreault
Controlling for out-of-plane lumbar moments during unidirectional trunk efforts: Learning and reliability issues related to trunk muscle activation estimates, Christian Larivière, Denis Gagnon, and Karine Genest
Costs of occupational injuries and diseases in Québec, Martin Lebeau, Patrice Duguay, and Alexandre Boucher
Contribution of breathing frequency and inhalation flow rate on performance of N95 filtering facepiece respirators, Alireza Mahdavi, Ali Bahloul, Fariborz Haghighat, and Claude Ostiguy
An experimental approach to examining psychological contributions to multisite musculoskeletal pain, Nils Georg Niederstrasser, P. Maxwell Slepian, Tsipora Mankovski-Arnold, Christian Larivière, Johan W. Vlaeyen, and Michael J. L. Sullivan
Adaptation of CIP10 for the sampling of 4,4'-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate aerosols, Silvia Puscasu, Simon Aubin, Huu Van Tra, and Sébastien Gagné
A finite element model to predict the sound attenuation of earplugs in an acoustical test fixture, Guilhem Viallet, Franck Sgard, Frédéric Laville, and Jérôme Boutin
Submissions from 2013
A comprehensive proteomics approach in characterizing and quantifying allergenic proteins from Northern Shrimp: Towards better occupational asthma prevention, Anas M. Abdel Rahman, Sandip D. Kamath, Sébastien Gagné, Andreas L. Lopata, and Robert Helleur
Climate change and occupational health and safety in a temperate climate: Potential impacts and research priorities in Quebec, Canada, Ariane Adam-Poupart, France Labrèche, Audrey Smargiassi, Patrice Duguay, Marc-Antoine Busque, Charles Gagné, Hannu Rintamaki, Tord Hjellstrom, and Joseph Zayed
Distributed vibration power absorption of the human hand-arm system in different postures coupled with vibrating handle and power tools, S. Adewusi, S. Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, and M. Thomas
Circadian adaptation to night shift work influences sleep, performance, mood and the autonomic modulation of the heart, Philippe Boudreau, Guy A. Dumont, and Diane B. Boivin
Clinician-patient agreement about the work disability problem of patients having persistent pain: Why it matters, Marie-France Coutu, Raymond Baril, Marie-José Durand, Daniel Côté, and Geneviève Cadieux
Comparisons of apparent mass responses of human subjects seated on rigid and elastic seats under vertical vibration, K. N. Dewangan, S. Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, A. Shahmir, and S. K. Patra
Effects of machining conditions on specific surface of PM2.5 emitted during metal cutting, Abdelhakim Djebara, Victor Songmene, and Ali Bahloul
Coupled objective function to study the role of abdominal muscle forces in lifting using the kinematics-driven model, Z. El Ouaaid, A. Shirazi-Adl, N. Arjmand, and A. Plamondon
Determination of trans,trans-muconic acid in workers' urine through ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, Sébastien Gagné
Characterizing postural stability in a quasi-static sitting position among individuals with sensorimotor impairments following spinal cord injury, Murielle Grangeon, Dany Gagnon, Cyril Duclos, Cindy Gauthier, Christian Larivière, and Philippe Gourdou
A wind tunnel study of the effects of adjacent buildings on near-field pollutant dispersion from rooftop emissions in an urban environment, B. Hajra, T. Stathopoulos, and Ali Bahloul
Estimating occupational exposure to carcinogens in Quebec, France Labrèche, Patrice Duguay, Claude Ostiguy, Alexandre Boucher, Brigitte Roberge, Cheryl E. Peters, and Paul A. Demers
An exploratory study on the effect of pain interference and attentional interference on neuromuscular responses during rapid arm flexion movements, Christian Larivière, Heather Butler, Michael J. L. Sullivan, and Joyce Fung
Criterion validity and between-day reliability of an inertial-sensor-based trunk postural stability test during unstable sitting, Christian Larivière, Hakim Mecheri, Ali Shahvarpour, Denis Gagnon, and Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl
Bilan des études sur les guides de pratique en santé : qu'en retirer pour la santé et la sécurité au travail, Monique Lortie, Cheikh Faye, Elena Laroche, Lise Desmarais, Denys Denis, Iuliana Nastasia, Sylvie Gravel, and Laurent Giraud
A simplified approach for modelling airborne nanoparticles transport and diffusion, François Morency and Stéphane Hallé
BioProtect tool: A control banding method for respirator selection against bioaerosols, Eve Neesham-Grenon, Jacques Lavoie, Yves Cloutier, Geneviève Marchand, and Maximilien Debia
Effect of protective glove use conditions on their resistance to needle puncture, C. T. Nguyen, P. I. Dolez, T. Vu-Khanh, C. Gauvin, and J. Lara
Assessment of the contribution of electron microscopy to nanoparticle characterization sampled with three cascade impactors, Alexandra Noël, Gilles L'Espérance, Yves Cloutier, Philippe Plamondon, Julie Boucher, Suzanne Philippe, Chantal Dion, Ginette Truchon, and Joseph Zayed
Comparison of sound propagation and perception of three types of backup alarms with regards to worker safety, Véronique Vaillancourt, Hugues Nélisse, Chantal Laroche, Christian Giguère, Jérôme Boutin, and Pascal Laferrière
Axisymmetric versus three-dimensional finite element models for predicting the attenuation of earplugs in rigid walled ear canals, Guilhem Viallet, Franck Sgard, Frédéric Laville, and Jérôme Boutin
Submissions from 2012
Biomechanical models of the human hand-arm to simulate distributed biodynamic responses for different postures, S. A. Adewusi, S. Rakheja, and Pierre Marcotte
Characterization of bioaerosols from dairy barns: Reconstructing the puzzle of occupational respiratory diseases using molecular approaches, Pascale Blais Lecours, Marc Veillette, David Marsolais, and Caroline Duchaine
Assessment of near-field pollutant dispersion: effect of upstream buildings, M. Chavez, B. Hajra, T. Stathopoulos, and Ali Bahloul
Development of a shared theory in palliative care to enhance nursing competence, Jean-François Desbiens, Johanne Gagnon, and Lise Fillion
An experimental investigation on ultrafine particles emission during milling process using statistical analysis, A. Djebara, V. Songmene, R. Khettabi, and J. Kouam
Étude de la fidélité de l'implantation d'un programme de réadaptation au travail auprès de travailleurs de la construction ayant une dorsolombalgie, Marie-José Durand, Diane Berthelette, Patrick Loisel, and Daniel Imbeau
Analysis of humeral head displacements from sequences of biplanar x-rays: repeatability analysis and preliminary results in healthy subjects, Pierre-Yves Lagacé, Fabien Billuart, Xavier Ohl, Wafa Skalli, Patrice Tétreault, Jacques de Guise, and Nicola Hagemeister
Apparent mass and head vibration transmission responses of seated body to three translational axis vibration, Santosh Mandapuram, Subhash Rakheja, Paul-Émile Boileau, and Setsuo Maeda
Development of a quantification method for quartz in various bulk materials by x-ray diffraction and the Rietveld method, Joannie Martin, Martin Beauparlant, Jacques Lesage, and Huu Van Tra
Effects of inhaled nano-TiO2 aerosols showing two distinct agglomeration states on rat lung, A. Noël, K. Maghni, Y. Cloutier, C. Dion, K. J. Wilkinson, S. Hallé, R. Tardif, and G. Truchon
3D morphometric analysis of 43 scapulae, X. Ohl, F. Billuart, P. Y. Lagacé, O. Gagey, N. Hagemeister, and W. Skalli
Development of a control banding tool for nanomaterials, M. Riediker, C. Ostiguy, J. Triolet, P. Troisfontaines, D. Vernez, G. Bourdel, N. Thieriet, and A. Cadène
Absenteeism screening questionnaire (ASQ): A new tool for predicting long-term absenteeism among workers with low back pain, Manon Truchon, Marie-Ève Schmouth, Denis Côté, Lise Fillion, Michel Rossignol, and Marie-José Durand
A weight of evidence approach for the assessment of the ototoxic potential of industrial chemicals, A. Vyskocil, G. Truchon, T. Leroux, F. Lemay, M. Gendron, F. Gagnon, N. El Majidi, A. Boudjerida, S. Lim, C. Emond, and C. Viau
Crane pose estimation using UWB real-time location system, C. Zhang, A. Hammad, and S. Rodriguez
Submissions from 2011
Do pelvic stabilization and lower-limb position affect isometric trunk extension strength?, Rubens A. da Silva, Christian Larivière, André Plamondon, A. Bertrand Arsenault, and Sylvie Nadeau
Comment les infirmières du Québec perçoivent-elles leur compétence en soins palliatifs et quels sont leurs besoins de formation?, Jean-François Desbiens and Lise Fillion
Development of the palliative care nursing self-competence scale, Jean-François Desbiens and Lise Fillion
Comparison of the capability of peak function in describing real condensation particle counter profiles, Abdelhakim Djebara, Riad Khettabi, Jules Kouam, and Victor Songmene