Multi-exposures to suspected endocrine disruptors in electronic waste recycling workers: Associations with thyroid and reproductive hormones
Type de document
Études primaires
Année de publication
Titre de la revue
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
Recyclage, Recycling, Effet neuro-endocrinien, Neuro-endocrine effect, Évaluation de l'exposition, Exposure evaluation, Dosage dans le sang, Determination in blood, Dosage dans l'urine, Determination in urine, Ignifugation, Flame retardant treatment, Retardateur de combustion, Flame retardant, Métaux, Metals, Industrie électronique, Electronic industry
Numéro de projet IRSST
Citation recommandée
Gravel, S., Lavoué, J., Bakhiyi, B., Lavoie, J., Roberge, B., Patry, L., . . . Labrèche, F. (2020). Multi-exposures to suspected endocrine disruptors in electronic waste recycling workers: Associations with thyroid and reproductive hormones. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 225, article 113445.