Submissions from 2000
Design of multipoint anti-kickback fingers for woodworking machines, S. Massé
A study on the substitution of trichoroethylene as a spot remover in the textile industry, Touseef Mirza, Michel Gérin, Denis Bégin, and Daniel Drolet
Disability measurement in persons with back pain: A validity study of spinal range of motion and velocity, Stéphane Poitras, Patrick Loisel, François Prince, and Jacques Lemaire
Effect of varying the combustion parameters on the emissions of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gases from propane-fueled vehicles, Brigitte Roberge
Démarches d'ergonomie participative pour réduire les risques de troubles musculo-squelettiques : bilan et réflexions, Marie St-Vincent, Georges Toulouse, and Marie Bellemare
Submissions from 1999
A multiple multipole expansion approach for predicting the sound power of vibrating structures, Noureddine Atalla, Grégoire Winckelmans, and Franck Sgard
Application of visual analog scales (VAS) for the comparative evaluation of tool and equipment designs and work methods, Yves Beauchamp
Assessment of wood utility pole climability using psychophysical and mechanical measurements, Yves Beauchamp, Marc Thomas, Jean Arteau, and Denis Marchand
Cementitious backfill with high sulfur content physical, chemical and mineralogical characterization, Mostafa Benzaazoua, Jacques Ouellet, Stéphane Servant, Phil Newman, and Rens Verburg
Aging and shiftwork: the effects of 20 years of rotating 12-hour shifts among petroleum refinery operators, Madeleine A. Bourdouxhe, Yvon Quéinnec, Denise Granger, Raymond H. Baril, Serge C. Guertin, Paul R. Massicotte, Micheline Levy, and François L. Lemay
Effects of an ergonomic training program on workers with video display units, C. Brisson, S. Montreuil, and L. Punnett
A toxicokinetic model to assess the risk of azinphosmethyl exposure in humans through measures of urinary elimination of alkylphosphates, G. Carrier and R. C. Brunet
Effets de l'âge sur la fréquence, la gravité et la nature des accidents du travail chez les pompiers de deux municipalités du Québec, E. Cloutier and D. Champoux
Effect of the organization of work on the health and safety of home care workers and home care nurses, E. Cloutier, H. David, J. Prévost, and C. Teiger
Airborne microflora in Quebec dairy farms: Lack of effect of bacterial hay preservatives, Caroline Duchaine, Anne Mériaux, Gilles Brochu, and Yvon Cormier
Clearance of man made fibres from the lung of sheep, A. Dufresne, R. Bégin, H. Yamato, S. Massé, and R. Bégin
An efficient tool for predicting the structural acoustic and vibration response of sandwich plates in light or heavy fluid, Olivier Foin, Jean Nicolas, and Noureddine Atalla
Accidents that occured in three hospitals in one year, M. St-Vincent, C. Tellier, and T. Petitjean-Roget
Élaboration d'une formation à l'affilage des couteaux : le travail d'un collectif, travailleurs et ergonomes, Nicole Vézina, Johanne Prévost, Alain Lajoie, and Yves Beauchamp
Analysis of relationships between biodynamic response functions, X. Wu, S. Rakheja, and P.-É. Boileau
Distribution of human-seat interface pressure on a soft automotive seat under vertical vibration, X. Wu, S. Rakheja, and P.-É. Boileau
Submissions from 1998
Analyse ergonomique du travail, formation et changements dans les situations de travail, J. Abrahao, D. Berthelette, D. Cau-Bareille, L. Desnoyers, L. Ferreira, M. Lacomblez, K. Launis, A. Leppänen, B. Maggi, S. Montreuil, R. Patesson, C. Teiger, L. Vogel, and E. Wendelen
Évaluation de l’implantation d’un programme de formation en santé et en sécurité du travail, D. Berthelette, L. Desnoyers, D. Gourde, and M. Authier
Definition of a range of idealized values to characterise seated body biodynamic response under vertical vibration, P.-É. Boileau, X. Wu, and S. Rakheja
Accident indicators and profiles as a function of the age of female nurses and food services workers in the Québec health and social services sector, Esther Cloutier, Hélène David, and Patrice Duguay
Élaboration d’un modèle de prédiction des contrainte in-situ dans la faille de Cadillac, Robert Corthésy, Denis Gill, and Maria-Helena Leite
Angular and fibrous particles in lung in relation to silica-induced diseases, A. Dufresne, R. Bégin, C. Dion, J. Jagirdar, W. N. Rom, P. Loosereewanich, D. C. F. Muir, A. C. Ritchie, and G. Perrault
Association between several sites of cancer and occupational exposure to benzene, toluene, xylene and styrene, Michel Gérin, Jack Siemiatycki, Marie Désy, and Daniel Krewski
Crane movements limiting device design for safe operation near power lines, Daniel Imbeau, Joseph-Jean Paques, Sylvie Bergeron, and Réal Bourbonnière
Évaluation des effets d’une formation par l’amélioration des postures adoptées lors du travail de bureau effectué avec un ordinateur, S. Montreuil, C. Brisson, and L. Trudel
Determinants of the bronchial response to high molecular weight occupational agents in a dry aerosol form, B. Nguyen, K. Weytjens, Y. Cloutier, H. Ghezzo, and J. L. Malo
A study of the relationship between a device measuring back kinematics (Spinoscope), a functional capacity questionnaire (Oswestry) and work status, S. Poitras, P. Loisel, and J. Lemaire
Evaluation and control of carbon monoxide exposure from propane-fuelled forklifts, Brigitte Roberge
Cross-cultural differences between English Ontarians and French Québécois: Do they influence measurement of functional status of workers with neck and upper limb disorders?, S. R. Stock, P. Loisel, M.-J. Durand, D. Streiner, P. Tugwell, J. Lemaire, and M. Boucher
Comparison of hippuric acid, and o-cresol in urine and unchanged toluene in alveolar air for the biological monitoring of exposure to toluene in human volunteers, R. Tardif, G. Truchon, and J. Brodeur
A novel acceleration method for the variational boundary element approach based on multipole expansions, Michel A. Tournour and Noureddine Atalla
Submissions from 1997
A combined suspension seat-vehicle driver model for estimating the exposure to whole-body vehicular vibration and shock, P.-É. Boileau, S. Rakheja, and P. J. Liu
Comparison of biodynamic response characteristics of various human body models as applied to seated vehicle drivers, P.-É. Boileau, S. Rakheja, X. Yang, and I. Stiharu
Effects of shear deformation and rotary inertia on the free vibration of a rotating annular plate, A. Côté, N. Atalla, and J. Nicolas
Effect of pelvic tilt on lumbar spine geometry, A. Delisle, M. Gagnon, and C. Sicard
Angular and fibrous particles in lung are markers of job categories, A. Dufresne, R. Bégin, C. Dion, J. Jagirdar, W. N. Rom, P. Loosereewanich, D. C. F. Muir, A. C. Ritchie, and G. Perrault
A study of ethylene glycol exposure and kidney function of aircraft de-icing workers, M. Gérin, Sylvie Patrice, Denis Bégin, Mark S. Goldberg, A. Vyskocil, Georges Adib, Daniel Drolet, and Claude Viau
Determining the characteristics to be considered from a worker health and safety standpoint in household waste sorting and composting plants, Jacques Lavoie and Robert Alie
European proposal for core information for the storage and exchange of workplace exposure measurements on chemical agents, B. Rajan, R. Alesbury, B. Carton, M. Gérin, H. Litske, H. Marquart, E. Olsen, T. Scheffers, R. Stamm, and T. Woldbaek
Carpal tunnel syndrome: What is attributable to work? The Montreal study, M. Rossignol, S. Stock, L. Patry, and B. Armstrong
Assimilation and use of ergonomic knowledge by nonergonomists to improve jobs in two electrical product assembly plants, M. St-Vincent, I. Kuorinka, D. Chicoine, S. Beaugrand, and J. Fernandez
A numerical algorithm for double surface integrals over quadrilaterals, Weiping Wang and Noureddine Atalla
A unique boundary integral approach for acoustic radiation of axisymmetric bodies with arbitrary boundary conditions, Weiping Wang, Noureddine Atalla, and Jean Nicolas
Submissions from 1996
Acoustic radiation of a unbaffled vibrating plate with general elastic boundary conditions, Noureddine Atalla, Jean Nicolas, and Carol Gauthier
Development of a grip-force dependent hand-arm vibration model, R. Gurram, S. Rakheja, P.-É. Boileau, and G. J. Gouw
Diagnostic accuracy of technologies used in low back pain assessment: Thermography, triaxial dynamometry, spinoscopy, and clinical examination, Richard Leclaire, John M. Esdaile, Jean Claude Jéquier, James A. Hanley, Michel Rossignol, and Madeleine Bourdouxhe
Back school in a first episode of compensated acute low back pain : A clinical trial to assess efficacy and prevent relapse, Richard Leclaire, John M. Esdaile, Samy Suissa, Michel Rossignol, Roland Proulx, and Michel Dupuis
Closed-circuit apparatus for specific inhalation challenges with an occupational agents in vapour form: Formaldehyde, Catherine Lemière, Yves Cloutier, Guy Perrault, Daniel Drolet, André Cartier, and Jean-Luc Malo
Analyse des accidents associés au travail de manutentionaire sur les quais dans le secteur du transport, M. Lortie, F. Lamonde, C. Collinge, and C. Tellier
Characterization of airborne dust from two non-ferrous foundries by physico-chemical methods and multivariate statistical analyses, Daniel Michaud, Marcel Baril, Chantal Dion, and Guy Perrault
Ergonomics training for managers, employees and designers involved in the design and organization of work systems, Sylvie Montreuil
Comparison of the influence of binary mixtures versus a ternary mixture of inhalated aromatic hydrocarbons on their blood kinetics in rat, R. Tardif, G. Charest-Tardif, and J. Brodeur
Submissions from 1995
A new vacuum activated damping device to reduce noise and vibration during riveting, M. Amram, P. Masson, G. Brooks, P. E. Boileau, and R. Lahlou
Benzo(a)pyrenediolepoxide-hemoglobin adducts and 3-hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene urinary excretion profiles in rats subchronically exposed to benzo(a)pyrene, Michèle Bouchard and Claude Viau
Effects of a bacterial hay preservative Pediococcus pentosaceus on hay under experimental storage conditions, C. Duchaine, M.-C. Lavoie, and Y. Cormier
Activity analysis in participatory design and analysis of participatory design activity, A. Garrigou, F. Daniellou, G. Carballeda, and S. Ruaud
Effect of various exposure scenarios on the biological monitoring of organic solvents in alveolar air: II. 1, 1, 1 - trichloroethane and trichloroethylene, S. Laparé, R. Tardif, and J. Brodeur
Biological and chemical contamination of the air in a grower-finisher pig building using deep-litter systems, Jacques Lavoie, Geneviève Marchand, J.-Y. Drolet, P. Caouette, and G. Gingras
Economic justification of investments for health and safety interventions. Part I: A cost typology, P.-F. Riel and D. Imbeau
Economic justification of investments for health and safety interventions. Part II: Applying activity based costing to the insurance cost, P.-F. Riel and D. Imbeau
Background urinary 1-hydroxypyrene in non-occupationally exposed individuals in the province of Québec, Canada, and comparison with its excretion in workers expossed to PAH mixtures, C. Viau, A. Vyskocil, and L. Martel
Submissions from 1994
Conception d'un capteur intelligent pour la détection des vapeurs de styrène dans l'industrie, Kodjo Agbossou, T. James Agbevavi, Demagna Koffi, and Mohammed Elhiri
Asbestos related disorders, Raymond Bégin, André Dufresne, François Plante, and Serge Massé
Asymetric actuation and sensing of a beam using piezoelectric materials, François Charette, Catherine Guigou, Alain Berry, and Guy Plantier
Étude du travail réel des aides-soignantes à domicile, E. Cloutier and B. Dubuc
Comparison of four methods for the determination of asbestos fiber concentrations in workplace atmospheres by phase contrast microscopy, Chantal Dion and Guy Perrault
Effects of lymphocyte subpopulation on the clonal assay of HPRT mutants: Occupational exposure to cytostatic drugs, Hélène Dubeau, Weiçal Zazi, Chantal Baron, and Karen Messing
Assessment of N-nitrosodimethylamine DNA adducts by high performance liquid chromatography and immunosorbent assay, S. Fadlallah, S. F. Cooper, M. Lachapelle, F. Denizeau, S. Mansour, F. Guertin, K. Krzystyniak, and M. Fournier
Chemical emissions in a thermomechanical pulp production plant, Nicole Goyer
A cohort study of silicon carbide production workers, Claire Infante-Rivard, André Dufresne, Ben Armstrong, Paul Bouchard, and Gilles Thériault
Bronchial hyperresponsiveness can improve while spirometry plateaus two to three years after repeated exposure to chlorine causing respiratory symptoms, J.-L. Malo, A. Cartier, L.-P. Boulet, J. L'Archevêque, F. St-Denis, L. Bhérer, and J.-P. Courteau
Efficacy of training procedures in implementing a legislated safety program, J. Saari, J. Hryniewiecki, S. Bédard, V. Dufort, and G. Thériault
Submissions from 1993
Aluminum inhalation in sheep silicosis, R. Bégin, A. Cantin, S. Massé, A. Dufresne, G. Perrault, and P. Sébastien
Ergonomics aspects of tree-planting using 'multipot ' technology, D. Giguère, R. Bélanger, J.-M. Gauthier, and C. Larue
Capacités auditives, critères d'embauche et droits de la personne, Raymond Hétu
Establishment of an air-quality indicator for bus diesel exhaust in garages, Jacques Lavoie, Brigitte Roberge, Jean Lambert, and Louis Lazure
Characterization of airborne dust from cast iron foundries by physico-chemical methods and multivariate statistical analyses, Daniel Michaud, Marcel Baril, and Guy Perrault
Crane accidents by contact with powerlines, Joseph-Jean Paques
Submissions from 1992
Contributions of experimental asbestosis in sheep to the understanding of asbestosis, Raymond Bégin, André Cantin, Serge Massé, and Patrick Sébastien
Coping strategies for physical and psychological stressors in the Québec garment industry, M.-M. Côté, D. Champoux, and E. Tranchemontagne
Biomechanical exploration on dynamic modes of lifting, Micheline Gagnon and Gilmen Smyth
Closed-circuit methodology for inhalation challenge tests with isocyanates, Olivier Vandenplas, Jean-Luc Malo, André Cartier, Guy Perreault, and Yves Cloutier
A theoretical model for respirator cartridge service life for binary systems: Application to acetone/styrene mixtures, Young Hee Yoon, James H. Nelson, Jaime Lara, Cherif Kamel, and Daniel Frégeau
Submissions from 1991
Cocontraction of the elbow muscles during combined tasks of pronation-flextion and supination-flexion, L. J. Hébert, S. De Serres, and A. B. Arsenault
Detectsound': A computerized model for predicting the detectability of warning signals in noisy workplaces, C. Laroche, H. Tran Quoc, R. Hétu, and S. McDuff
Effect of simultaneous exposure to toluene and xylene on their respective biological exposure indices in humans, R. Tardif, S. Laparé, G. L. Plaa, and J. Brodeur
Choix d'une procédure de mesure de la capacité de détection d'un signal sonore dans le bruit en vue de la mise au point éventuelle d'un examen clinique, Hung Tran Quoc, Raymond Hétu, and Chantal Laroche
A theoretical interpretation of the service life of respirator cartridges for the binary cartridges acetone/m-xylene system, Young Hee Yoon, James H. Nelson, Jaime Lara, Cherif Kamel, and Daniel Frégeau
Submissions from 1990
Airborne microbial contents in two types of swine confinement buildings in Quebec, Yvon Cormier, Guy Tremblay, Anne Mériaux, Gilles Brochu, and Jacques Lavoie
Determination of N-Nitroso compounds in metalworking fluids, Sami Fadlallah, Sam F. Cooper, Michel Fournier, Daniel Drolet, and Guy Perrault
Determination of N-nitroso compounds in the environment of a metal factory using metalworking fluids, Sami Fadlallah, Sam F. Cooper, Michel Fournier, Daniel Drolet, and Guy Perrault
Chemical contaminants in office buildings, Nicole Goyer
Ergonomics in the future: The next leg, Ilkka Kuorinka
Ergonomics: A goal and a mean, I. Kuorinka and L. Patry
A better understanding of occupational accident genesis to improve safety in the work place, L. Laflamme