Submissions from 2011
Efficacy of surface sampling methods for different types of beryllium compounds, A. Dufresne, T. Mocanu, S. Viau, G. Perrault, and C. Dion
An improved multi-joint EMG-assisted optimization approach to estimate joint and muscle forces in a musculoskeletal model of the lumbar spine, Denis Gagnon, Navid Arjmand, André Plamondon, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, and Christian Larivière
Activation of neutrophils by nanoparticles, David M. Gonçalves, Rafael de Liz, and Denis Girard
A process mapping model for calculating indirect costs of workplace accidents, Romain Jallon, Daniel Imbeau, and Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin
Development of an indirect-cost calculation model suitalbe for workplace use, Romain Jallon, Daniel Imbeau, and Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin
A new sustainability model for machining processes, Riad Khettabi, Imed Zaghbani, Abdelhakim Djebara, Jules Kouam, and Victor Songmene
Effect of friction testing of metals on particle emission, J. Kouam, V. Songmene, A. Djebara, and R. Khettabi
Analyses of biodynamic responses of seated occupants to uncorrelated fore-aft and vertical whole-body vibration, Santosh Mandapuram, Subhash Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, and Paul-Émile Boileau
Characterization of elastic parameters of acoustical porous materials from beam bending vibrations, A. Renault, L. Jaouen, and Franck Sgard
Submissions from 2010
Discrete-time PI H∞ nonlinear estimation, M. D. S. Aliyu, El-Kebir Boukas, and Yuvin Chinniah
A comparative study of two trunk biomechanical models under symmetric and asymmetric loadings, N. Arjmand, D. Gagnon, André Plamondon, A. Shirazi-Adl, and Christian Larivière
Electron microscopy analysis of histone acetylation and DNA strand breaks in mouse elongating spermatids using a dual labelling approach, G. Bikond Nkoma, F. Leduc, L. Jouad, and G. Boissonneault
Career changes among physical educators: Searching for new goals or escaping a heavy task load?, Ivan Bizet, Louis Laurencelle, Jean Lemoyne, Richard Larouche, and François Trudeau
Directed attention alters the temporal activation patterns of back extensors during trunk flexion-extension in individuals with chronic low back pain, Heather L. Butler, Christian Larivière, Cheryl L. Hubley-Kozey, and Michael J. L. Sullivan
Dispositions, capacités et pratiques de SST dans les petites entreprises : opinions de patrons, d'employés et d'intervenants en SST au Québec, Danièle Champoux and Jean-Pierre Brun
A bi-level representational model of hazardous material supply chains, Nathalie De Marcellis-Warin, Martin Trépanier, and Sébastien Favre
Estimation of the biodynamic responses distributed at fingers and palm based on the total response of the hand-arm system, Ren G. Dong, Subhash Rakheja, Thomas W. McDowell, Daniel E. Welcome, and John Z. Wu
Effects of peak concentrations on the neurotoxicity of styrene in workers, N. El Majidi, A. Vyskocil, R. Thuot, C. Beaudry, G. Charest-Tardif, R. Tardif, F. Gagnon, B. Ska, A. Turcot, and C. Viau
Assessment of pollutant dispersion from rooftop stacks: ASHRAE, ADMS and wind tunnel simulation, B. Hajra, T. Stathopoulos, and A. Bahloul
Effects of speeds, materials, and tool rake angles on metallic particle emission during orthogonal cutting, Riad Khettabi, Victor Songmene, and Jacques Masounave
Analysis of ride vibration environment of soil compactors, Ario Kordestani, Subhash Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, Alireza Pazooki, and Dainius Juras
Do mechanical tests of glove stiffness provide relevant information relative to their effects on the musculoskeletal system? A comparison with surface electromyography and psychophysical methods, Christian Larivière, Guy Tremblay, Sylvie Nadeau, Lotfi Harrabi, Patricia Dolez, Toan Vu-Khanh, and Jaime Lara
Biological activities of respirable dust from Eastern Canadian peat moss factories, Valérie Létourneau, Anne Mériaux, Nicole Goyer, Jamila Chakir, Yvon Cormier, and Caroline Duchaine
Apparent mass and seat-to-head transmissibility responses of seated occupants under single and dual-axis horizontal vibration, Santosh Mandapuram, Subhash Rakheja, Paul-Émile Boileau, Setsuo Maeda, and Nobuyuki Shibata
Development of a hand-arm mechanical analogue for evaluating chipping hammer vibration emission values, Pierre Marcotte, Jérôme Boutin, and Juliana Jasinski
Beryllium contamination and exposure monitoring in an inhalation laboratory setting, Caroline Müller, Séverine Audusseau, Fariba Salehi, Ginette Truchon, Gaston Chevalier, Bruce Mazer, Greg Kennedy, and Joseph Zayed
Development and validation of an analytical method for ultra-trace beryllium in biological matrices, Vincent Paquette, Pierre Larivière, Diane Cormier, Ginette Truchon, Joseph Zayed, and Huu Van Tra
Biomechanical differences between expert and novice workers in a manual material handling task, André Plamondon, Denys Denis, Alain Delisle, Christian Larivière, and Erik Salazar
Are immigrants, ethnic and linguistic minorities over-represented in jobs with a high level of compensated risk? Results from a Montréal, Canada study using census and workers' compensation data, Stéphanie Premji, Patrice Duguay, Karen Messing, and Katherine Lippel
Biodynamics of the human body under whole-body vibration: Synthesis of the reported data, S. Rakheja, R. G. Dong, S. Patra, Paul-Émile Boileau, Pierre Marcotte, and C. Warren
Activity-related summation of pain and functional disablity in patients with whiplash injuries, Michael J. L. Sullivan, Christian Larivière, and Maureen Simmonds
Airborne porcine circovirus in Canadian swine confinement buildings, Daniel Verreault, Valérie Létourneau, Louis Gendron, Daniel Massé, Carl A. Gagnon, and Caroline Duchaine
Biodynamic response and spinal load estimation of seated body in vibration using finite element modeling, Wenping Wang, Babak Bazrgari, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Subhash Rakheja, and Paul-Émile Boileau
Submissions from 2009
Comparison of trunk muscle forces and spinal loads estimated by two biomechanical models, N. Arjmand, D. Gagnon, André Plamondon, A. Shirazi-Adl, and Christian Larivière
Back pain of working pregnant women: Identification of associated occupational factors, Pei Lai Cheng, Martin Pantel, J. Terry Smith, Geneviève A. Dumas, Andy B. Léger, André Plamondon, Michael J. McGrath, and Joan E. Tranmer
Effect of pelvic stabilization and hip position on trunk extensors activity during dynamic prone back extension exercises on a roman chair, Rubens A. da Silva, Christian Larivière, A. Bertrand Arsenault, Sylvie Nadeau, and André Plamondon
Comparative evaluation of overexposure potential indices used in solvent substitution, Maximilien Debia, D. Bégin, and M. Gérin
Analysis of anti-vibration gloves mechanism and evaluation methods, Ren G. Dong, Thomas W. McDowell, Daniel E. Welcome, Christopher Warren, John Z. Wu, and Subhash Rakheja
Assessment of hair and bone accumulation of beryllium by mice exposed to contaminated dusts, Katherine Drolet-Vives, Joseph Zayed, and Sébastien Sauvé
Beryllium aerosol characteristics in the magnesium and aluminum transformation industry in Quebec: A comparison of four different sampling methodologies, A. Dufresne, C. Dion, S. Viau, Y. Cloutier, and G. Perrault
Beryllium decontamination with different solvents on different structures, A. Dufresne, C. Dion, S. Viau, and G. Perrault
Development and validation of a method for evaluating temporary wooden guardrails built and installed on construction sites, André Lan and Renaud Daigle
A submaximal test to assess back muscle capacity: evaluation of construct validity, Christian Larivière, Denis Gravel, Phillip Gardiner, A. Bertrand Arsenault, Denis Gagnon, and Patrick Loisel
An elastoplastic evaluation of the stress state around cylindrical openings based on a closed multiaxial yield surface, Li Li and Michel Aubertin
Comparing three methods for evaluating impact wrench vibration emissions, Thomas W. McDowell, Pierre Marcotte, Cristopher Warren, Daniel E. Welcom, and Ren G. Dong
Body maps: An indicator of physical pain for worker-oriented ergonomic interventions, Karen Messing, Nicole Vézina, Marie-Ève Major, Sylvie Ouellet, France Tissot, Vanessa Couture, and Jessica Riel
Biodynamic response analysis of a seated human occupant with back support under vertical vibration, S. Rakheja and A. K. W. Ahmed
Contamination of fresh air intakes due to downwash from a rooftop structure, Patrick Saathoff, Amit Gupta, Ted Stathopoulos, and Louis Lazure
An international comparison of the crystallinity of calibration materials for the analysis of respirable alpha-quartz using X-ray diffraction and a comparison with results from the infrared KBr disc method, Peter Stacey, Edmond Kauffer, Jean-Claude Moulut, Chantal Dion, Martin Beauparlant, Pablo Fernandez, Rosa Key-Schwartz, Bernd Friede, and Derrick Wake
Cross-analysis of hazmat road accidents using multiple databases, Martin Trépanier, Marie-Hélène Leroux, and Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin
Effect of physical exertion on the biological monitoring of exposure to various solvents following exposure by inhalation in human volunteers: III. Styrene, Ginette Truchon, Martin Brochu, and Robert Tardif
Submissions from 2008
Depression augments activity-related pain in women but not in men with chronic musculoskeletal conditions, Heather Adams, Pascal Thibault, Nicole Davidson, Maureen Simmonds, Ana Velly, and Michael J. L. Sullivan
Design and application of underground mine paste backfill technology, Tikov Belem and Mostafa Benzaazoua
Effects of government policies on the work of home care personnel and their occupational health and safety, Esther Cloutier, Hélène David, Élise Ledoux, Madeleine Bourdouxhe, Isabelle Gagnon, and François Ouellet
A method for analyzing absorbed power distribution in the hand and arm substructures when operating vibrating tools, Jennie H. Dong, Ren G. Dong, Subhash Rakheja, Daniel E. Welcome, Thomas W. McDowell, and John Z. Wu
Effect of a desk attachment board on posture and muscle activity in women during computer work, Geneviève A. Dumas, Tegan R. Upjohn, Andrew Leger, Alain Delisle, Karine Charpentier, André Plamondon, and Erik Pena Salazar
Bilateral thumb active range of motion and strength in de Quervain’s disease: Comparison with a normal population, Nancy Forget, France Piotte, Josée Arsenault, Patrick Harris, and Daniel Bourbonnais
État de l'art et perspectives sur la mesures des performances effectives des protecteurs auditifs en milieu de travail, M.-A. Gaudreau, Frédéric Laville, Jérémie Voix, and Hugues Nélisse
Characterization of protective gloves stiffness: Development of a multidirectional deformation test method, Lotfi Harrabi, Patricia I. Dolez, Toan Vu-Khanh, Jaime Lara, Guy Tremblay, Sylvie Nadeau, and Christian Larivière
An improved analytical solution to estimate the stress state in sub-vertical backfilled stopes, Li Li and Michel Aubertin
Distal lower-extremity pain and work postures in the Quebec population, Karen Messing, France Tissot, and Susan Stock
Culture-independent approach of the bacterial bioaerosol diversity in the standard swine confinement buildings, and assessment of the seasonal effect, Benjamin Nehmé, Valérie Létourneau, Robert J. Forster, Marc Veillette, and Caroline Duchaine
Assessments of two dynamic manikins for laboratory testing of seats under whole-body vibration, Hugues Nélisse, S. Patra, S. Rakheja, J. Boutin, and P.-É. Boileau
Determination of reference values of apparent mass responses of seated occupants of different body masses under vertical vibration with and without a back support, S. K. Patra, S. Rakheja, Hugues Nélisse, P.-É. Boileau, and J. Boutin
Energy absorption of seated occupants exposed to horizontal vibration and role of back support condition, Subhash Rakheja, Santosh Mantapuram, and Ren G. Dong
A laboratory study to quantify the biomechanical responses to whole-body vibration: The influence on balance, reflex response, muscular activity and fatigue, Brenda R. Santos, Christian Larivière, Alain Delisle, André Plamondon, Paul-Émile Boileau, and Daniel Imbeau
Assessment of the occupational ototoxicity of n-hexane, Adolf Vyskocil, Tony Leroux, Ginette Truchon, François Lemay, Martine Gendron, France Gagnon, Naïma El Majidi, and Claude Viau
Ethyl benzene should be considered ototoxic at occupationally relevant exposure concentrations, A. Vyskocil, T. Leroux, G. Truchon, F. Lemay, M. Gendron, F. Gagnon, N. El Majidi, and C. Viau
Submissions from 2007
Convection of a binary fluid saturating a shallow porous cavity subjected to cross heat fluxes, Ali Bahloul, P. Vasseur, and L. Robillard
Conditions et processus menant à des changements à la suite d'interventions en santé et en sécurité du travail : l'exemple d'activités de formation, Geneviève Baril-Gingras, Marie Bellemare, and Jean-Pierre Brun
Analysis of squat and stoop dynamic liftings: Muscle forces and internal spinal loads, Babak Bazrgari, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, and Navid Arjmand
Anticipating ethical aspects of the use of biomarkers in the workplace: A tool for stakeholders, Chantal Caux, David J. Roy, Louise Guilbert, and Clause Viau
Entropy generation for natural convection in G-shaped enclosures, Ihsan Dagtekin, Hakan F. Oztop, and Ali Bahloul
Determinants of «return to work in good health» among workers with back pain who consult in primary care settings: A 2-year prospective study, Clermont E. Dionne, Renée Bourbonnais, Pierre Frémont, Michel Rossignol, Susan R. Stock, Arie Nouwen, Isabelle Larocque, and Eric Demers
Aerosolization of mycobacteria and legionellae during dental treatment: low exposure despite dental unit contamination, Steve Dutil, Marc Veillette, Anne Mériaux, Louis Lazure, Jean-Pierre Barbeau, and Caroline Duchaine
Development of a loading dock safety evaluation tool, François Gauthier, Laurent Giraud, Sylvain Bournival, Réal Bourbonnière, Jean-Guy Richard, Renaud Daigle, and Serge Massé
Documentation of the endotoxins present in the ambient air of cotton fiber textile mills in Québec, Geneviève Marchand, Michèle Lalonde, Yves Beaudet, Gilles Boivin, Sylvie Villeneuve, and Carole Pépin
Carcinogenicity of shift-work, painting, and fire-fighting, Kurt Straif, Robert Baan, Yann Grosse, Béatrice Secretan, Fatiha El Ghissassi, Véronique Bouvard, Andrea Altieri, Lamia Benbrahim-Tallaa, Vincent Cogliano, and WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph Working Group
Apport de diverses sources de données à la realisation d’une intervention ergonomique, Marie St-Vincent, Denys Denis, Daniel Imbeau, and François Ouellet
Effect of physical exertion on the biological monitoring of exposure to various solvents following exposure by inhalation in human volunteers: II. n-Hexane, Robert Tardif, Véronique Nadeau, Ginette Truchon, and Martin Brochu
A web tool for the identification of potential interactive effects of chemical mixtures, Adolf Vyskocil, Daniel Drolet, Claude Viau, François Lemay, Gilles Lapointe, Robert Tardif, Ginette Truchon, Marc Baril, Normand Gagnon, France Gagnon, Denis Bégin, and Michel Gérin
Submissions from 2006
Cross-sensitivities of electrochemical detectors used to monitor worker exposures to airborne contaminants: False positive responses in the absence of target analytes, Claire C. Austin, Brigitte Roberge, and Nicole Goyer
Boundary layer and stability analysis of natural convection in a porous cavity, Ali Bahloul
Allowing for MSD prevention during facilities planning for a public service: an a posteriori analysis of 10 library design projects, Marie Bellemare, Louis Trudel, Élise Ledoux, Sylvie Montreuil, Micheline Marier, Marie Laberge, and Patrick Vincent
At work but ill: Psychosocial work environment and well-being determinants of presenteeism propensity, Caroline Biron, Jean-Pierre Brun, Hans Ivers, and Cary Cooper
Effectiveness of a participative intervention on psychosocial work factors to prevent mental health problems in a hospital setting, R. Bourbonnais, C. Brisson, A. Vinet, M. Vézina, B. Abdous, and M. Gaudet
Development and implementation of a participative intervention to improve the psychosocial work environment and mental health in an acute care hospital, R. Bourbonnais, C. Brisson, A. Vinet, M. Vézina, and A. Lower
Determination of airborne isocyanates generated during the thermal degradation of car paint in body repair shops, Michel Boutin, André Dufresne, Claude Ostiguy, and Jacques Lesage
A preliminary validation of a new measure of occupational health and safety, Jean Cadieux, Mario Roy, and Lise Desmarais
Analysis of self reported problematic tasks for pregnant women, P. L. Cheng, G. A. Dumas, J. T. Smith, A. B. Léger, André Plamondon, M. J. McGrath, and J. E. Tranmer
Comparison of three computer office workstations offering forearm support: Impact on upper limb posture and muscle activation, Alain Delisle, Christian Larivière, André Plamondon, and Daniel Imbeau
Detection of Legionella spp. by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in dental unit waterlines, S. Dutil, S. Tessier, M. Veillette, C. Laflamme, A. Mériaux, A. Leduc, J. Barbeau, and C. Duchaine
Computer modeling of lift trucks and operators to simulate lateral tipover, M. Koutchouk, C.-E. Aubin, and M. Gou
A randomized controlled trial of an adapted form of individual critical incident stress debriefing for victims of an armed robbery, André Marchand, Stéphane Guay, Richard Boyer, Soledad Iucci, Annick Martin, and Marie-Hélène St-Hilaire
Bioaerosols in peat moss processing plants, Anne Mériaux, Pascal Pageau, Yves Cormier, Nicole Goyer, and Caroline Duchaine
Effect of physical exertion on the biological exposure indices of various solvents following exposure by inhalation in human volunteers: I. Toluene, Véronique Nadeau, Ginette Truchon, Martin Brochu, and Robert Tardif
Analysis of large compression loads on lumbar spine in flexion and in torsion using a novel wrapping element, A. Shirazi-Adl
Biological exposure indicators: quantification of biological variability using toxicokinetic modeling, Ginette Truchon, Robert Tardif, Pierre-Olivier Droz, Ginette Charest-Tardif, and Guillaume Pierrehumbert
Elaboration of an electroporation protocol for Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579, Nathalie Turgeon, Christian Laflamme, Jim Ho, and Caroline Duchaine
Effect of back support condition on seat-to-head transmissibilities of seated occupants under vertical vibration, Wenping Wang, Subhash Rakheja, and Paul-Émile Boileau