Submissions from 2018
Combining environmental investigation and a dual-analytical strategy to isolate the Legionella longbeachae strain linked to two occupational cases of Legionellosis, Geneviève Marchand, Judith Lord, Carole Pépin, and Nancy Lacombe
Fungal bioaerosols in biomethanization facilities, Hamza Mbareche, Marc Veillette, Marie-Ève Dubuis, Bouchra Bakhiyi, Geneviève Marchand, Joseph Zayed, Jacques Lavoie, Guillaume J. Bilodeau, and Caroline Duchaine
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles induce human eosinophil adhesion onto endothelial EA.hy926 cells via activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt cell signalling pathway, Maxime Murphy-Marion and Denis Girard
How can supervisors contribute to the successful return to work of employees diagnosed with depression?, Alessia Negrini, Marc Corbière, Tania Lecomte, Marie-France Coutu, Karen Nieuwenhuijsen, Louise St-Arnaud, Marie-José Durand, Andrea Gragnano, and Djamal Berbiche
Étude qualitative sur les facteurs qui contribuent à la décision d’un groupe de travailleurs seniors de se maintenir en emploi dans le secteur de l’éducation au Québec, Alessia Negrini, Jessica Dubé, Julie Hupé, Andrea Gragnano, and Marc Corbière
Swelling behavior of polymeric membranes to metalworking fluids, Phuong Nguyen-Tri, Ludovic Tuduri, Chantal Gauvin, Ennouri Triki, and Toan Vu-Khanh
Wheel chock key design elements and geometrical profile for truck vehicle restraint, Denis Rancourt, Charles Khazoom, Carl Blanchette, Laurent Giraud, Jacques Lemire, and Yves St-Amant
Traditional product representations and new digital tools in the dimensioning activity: A designers’ point of view on difficulties and needs, François Ranger, Steve Vezeau, and Monique Lortie
Characterization of the selective recording of workplace exposure measurements into OSHA’s IMIS databank, Philippe Sarazin, Igor Burstyn, Laurel Kincl, Melissa Friesen, and Jérôme Lavoué
Development of and selected performance characteristics of CANJEM, a general population job-exposure matrix based on past expert assessments of exposure, Jean-François Sauvé, Jack Siemiatycki, France Labrèche, Lesley Richardson, Javier Pintos, Marie-Pierre Sylvestre, Michel Gérin, Denis Bégin, Aude Lacourt, Tracy L. Kirkham, Thomas Rémen, Romain Pasquet, Mark S. Goldberg, Marie-Claude Rousseau, Marie-Élise Parent, and Jérôme Lavoué
Trunk postural balance and low back pain: Reliability and relationship with clinical changes following a lumbar stabilization exercise program, Ali Shahvarpour, Dany H. Gagnon, Richard Preuss, Sharon M. Henry, and Christian Larivière
The effect of wearing a lumbar belt on biomechanical and psychological outcomes related to maximal flexion-extension motion and manual material handling, Ali Shahvarpour, Richard Preuss, Michael J.L. Sullivan, Alessia Negrini, and Christian Larivière
Effect of surface fluorination of P25-TiO2 on adsorption of indoor environment volatile organic compounds, Zahra Shayegan, Fariborz Haghighat, Chang-Seo Lee, Ali Bahloul, and Mélanie Huard
Preferential aerosolization of Actinobacteria during handling of composting organic matter, Marc Veillette, Laetitia Bonifait, Hamza Mbareche, Geneviève Marchand, and Caroline Duchaine
Filters from taxis air conditioning system: A tool to characterize driver's occupational exposure to bioburden?, Carla Viegas, Ana Monteiro, Mateus dos Santos, Tiago Faria, Liliana Aranha Caetano, Elisabete Carolino, Anita Quintal Gomes, Geneviève Marchand, Nancy Lacombe, and Susana Viegas
Assessment of workers’ exposure to microorganisms when using biological degreasing stations, Carol-Anne Villeneuve, Geneviève Marchand, Marie Gardette, Jacques Lavoie, Eve Neesham-Grenon, Denis Bégin, and Maximilien Debia
Validation of an index of sensitivity to movement-evoked pain in patients with whiplash injuries, Alan K. Wan, Pierre Rainville, Shaun O'Leary, Rachel A. Elphinston, and Michele Sterling
Evaluation of effects of anti-vibration gloves on manual dexterity, Yumeng Yao, Subhash Rakheja, Chantal Gauvin, Pierre Marcotte, and Karim Hamouda
Submissions from 2017
Comparison of methods to evaluate the fungal biomass in heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) dust, Marie-Jeanne Biyeyeme Mve Bi, Yves Cloutier, Nancy Lacombe, Jacques Lavoie, Maximilien Debia, and Geneviève Marchand
Workers’ exposure to bioaerosols from three different types of composting facilities, Laetitia Bonifait, Geneviève Marchand, Marc Veillette, Hamza Mbareche, Marie-Ève Dubuis, Carole Pépin, Yves Cloutier, Yves Bernard, and Caroline Duchaine
The effect of two lumbar belt designs on trunk repositioning sense in people with and without low back pain, Jean-Alexandre Boucher, Nicolas Roy, Richard Preuss, and Christian Larivière
Stratégies de retour au travail d’employés ayant fait l’expérience d’une dépression : perspectives des employeurs et des cadres de ressources humaines, Marc Corbière, Tania Lecomte, Jean-Philippe Lachance, Marie-France Coutu, Alessia Negrini, and Sonia Laberon
Development of the Return-to-Work Obstacles and Self-Efficacy Scale (ROSES) and validation with workers suffering from a common mental disorder or musculoskeletal disorder, Marc Corbière, Alessia Negrini, Marie-José Durand, Louise St-Arnaud, Catherine Briand, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Patrick Loisel, and Jean-Philippe Lachance
Erratum to: Development of the Return-to-Work Obstacles and Self-Efficacy Scale (ROSES) and validation with workers suffering from a common mental disorder or musculoskeletal disorder, Marc Corbière, Alessia Negrini, Marie-José Durand, Louise St-Arnaud, Catherine Criand, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Patrick Loisel, and Jean-Philippe Lachance
Improving the health and safety of 911 emergency call centre agents: An evaluability assessment of a knowledge transfer strategy, Christian Dagenais, Laurence Plouffe, Charles Gagné, Georges Toulouse, Andrée-Anne Breault, and Didier Dupont
Diesel engine exhaust exposures in two underground mines, Maximilien Debia, Caroline Couture, Pierre-Eric Njanga, Eve Neesham-Grenon, Guillaume Lachapelle, Hugo Coulombe, Stéphane Hallé, and Simon Aubin
L’accompagnement au poste de travail des assembleurs du secteur aéronautique : réalités et défis, Denys Denis, Maud Gonella, Élise Ledoux, Bénédicte Calvet, and Marie Comeau
Bioaerosols concentrations in working areas in biomethanization facilities, Marie-Ève Dubuis, Hamza Mbareche, Marc Veillette, Bouchra Bakhiyi, Joseph Zayed, Jacques Lavoie, and Caroline Duchaine
Practices of return-to-work coordinators working in large organizations, Marie-José Durand, Iuliana Nastasia, Marie-France Coutu, and Michael Bernier
Evaluation of the in vitro and in vivo proinflammatory activities of gold (+) and gold (-) nanoparticles, Isabelle Durocher, Claudie Noël, Valérie Lavastre, and Denis Girard
A finite element model to improve noise reduction based attenuation measurement of earmuffs in a directional sound field, Marc-André Gaudreau, Franck Sgard, Frédéric Laville, and Hugues Nélisse
Obesity and obesity shape markedly influence spine biomechanics: A subject-specific risk assessment model, Farshid Ghezelbash, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, André Plamondon, Navid Arjmand, and Mohammad Parnianpour
Le retour au travail d’immigrants ayant subi une lésion professionnelle : les embûches de la rencontre interculturelle et la précarité du lien d’emploi, Sylvie Gravel, Jessica Dubé, Daniel Côté, Bob W. White, and Danielle Gratton
Fingers vibration transmission performance of vibration reducing gloves, Karim Hamouda, Subhash Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, and Krishna N. Dewangan
Prediction of stress-strain behaviour and energy dissipation of textile protective materials at large deformations, Lotfi Harrabi, Tarek Abboud, Toan Vu-Khanh, Patricia I. Dolez, and Jaime Lara
Evaluating the validity of the Work Role Functioning Questionnaire (Canadian French version) using classical test theory and item response theory, Quan Nha Hong, Marie-France Coutu, and Djamal Berbiche
Application of logical analysis of data to machinery-related accident prevention based on scarce data, Sabrina Jocelyn, Yuvin Chinniah, Mohamed-Salah Ouali, and Soumaya Yacout
Exposure assessment in a single-walled carbon nanotube primary manufacturer, Serge Kouassi, Cyril Catto, Claude Ostiguy, Gilles L'Espérance, and Jence Kroeger
Evaluation of a horizontal lifeline system used during installation of residential roofs, André Lan and Bertrand Galy
Milestones, barriers and beacons: Shared decision making in Canada inches ahead, France Légaré, Dawn Stacey, Pierre-Gerlier Forest, Marie-France Coutu, Patrick Archambault, Laura Boland, Holly O. Witteman, Annie LeBlanc, Krystina B. Lewis, and Anik M. C. Giguère
Workers' perspectives on return to work after total knee arthroplasty, Pascale Maillette, Marie-France Coutu, and Nathaly Gaudreault
Simultaneous exposures to heat and chemicals and the impact on toxicokinetics and biomonitoring, Axelle Marchand and Sami Haddad
Assessment of workers’ exposure to grain dust and bioaerosols during the loading of vessels’ hold: An example at a port in the province of Québec, Geneviève Marchand, Marie Gardette, Kiet Nguyen, Valérie Amano, Eve Neesham-Grenon, and Maximilien Debia
Effect of accelerating voltage on beam damage of asbestos fibers in the transmission electron microscope (TEM), Joannie Martin, Martin Beauparlant, Sébastien Sauvé, and Gilles L'Espérance
Effect of temperature on beam damage of asbestos fibers in the transmission electron microscope (TEM) at 100 kV, Joannie Martin, Martin Beauparlant, Sébastien Sauvé, and Gilles L'Espérance
A next generation sequencing approach with a suitable bioinformatics workflow to study fungal diversity in bioaerosols released from two different types of composting plants, Hamza Mbareche, Marc Veillette, Laetitia Bonifait, Marie-Ève Dubuis, and Yves Bernard
Time domain localization technique with sparsity constraint for imaging acoustic sources, Thomas Padois, Olivier Doutres, Franck Sgard, and Alain Berry
Acoustic source localization using a polyhedral microphone array and an improved generalized cross-correlation technique, Thomas Padois, Franck Sgard, Olivier Doutres, and Alain Berry
Difference between male and female workers lifting the same relative load when palletizing boxes, André Plamondon, Christian Larivière, Denys Denis, Hakim Mecheri, and Iuliana Nastasia
How reproducible is the acoustical characterization of porous media?, Francesco Pompoli, Paolo Bonfiglio, Kirill Horoshenkov, Amir Kahn, François-Xavier Bécot, Franck Sgard, Francesco Asdrubali, Francesco D'Alessandro, Jörn Hübelt, Noureddine Atala, Celse K. Amédin, Walter Lauriks, and Laurens Boeckx
Paramedics' working strategies while loading a stretcher into an ambulance, Jérôme Prairie, André Plamondon, Dominique Larouche, Sandrine Hegg-Deloye, and Philippe Corbeil
Use of the novel derivatizing agent 1,8-diaminonapthalene with the CIP10 sampler to measure 4,4'-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate atmospheres, Silvia Puscasu, Simon Aubin, Philippe Sarazin, Lucile Richard, Mark Spence, and Sébastien Gagné
Accuracy and repeatability of single-pose calibration of inertial measurement units for whole-body motion analysis, Xavier Robert-Lachaine, Hakim Mecheri, Christian Larue, and André Plamondon
Effect of local magnetic field disturbances on inertial measurement units accuracy, Xavier Robert-Lachaine, Hakim Mecheri, Christian Larue, and André Plamondon
Validation of inertial measurement units with an optoelectronic system for whole-body motion analysis, Xavier Robert-Lachaine, Hakim Mecheri, Christian Larue, and André Plamondon
The effect of an 8-week stabilization exercise program on the lumbopelvic rhythm and flexion-relaxation phenomenon, Ali Shahvarpour, Sharon M. Henry, Richard Preuss, Hakim Mecheri, and Christian Larivière
Return to work helps maintain treatment gains in the rehabilitation of whiplash injury, Michael J.L. Sullivan, Heather Adams, Pascal Thibault, E. Moore, and J. Carrière
Concentrations of disinfection by-products in swimming pools following modifications of the water treatment process: An exploratory study, Robert Tardif, Manuel Rodriguez, Cyril Catto, Ginette Charest-Tardif, and Sabrina Simard
The economic burden of lung cancer and mesothelioma due to occupational and para-occupational asbestos exposure, Emile Tompa, Christina Kalcevich, Christopher McLeod, Martin Lebeau, Chaojie Song, Kim McLeod, Joanne Kim, and Paul A. Demers
Combined puncture and cutting of elastomer membranes: A fracture energy approach, Ennouri Triki, Phuong Nguyen-Tri, Chantal Gauvin, and Toan Vu-Khanh
Submissions from 2016
Efficiency of five chemical protective clothing materials against nano and submicron aerosols when submitted to mechanical deformations, Mehdi Ben Salah, Stéphane Hallé, and Ludovic Tuduri
Time courses and variability of pyrethroid biomarkers of exposure in a group of agricultural workers in Quebec, Canada, Michèle Bouchard
The effects of an 8-week stabilization exercise program on lumbar movement sense in patients with low back pain, Jean-Alexandre Boucher, Richard Preuss, Sharon M. Henry, Jean-Pierre Dumas, and Christian Larivière
Risk analysis for confined space entries: Critical analysis of four tools applied to three risk scenarios, Damien Burlet-Vienney, Yuvin Chinniah, Ali Bahloul, and Brigitte Roberge
Green jobs: Definition and method of appraisal of chemical and biological risks, Erwan Cheneval, Marc-Antoine Busque, Claude Ostiguy, Jacques Lavoie, Robert Bourbonnais, France Labrèche, Bouchra Bakhiyi, and Joseph Zayed
Factors perceived by employees regarding their sick leave due to depression, Marc Corbière, Esther Samson, Alessia Negrini, Louise St-Arnaud, Marie-José Durand, Marie-France Coutu, Geneviève Sauvé, and Tania Lecomte
Physiological and psychological predictors of short-term disability in workers with a history of low back pain: A longitudinal study, Jean-Daniel Dubois, Vincent Cantin, Mathieu Piché, and Martin Descarreaux
Pratiques de retour au travail dans de grandes entreprises au Québec, Marie-José Durand, Marie-France Coutu, and Iuliana Nastasia
In vivo proinflammatory activity of generations 0-3 (G0-G3) polyamidoamine (PAMAM) nanoparticles, Isabelle Durocher and Denis Girard
Effects of variation in external pulling force magnitude, elevation, and orientation on trunk muscle forces, spinal loads and stability, Zakaria El Ouaaid, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, and André Plamondon
Identification of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate thermal degradation products in a generation chamber by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry, Sébastien Gagné and Yves Cloutier
A biomechanical comparison between expert and novice manual materials handlers using a multi-joint EMG-assisted optimization musculoskeletal model of the lumbar spine, Denis Gagnon, André Plamondon, and Christian Larivière
Subject-specific biomechanics of trunk: Musculoskeletal scaling, internal loads and intradiscal pressure estimation, Farshid Ghezelbash, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Navid Arjmand, A. El-Ouaaid, and André Plamondon
Effects of sex, age, body height and body weight on spinal loads: Sensitivity analyses in a subject-specific trunk musculoskeletal model, Farshid Ghezelbash, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Navid Arjmand, A. El-Ouaaid, André Plamondon, and J. R. Meakin
Systematic evaluation of the adsorption of organic vapors onto a miniaturized cartridge device using breakthrough tests in parallel experiment with a full size respirator cartridge, Florence Janvier, Ludovic Tuduri, Daniel Cossement, Daniel Drolet, and Jaime Lara
Contribution of dynamic experience feedback to the quantitative estimation of risks for preventing accidents: A proposed methodology for machinery safety, Sabrina Jocelyn, Yuvin Chinniah, and Mohamed-Salah Ouali
Impact of aggregating exposure information from cases and controls when building a population-based job-exposure matrix from past expert evaluations, Tracy L. Kirkham, Jack Siemiatycki, France Labrèche, and Jérôme Lavoué
Posture and lifting exposures for daycare workers, Adam Labaj, Tara Diesbourg, Geneviève Dumas, André Plamondon, Hakim Mecheri, and Christian Larue
But other than mesothelioma? An estimate of the proportion of work-related cancers in Quebec, France Labrèche, Patrice Duguay, Alexandre Boucher, and Robert Arcand
Using cartoons to transfer knowledge concerning the principles of work disability prevention among stakeholders, Marie-Elise Labrecque, Marie-France Coutu, Marie-José Durand, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, and Patrick Loisel
Holistic sustainable development: Floor-layers and micro-enterprises, Monique Lortie, Sylvie Nadeau, and Steve Vezeau
Trunk muscle reflexes are elicited by small continuous perturbations in healthy subjects and patients with low-back pain, Daniel Ludvig and Christian Larivière
Bacteria emitted in ambient air during bronchoscopy: A risk to health care workers?, Geneviève Marchand, Caroline Duchaine, Jacques Lavoie, Marc Veillette, and Yves Cloutier
On the threshold conditions for electron beam damage of asbestos amosite fibers in the transmission electron microscope (TEM), Joannie Martin, Martin Beauparlant, Sébastien Sauvé, and Gilles L'Espérance
Evaluation of eight methods for aligning orientation of two coordinate systems, Hakim Mecheri, Xavier Robert-Lachaine, Christian Larue, and André Plamondon
Quantitative ultrasound imaging of Achilles tendon integrity in symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals: Reliability and minimal detectable change, Marie-Josée Nadeau, Amélie Desrochers, Martin Lamontagne, Christian Larivière, and Dany H. Gagnon
Gold nanoparticles induce apoptosis, endoplasmic reticulum stress events and cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins in human neutrophils, Claudie Noël, Jean-Christophe Simard, and Denis Girard
On the use of geometric and harmonic means with the generalized cross-correlation in the time domain to improve noise source maps, Thomas Padois, Olivier Doutres, Franck Sgard, and Alain Berry
Two related occupational cases of legionella longbeachae Infection, Quebec, Canada, Marianne Picard-Masson, Élisabeth Lajoie, Judith Lord, Cindy Lalancette, Geneviève Marchand, Éric Levac, Marc-André Lemieux, Patricia Hudson, and Louise Lajoie
Design of a safety control system to improve the verification step in machinery lockout procedures: A case study, Pascal Poisson, Yuvin Chinniah, and Sabrina Jocelyn
Biomechanical risk assessment during field loading of hydraulic stretchers into ambulances, Jérôme Prairie, André Plamondon, Sandrine Hegg-Deloye, Dominique Larouche, and Philippe Corbeil
Implementation and evaluation of an analytical method for a novel derivatizing agent to measure 4,4'-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate atmospheres, Silvia Puscasu, Simon Aubin, Mark Spence, and Sébastien Gagné
A numerical study of a method for estimating sound absorption coefficient under a synthesized diffuse acoustic field, Olivier Robin, Celse Kafui Amédin, Alain Berry, Noureddine Atalla, Olivier Doutres, and Franck Sgard
Trends in OSHA compliance monitoring data 1979-2011: Statistical modeling of ancillary information across 77 chemicals, Philippe Sarazin, Igor Burstyn, Laurel Kincl, and Jérôme Lavoué
Active-passive biodynamics of the human trunk when seated on a wobble chair, Ali Shahvarpour, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, and Christian Larivière
Human eosinophils are direct targets to nanoparticles: Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO) delay apoptosis and increase the production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-8, Luis Rafael Silva and Denis Girard
Assessment of air and water contamination by disinfection byproducts at 41 indoor swimming pools, Robert Tardif, Cyril Catto, Sami Haddad, Sabrina Simard, and Manuel Rodriguez
Activation of human AML14.3D10 eosinophils by nanoparticles: Modulatory activity on apoptosis and cytokine production, Francis Valières, Jean-Christophe Simard, Claudie Noël, Maxime Murphy-Marion, Valérie Lavastre, and Denis Girard
Relationship between leg and back strength with inter-joint coordination of females during lifting, Michael Yehoyakim, Sophie Bellefeuille, Julie Côté, and André Plamondon
Deactivation and ultraviolet C-induced regeneration of photocatalytic oxidation air filters, Lexuan Zhong, Chang-Seo Lee, Fariborz Haghighat, and Ali Bahloul