
Submissions from 2006

Assessment of impairment/disability due to occupational asthma through a multidimensional approach, M.-R. Yacoub, K. Lavoie, G. Lacoste, S. Daigle, J. L'Archevêque, H. Ghezzo, C. Lemière, and J.-L. Malo

Submissions from 2005

Contact pressure distribution at hand-handle interface: Role of hand forces and handle size, Y. Aldien, D. Welcome, S. Rakheja, R. Dong, and P.-É. Boileau

Bioconvection of gravitactic micro-ogranisms in a fluid layer, Ali Bahloul, T. Nguyen-Quang, and T. H. Nguyen

Effets du statut d’emploi sur la santé et la sécurité au travail : le cas des auxiliaires familiales et sociales et des infirmières de soins à domicile au Québec, Esther Cloutier, Madeleine Bourdouxhe, Élise Ledoux, Hélène David, Isabelle Gagnon, François Ouellet, and Catherine Teiger

Differences in multi-joint kinematic patterns of repetitive hammering in healthy, fatigued and shoulder-injured individuals, Julie N. Côté, Denis Raymond, Pierre A. Mathieu, Anatol G. Feldman, and Mindy F. Levin

Back muscle strength and fatigue in healthy and chronic low-back pain subjects: A comparative study of 3 assessment protocols, Rubens A. da Silva, A. Bertrand Arsenault, Denis Gravel, Christian Larivière, and Eros de Oliveira

Effectiveness of unilateral and symmetrical bilateral task training for arm during the subacute phase after stroke: A randomized controlled trial, Johanne Desrosiers, Daniel Bourbonnais, Hélene Corriveau, Suzanne Gosselin, and Gina Bravo

Assessment of exposure to quartz, cristobalite and silicon carbide fibres (whiskers) in a silicon carbide plant, Chantal Dion, André Dufresne, Marcel Jacob, and Guy Perrault

An algorithm comprising 7 baseline variables predicted the 2 year work disability status in non-specific back pain, C. E. Dionne, R. Bourbonnais, P. Frémont, M. Rossignol, S. R. Stock, and I. Larocque

A clinical return-to-work rule for patients with back pain, Clermont E. Dionne, Renée Bourbonnais, Pierre Frémont, Michel Rossignol, Susan R. Stock, and Isabelle Larocque

Estimation of the transmissibility of anti-vibration gloves when used with specific tools, Ren G. Dong, Daniel E. Welcome, Thomas W. McDowell, and Subhash Rakheja

A method for assessing the effectiveness of anti-vibration gloves using biodynamic responses of the hand-arm system, R. G. Dong, S. Rakheja, T. W. McDowell, Daniel E. Welcome, J. Z. Wu, C. Warren, J. Barkley, B. Washington, and A. W. Schopper

Assessment of the paraspinal muscles of subjects presenting an idiopathic scoliosis: An EMG pilot study, Nathaly Gaudreault, A. Bertrand Arsenault, Christian Larivière, Sophie J. DeSerres, and Charles-Hilaire Rivard

Effects of thermal aging on fracture performance of polychloroprene, T. Ha-Anh and T. Vu-Khanh

Autofluorescence as a viability marker in the detection of bacterial spores, Christian Laflamme, Daniel Verreault, Sophie Lavigne, Luc Trudel, Jim Ho, and Caroline Duchaine

Electromyographic activity imbalances between contralateral back muscles: An assessment of measurement properties, Christian Larivière, D. Gagnon, B. Arsenault, D. Gravel, and P. Loisel

Caractéristiques disciplinaires et échanges en santé au travail : perception et point de vue des chercheurs, Monique Lortie, Denys Denis, Claire Lapointe, Francine Mayer, and Henriette Bilodeau

Effect of handle size and hand–handle contact force on the biodynamic response of the hand–arm system under zh-axis vibration, Pierre Marcotte, Y. Aldien, P.-É. Boileau, S. Rakheja, and J. Boutin

Comparison of strength measurement under single-joint and multi-joint condition in hemiparetic subjects, C. Mercier, M. Bertrand, and D. Bourbonnais

Dynamic analysis of trunk flexion following stroke, Sylvie Messier, Daniel Bourbonnais, Johanne Desrosiers, and Yves Roy

Continuing education of physiotherapists involved in treating persons with work-related back pain, Stéphane Poitras, Régis Blais, Bonnie Swaine, Michel Rossignol, and Michèle Perron

Améliorer la performance en SST : les résultats vs les prédicteurs, Mario Roy, Lise Desmarais, and Jean Cadieux

A study on the puncture resistance of rubber materials used in protective clothing, C. Thang Nguyen, T. Vu-Khanh, and J. Lara

Effects of friction on the cut resistance of polymers, B. N. Vu Thi, T. Vu-Khanh, and J. Lara

Submissions from 2004

A porosity-dependent inelastic criterion for engineering materials, Michel Aubertin and Li Li

Contribuer à un projet d’aménagement par l’analyse ergonomique du travail : le cas d’une bibliothèque publique, Marie Bellemare, Sylvie Montreuil, Louis Trudel, Micheline Marier, Marie-Josée Godin, Elise Ledoux, Marie Laberge, and Patrick Vincent

A contribution to understanding the hardening process of cemented paste backfill, M. Benzaazoua, M. Fall, and T. Belem

Comparison of unchanged n-hexane in alveolar air and 2,5-hexanedione in urine for the biological monitoring of n-hexane exposure in human volunteers, G. Hamelin, G. Truchon, and R. Tardif

Controlled exposure to light and darkness realigns the salivary cortisol rhythm in night shift workers, Francine O. James, Claire D. Walker, and Diane B. Boivin

Assessment of bacterial endospore viability with fluorescent dyes, C. Laflamme, S. Lavigne, J. Ho, and C. Duchaine

Ergonomes et préventionnistes : étude d'une pratique de collaboration dans le cadre d'un projet de conception d'une usine : 1ère de 2 parties, Fernande Lamonde, Philippe Beaufort, and Jean-Guy Richard

Biomechanical assessment of gloves: A study of the sensitivity and reliability of electromyographic parameters used to measure the activation and fatigue of different forearm muscles, Christian Larivière, André Plamondon, Jaime Lara, Chantal Tellier, Jérôme Boutin, and Antoine Dagenais

Étude des agents biologiques et des contraintes ergonomiques lors de l'utilisation de camions avec bras assisté pour la collecte des ordures domestiques, Jacques Lavoie, Madeleine Bourdouxhe, and Serge Guertin

Design of a suspended handle to attenuate rock drill hand-arm vibration: Model development and validation, R. Oddo, T. Loyau, P.-É. Boileau, and Y. Champoux

Back muscle fatigue during intermittent prone back extension exercise, André Plamondon, K. Trimble, Christian Larivière, and P. Desjardins

Effect of controller in reducing steady-state error due to flow and force disturbances in the electrohydraulic actuator system, Eric Sampson, Saeid Habibi, Richard Burton, and Yuvin Chinniah

Database for the toxicological evaluation of mixtures in occupational atmospheres, Adolf Vyskocil, Daniel Drolet, Claude Viau, Jules Brodeur, Robert Tardif, Michel Gérin, Marc Baril, Ginette Truchon, and Gilles Lapointe

Effects of sitting postures on biodynamic response of seated occupants under vertical vibration, W. Wang, S. Rakheja, and P.-É. Boileau

An investigation on the relationship between grip, push, and contact forces applied to a tool handle, D. Welcome, S. Rakheja, R. Dong, J. Z. Wu, and A. W. Schopper

A structural fingertip model for simulating of the biomechanics of tactile sensation, J. Z. Wu, R. G. Dong, S. Rakheja, A. W. Schopper, and W. P. Smutz

Submissions from 2003

Early return to work of injured workers: Multidimensional patterns of individual and organizational factors, Raymond Baril, Diane Berthelette, and Paul Massicotte

A toxicokinetic model of malathion and its metabolites as a tool to assess human exposure and risk through measurements of urinary biomarkers, Michèle Bouchard, Nathalie H. Gosselin, Robert C. Brunet, Onil Samuel, Marie-Josée Dumoulin, and Gaétan Carrier

Comparison of EI and metastable atom bombardment ionization for the identification of polyurethane thermal degradation products, M. Boutin, J. Lesage, C. Ostiguy, and M.-J. Bertrand

Apprenticeship in a work setting : The contribution and limits of operational resources constructed by workers, Céline Chatigny and Sylvie Montreuil

Auxiliaires familiales et sociales expérimentées et patientes âgées : des stratégies d'entraide, Esther Cloutier, Hélène David, and Catherine Teiger

Constructing the program impact theory for an evidence-based work rehabilitation program for workers with low back pain, Marie-José Durand, Brigitte Vachon, Patrick Loisel, and Diane Berthelette

Determination of unreacted 2,4-toluene diisocyanate (2,4TDI) and 2,6-toluene diisocyanate (2,6TDI) in foams at ultratrace level using HPLC-CIS-MS-MS, Sébastien Gagné, Jacques Lesage, Claude Ostiguy, and Huu Van Tra

Biomechanical analysis of a posterior transfer maneuver on a level surface in individuals with high and low-level spinal cord injuries, Dany Gagnon, Sylvie Nadeau, Denis Gravel, Luc Noreau, Christian Larivière, and Denis Gagnon

Comparative occupational exposures to formaldehyde released from inhaled wood product dusts versus that in vapor form, Nathalie H. Gosselin, Robert C. Brunet, and Gaétan Carrier

Drift reinforcement design based on discontinuity network modelling, M. Grenon and J. Hadjigeorgiou

Contribution of toxicokinetic modeling to the adjustment of exposure limits to unusual work schedules, Sylvain Laparé, Jules Brodeur, and Robert Tardif

Back strength cannot be predicted accurately from anthropometric measures in subjects with and without chronic low back pain, Christian Larivière, Denis Gravel, Denis Gagnon, A. Bertrand Arsenault, Patrick Loisel, and Yves Lepage

A general relationship between porosity and uniaxial strength of engineering materials, Li Li and Michel Aubertin

Be the fairest of them all: Challenges and recommendations for the treatment of gender in occupational health research, Karen Messing, Laura Punnett, Meg Bond, Kristina Alexanderson, Jean Pyle, Shelia Zahm, David Wegman, Susan R. Stock, and Sylvie de Grosbois

Behavioral criterion quantifying the edge-constrained effects on foams in the standing wave tube, Dominic Pilon, Raymond Panneton, and Franck Sgard

Effects of peak concentration on the neurotoxicity of styrene in volunteers, B. Ska, A. Vyskocil, R. Tardif, G. Carrier, R. Tuot, K. Muray, and C. Viau

Submissions from 2002

Du constat à l’action : 15 ans de recherche en réinsertion professionnelle des travailleurs au Québec, Raymond Baril

Chemical factors that influence the performance of mine sulphidic paste backfill, Mostafa Benzaazoua, Tikou Belem, and Bruno Bussière

A body mass dependent mechanical impedance model for applications in vibration seat testing, P.-É. Boileau, S. Rakheja, and X. Wu

Circadian adaptation to night-shift work by judicious light and darkness exposure, Diane B. Boivin and Francine O. James

An extension of complex modes for the resolution of finite-element poroelastic problems, O. Dazel, F. Sgard, C.-H. Lamarque, and N. Atalla

Assessment of a three-dimensional robotic model for b iomechanical-data acquisition of human movement, P. Desjardins, André Plamondon, and M. Gagnon

Biomechanical differences between best and worst performances in repeated free asymmetrical lifts, Micheline Gagnon, Alain Delisle, and Pierre-Olivier Desjardins

Design-for-safety competencies for automated-system design engineers: A case study, François Gauthier and René Benoit

A biomechanical comparison of lifting techniques between subjects with and without chronic low back pain during freestyle lifting and lowering tasks, Christian Larivière, Denis Gagnon, and Patrick Loisel

Assessing waste collector’s exposure to bioaerosols, Jacques Lavoie and Christopher J. Dunkerley

Air intake contamination by building exhausts: Tracer gas investigation of atmospheric dispersion models in the urban environment, Louis Lazure, Patrick Saathoff, and Ted Stathopoulos

Assessment of the discriminative and predictive validity of the Quebec Task Force Classification, Patrick Loisel, Brigitte Vachon, Jacques Lemaire, Marie-José Durand, Stéphane Poitras, Susan Stock, and Claude Tremblay

Cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis of the Sherbrooke model of back pain management: A six-year follow-up study, P. Loisel, J. Lemaire, S. Poitras, M. J. Durand, F. Champagne, S. Stock, B. Diallo, and C. Tremblay

Estimated moments at L5/S1 level and muscular activation of back extensors for six prone back extension exercises in healthy individuals, André Plamondon, O. Serresse, K. Boyd, D. Ladouceur, and P. Desjardins

Analysis of hand-transmitted vibration of a hand-held percussive tool, S. Rakheja, C. Rajalingham, and P.-É. Boileau

Enhancement of ride vibration environment of tracked sidewalk snowplows: Vehicle modelling and analysis, S. Rakheja, K. Wang, R. Bhat, and P.-É. Boileau

A comparison of biodynamic models of the human hand-arm system for applications to the hand-held power tools, S. Rakheja, J. Z. Wu, R. G. Dong, A. W. Schopper, and P.-É. Boileau

Dilution of exhaust from a rooftop stack on a cubical building in an urban environment, T. Stathopoulos, L. Lazure, P. Saathoff, and X. Wei

Accident risks in disturbance recovery in an automated batch-production system, G. Toulouse

Submissions from 2001

A finite element model study on the role of trunk muscles in generating intra-abdominal pressure, Navid Arjmand, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, and Mohamad Parnianpour

Enhanced weak integral formulation for mixed (u,p) poroelastic equations, Noureddine Atalla, M. A. Hamdi, and Raymond Panneton

Acoustic absorption from macro-perforated porous materials, Noureddine Atalla, R. Panneton, Franck Sgard, and X. Olny

Adjustment of permissible exposure values to unusual work schedules, Jules Brodeur, Adolf Vyskocil, Robert Tardif, Guy Perrault, Daniel Drolet, Ginette Truchon, and François Lemay

Convergence of poroelastic finite elements based on Biot displacement formulation, Nicolas Dauchez, Sohbi Sahraoui, and Noureddine Atalla

A force platform for large human displacements, Pierre Desjardins and M. Gagnon

Comparison of endotoxin exposure assessment by bioaerosol impinger and filter-sampling methods, Caroline Duchaine, Peter S. Thorne, Anne Mériaux, Yan Grimard, Paul-Émile Whitten, and Yvon Cormier

Comparative ability of EMG, optimization, and hybrid modelling approaches to predict muscle forces and lumbar spine loading during dynamic saggital plane lifting, Denis Gagnon, Christian Larivière, and Patrick Loisel

Emissions of chemical compounds and bioaerosols during the secondary treatment of paper mill effluents, Nicole Goyer and Jacques Lavoie

Drift stability in moderately jointed rock, M. Grenon, J. Hadjigeorgiou, and J. P. Harrison

Effect of step and ramp static contraction on the median frequency of back muscles in humans, Christian Larivière, A. Bertrand Arsenault, Denis Gravel, Denis Gagnon, and Patrick Loisel

A triaxial dynamometer to monitor lateral bending and axial rotation moments during static trunk extension efforts, Christian Larivière, Denis Gagnon, Denis Gravel, A. Bertrand Arsenault, Jean-Pierre Dumas, Michel Goyette, and Patrick Loisel

Disability prevention: New paradigm for the management of occupational back pain, Patrick Loisel, Marie-José Durand, Diane Berthelette, Nicole Vézina, Raymond Baril, Denis Gagnon, Christian Larivière, and Claude Tremblay

Ergonomie, formation et transformation des milieux de travail : introduction, Sylvie Montreuil and Marie Bellemare

Determinants of chronic disability related to low-back pain: Towards an integrative model, Manon Truchon

Submissions from 2000

A multiaxial stress criterion for short- and long-term strength of isotropic rock media, M. Aubertin, L. Li, and R. Simon

Codimension 2 points in the flow inside a cylindrical annulus with a radial temperature gradient, Ali Bahloul, I. Mutabazi, and A. Ambari

Airborne Microfungi from Eastern Canadian Sawmills, Caroline Duchaine and Anne Mériaux

Assessment of particulates and bioaerosols in Eastern Canada sawmills, Caroline Duchaine, Anne Mériaux, Peter S. Thorne, and Yvon Cormier

Comparison of sampling methods for monomer and oligomers of 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate during spray finishing operations, Ellen England, Rosa Key-Schwartz, Jacques Lesage, Gary Carlton, Robert Streicher, and Ruiguan Song

Computerized equipment for the delivery of inhaled doses of solid particles in specific bronchial challenge, J.-F. Fabriès, D. Choudat, R. Wrobel, Y. Cloutier, J.-F. Dessandes, C. Villette, J. Dallava, and F. Conso

Classification criteria and severity assessment in work-associated upper extremity disorders: Methods matter, Jeffrey N. Katz, Susan R. Stock, Bradley A. Evanoff, David Rempel, J. Steven Moore, Alfred Franzblau, and Ronald H. Gray

An application of pattern recognition for the comparison of trunk muscles EMG waveforms between subjects with and without chronic low back pain during flexion-extension and lateral bending tasks, Christian Larivière, Denis Gagnon, and Patrick Loisel

Characterization of airway inflammation after repeated exposures to occupational agents, Catherine Lemière, Simone Chaboilliez, Carole Trudeau, Rame Taha, Karim Maghni, James G. Martin, and Qutayba Hamid

Analyses de la stabilité d'un tunnel non supporté avec un nouveau critère de rupture multiaxial, Li Li, Michel Aubertin, and Richard Simon