
Submissions from 1990

Computerized product information system: The toxicological index, G. Lapointe, M. Larue, and M. Baril

A proposed optical guideline for mine vehicle automation, M. St-Amant, A. Piché, R. Hurteau, G. Chevrette, and G. Sauriol

Submissions from 1989

Carborundum pneumoconiosis, Raymond Bégin, André Dufresne, André Cantin, Serge Massé, Patrick Sébastien, and Guy Perrault

Design and preliminary evaluation of a portable instrument for assisting physiotherapists and occupational therapists in the rehabilitation of the hand, Louis G. Durand, Gelu D. Ionescu, Michel Blanchard, Jocelyn Durand, Sylvie Tremblay, Jocelyne Caya, and Robert Guardo

Case history: Factory noise prediction using ray tracing: Experimental validation and the effectiveness of noise control measures, Murray Hodgson

Aerial propagation of spherical sound waves in bounded spaces, G. Lemire and J. Nicolas

Submissions from 1988

Acute exposure to sawdust does not alter airway calibre and responsiveness to histamine in asthmatic subjects, S. De Luca, N. Caire, Y. Cloutier, A. Cartier, H. Ghezzo, and J. L. Malo

Aluminum inhalation reduces silicosis in a sheep model, F. Dubois, R. Bégin, A. Cantin, S. Massé, M. Martel, G. Bilodeau, A. Dufresne, G. Perrault, and P. Sébastien

Behaviour of a test excavation in soft Champlain sea clay, J. Lafleur, V. Silvestri, R. Asselin, and M. Soulié

Congenital defects and work in pregnancy, A. D. McDonald, J. C. McDonald, B. Armstrong, N. M. Sherry, R. Côté, J. Lavoie, A. D. Nolin, and D. Robert

Chromal focus of acquired chromatic discrimination loss and solvent exposure among printshop workers, Donna Mergler, Suzanne Bélanger, Sylvie De Grosbois, and Nathalie Vachon

Associations between several sites of cancer and ten types of exhaust and combusion products: Results from a case-referent study in Montreal, Jack Siemiatycki, Michel Gérin, Pamela Stewart, Louise Nadon, Ron Dewar, and Lesley Richardson

An interlaboratory comparison program for several toxic substances in blood and urine, Jean-Philippe Weber

Submissions from 1987

Asbestos exposure, cigarette smoking and airflow limitation in long term canadian chrysotile miners and millers, Raymond Bégin, Robert Boileau, and S. Péloquin

Absentéisme et assiduité au travail : deux moyens d'adaptation au stress?, Christine Leonard, Marie-Reine Van Ameringen, Shimon L. Dolan, and André Arsenault

Chemical exposures at work in early pregnancy and congenital defect: A case referent study, J. C. McDonald, J. Lavoie, R. Côté, and A. D. McDonald

Antibiotics multi-resistances among coliforms isolated from the gut of swine and abattoirs workers: Evidence of transfer from animal to man, Gérard Ozanne, Pierre Bédard, Slobodan Ducic, and Jean-Claude Panisset

Associations between several sites of cancer and twelve petroleum-derived liquids: Results from a case control study in Montreal, Jack Siemiatycki, Ron Dewar, Louise Nadon, Michel Gérin, Lesley Richardson, and Sholom Wacholder

Submissions from 1986

Correction de la masse des membranes filtrantes de cellulose en fonction de l'huminité lors du dosage gravimétrique des poussières nuisibles ou respirables en milieu de travail, P. Beaulieu, G. Perrault, and C. Roy

Correlation between acetone-potentiated CCl4-induced liver injury and blood concentrations after inhalation or oral administration, Michel Charbonneau, Jules Brodeur, Patrick du Souich, and Gabriel L. Plaa

Acetone potentiation of rat liver injury induced by trichloroethylene-carbon tetrachloride mixtures, Michel Charbonneau, Sharon Oleskevich, Jules Brodeur, and Gabriel L. Plaa

Analyse quantitative des courbes de force isocinétique des muscles fléchisseurs plantaires, D. Gravel, C. L. Richards, M. Filion, and D. Tardif

Étude exploratoire de l'effet du contenu spectral des bruits impulsionnels sur l'acquisition de la fatigue auditive, C. Laroche, R. Hétu, M. Sawan, and J. Nicolas

Analyse du travail de manutention de patients des aides-soignants dans un hôpital pour soins prolongés, M. Lortie

Submissions from 1985

Analyse des critères d'impulsionnalité des bruits dans le contexte des limites d'exposition en milieu de travail, R. Hétu

Characterization of the bronchoalveolar cellular response in experimental asbestosis: Different reactions depending on the fibrogenic potential, Irma Lemaire

Submissions from 1983

Asbestos-induced lung injury in the sheep model : The initial alveolitis, R. Bégin, M. Rola-Pleszczynski, S. Massé, I. Lemaire, P. Sirois, M. Boctor, D. Nadeau, G. Drapeau, and M. A. Bureau


A case control study of risk factors for large bowel carcinoma, Josef Vobecky, Jaime Caro, and Ghislain Devroede

Submissions from 1981

Effects of microsomal induction and inhibition on styrene-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats, Saroj Chakrabarti and Jules Brodeur

Submissions from 1977

Élévation du taux de CEA chez les travailleurs du polyvinyle, M. Pagé, F. Delorme, and L. Thériault