Submissions from 2020
Qualitative knowledge of filtering facepiece respirators for filtration performance tests during the COVID-19 pandemic, Clothilde Brochot, Mohamed N. Saidi, and Ali Bahloul
Theoretical investigation of the low frequency fundamental mechanism of the objective occlusion effect induced by bone-conducted stimulation, Kévin Carillo, Olivier Doutres, and Franck Sgard
Cumulative stigma among injured immigrant workers: A qualitative exploratory study in Montreal (Quebec, Canada), Daniel Côté, Jessica Dubé, Sylvie Gravel, Danielle Gratton, and Bob W. White
Characterization and quantification of ultrafine particles and carbonaceous components from occupational exposures to diesel particulate matter in selected workplaces, Alan da Silveira Fleck, Cyril Catto, Gilles L'Espérance, Jean-Philippe Masse, Brigitte Roberge, and Maximilien Debia
Development of a method for quantification of toluene diisocyanate and methylenediphenyl diisocyanate migration from polyurethane foam sample surface to artificial sweat by HPLC-UV-MS, Aleksandra Donchenko, Simon Aubin, Sébastien Gagné, Mark Spence, Livain Breau, and Jacques Lesage
Strength of temporary wooden guardrails installed on open joists and prefabricated walls, Bertrand Galy and André Lan
Estimating the burden of lung cancer in Canada attributed to occupational radon exposure using a novel exposure assessment method, Calvin B. Ge, Joanne Kim, France Labrèche, Emily Heer, Chaojie Song, Victoria H. Arrandale, Manisha Pahwa, C. E. Peters, and P. A. Demers
Subject-specific regression equations to estimate lower spinal loads during symmetric and asymmetric static lifting, Farshid Ghezelbash, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Zakaria El Ouaaid, André Plamondon, and Navid Arjmand
Multi-exposures to suspected endocrine disruptors in electronic waste recycling workers: Associations with thyroid and reproductive hormones, Sabrina Gravel, Jérôme Lavoué, Bouchra Bakhiyi, Jacques Lavoie, Brigitte Roberge, Louis Patry, Maryse F. Bouchard, Marc-André Verner, Joseph Zayed, and France Labrèche
Testing and improving an ISO 14119-inspired tool to prevent bypassing safeguards on industrial machines, Aida Haghighi, Sabrina Jocelyn, and Yuvin Chinniah
Time course and variability of tendinous vibration-induced postural reactions in forward and backward directions, Mohamed Abdelhafid Kadri, Gabrielle Chevalier, Hakim Mecheri, Suzy Ngomo, Martin Lavallière, Rubens A. da Silva, and Louis-David Beaulieu
Proposing a minimal data set of musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging biomarkers to inform clinical practice: An analysis founded on the Achilles tendon, Mathieu Lalumière, Christian Larivière, Marie-Josée Nadeau, Philippe Paquette, Martin Lamontagne, François Desmeules, and Dany H. Gagnon
Structural remodelling of the lumbar multifidus, thoracolumbar fascia and lateral abdominal wall perimuscular connective tissues: A cross-sectional and comparative ultrasound study, Christian Larivière, Richard Preuss, Dany H. Gagnon, Hakim Mecheri, and Sharon M. Henry
Is postural control during unstable sitting a proxy measure for determinants associated with lumbar stability?, Christian Larivière, Richard Preuss, Daniel Ludvig, and Sharon M. Henry
The impact of compensation data maturity on OHS indicators, Martin Lebeau, Patrice Duguay, Alexandre Boucher, and Marc-Antoine Busque
A validated UPLC-MS/MS method for the determination of aliphatic and aromatic isocyanate exposure in human urine, Maggy Lépine, Lekha Sleno, Jacques Lesage, and Sébastien Gagné
Adherence to a home exercise programme following a clinical programme for non-acute non-specific low back pain: An exploratory study, Judith L'Heureux, Marie-France Coutu, Djamal Berbiche, Michael J.L. Sullivan, and Christian Larivière
A logic model for a self-management program designed to help workers with persistent and disabling low back pain stay at work, Christian Longtin, Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme, and Marie-France Coutu
Motion-based prediction of external forces and moments and back loading during manual material handling tasks, Antoine Muller, Charles Pontonnier, Xavier Robert-Lachaine, Georges Dumont, and André Plamondon
Can silicone passive samplers be used for measuring exposure of e-waste workers to flame retardants?, Linh Nguyen, Sabrina Gravel, France Labrèche, Bouchra Bakhiyi, Marc-André Verner, Joseph Zayed, Liisa M. Jantunen, Victoria H. Arrandale, and Miriam L. Diamond
Whole-body vibration biodynamics: A critical review. I. Experimental biodynamics, Subhash Rakheja, Krishna N. Dewangan, Ren G. Dong, and Pierre Marcotte
Three-month efficacy of three knee braces in the treatment of medial knee osteoarthritis in a randomized crossover trial, Xavier Robert-Lachaine, Yoann Dessery, Étienne L. Belzile, Sylvie Turmel, and Philippe Corbeil
Feasibility of quantifying the physical exposure of materials handlers in the workplace with magnetic and inertial measurement units, Xavier Robert-Lachaine, Christian Larue, Denys Denis, Alain Delisle, Hakim Mecheri, Philippe Corbeil, and André Plamondon
Validation of a low-cost inertial motion capture system for whole-body motion analysis, Xavier Robert-Lachaine, Hakim Mecheri, Antoine Muller, Christian Larue, and André Plamondon
Acoustic characterization of tonal and broadband backup alarms in laboratory and field conditions, Olivier Robin, Tamara Krpic, Hugues Nélisse, and Alain Berry
Activation of human eosinophils with nanoparticles: A new area of research, Marion Vanharen and Denis Girard
Are workers from waste sorting industry really protected by wearing filtering respiratory protective devices? The gap between the myth and reality, Carla Viegas, Marta Dias, Beatriz Almeida, Liliana Aranha Caetano, Elisabete Carolino, Anita Quintal Gomes, Magdalena Twarużek, Robert Kosicki, Jan Grajewski, Geneviève Marchand, and Susana Viegas
Assessing increased activities of the forearm muscles due to anti-vibration gloves: Construct validity of a refined methodology, Yumeng Yao, Subhash Rakheja, Christian Larivière, and Pierre Marcotte
Distributed vibration isolation and manual dexterity of anti-vibration gloves: Is there a correlation?, Yumeng Yao, Subhash Rakheja, and Pierre Marcotte
Submissions from 2019
Procedure to measure the penetration of one mechanical filter for nanoparticles: Validation by comparison, Pooya Abdolghader, Clothilde Brochot, Fariborz Haghighat, and Ali Bahloul
Use of magnetic resonance image registration to estimate displacement in the human earcanal due to the insertion of in-ear devices, Simon Benacchio, Olivier Doutres, Arthur Varoquaux, Éric Wagnac, Arnaud Le Troter, Virginie Callot, and Franck Sgard
In-ear noise dosimetry under earplug: Method to exclude wearer-induced disturbances, Fabien Bonnet, Hugues Nélisse, Marcos Nogarolli, and Jérémie Voix
Sex differences in glenohumeral muscle activation and coactivation during a box lifting task, Jason Bouffard, Romain Martinez, André Plamondon, Julie Côté, and Mickael Begon
Filtration of nanoparticles applied in general ventilation, Clothilde Brochot, Pooya Abdolghader, Fariborz Haghighat, and Ali Bahloul
Surface contamination with ten antineoplastic drugs in 83 Canadian centers, Laure Chauchat, Cynthia Tanguay, Nicolas J Caron, Sébastien Gagné, France Labrèche, and Jean-François Bussières
Biomechanical analysis of manual material handling movement in healthy weight and obese workers, Philippe Corbeil, André Plamondon, Grant Handrigan, Jasmin Vallée-Marcotte, Simon Laurendeau, Jasmin Ten Have, and Nancy Manzerolle
Fatigue de compassion, fatigue de diversité : l'oeuf ou la poule?, Daniel Côté and Jessica Dubé
Acceptability and feasibility of a shared decision-making model in work rehabilitation: A mixed-methods study of stakeholders' perspectives, Marie-France Coutu, France Légaré, Marie-José Durand, Dawn Stacey, Marie-Elise Labrecque, Marc Corbière, and Lesley Bainbridge
Proposition méthodologique en ergotoxicologie pour révéler les expositions à des produits chimiques, Louis Galey, Nathalie Judon, Caroline Jolly, Fabienne Goutille, Sarah Morelot, Marion Albert, Olivier Lhospital, Patrick Martin, Catherine Noel-Suberville, Pierrick Pasquereau, Agnès Aublet-Cuvelier, Brahim Mohammed-Brahim, and Alain Garrigou
Return-to-work success despite conflicts: An exploration of decision-making during a work rehabilitation program, Marie-Michelle Gouin, Marie-France Coutu, and Marie-José Durand
Halogenated flame retardants and organophosphate esters in the air of electronic waste recycling facilities: Evidence of high concentrations and multiple exposures, Sabrina Gravel, Jérôme Lavoué, Bouchra Bakhiyi, Miriam Diamond, Liisa Jantunen, Jacques Lavoie, Brigitte Roberge, Marc-André Verner, Joseph Zayed, and France Labrèche
A holistic assessment tool to estimate the probability of bypassing safeguards on machinery, Aida Haghighi, Sabrina Jocelyn, and Yuvin Chinniah
Design of a self-audit tool for the application of lockout on machinery in the province of Quebec, Canada to control hazardous energies, Benyamin Karimi, Damien Burlet-Vienney, Yuvin Chinniah, and Barthelemy Aucourt
Hazardous energy control on machinery: Understanding the use of alternative methods to lockout, Benyamin Karimi, Damien Burlet-Vienney, Yuvin Chinniah, and Barthélemy Aucourt
Comparison of lifting and bending demands of the various tasks performed by daycare workers, Adam Labaj, Tara Diesbourg, Geneviève Dumas, André Plamondon, and Hakim Mecheri
The current burden of cancer attributable to occupational exposures in Canada, France Labrèche, Joanne Kim, Chaojie Song, Manisha Pahwa, Calvin B. Ge, Victoria H. Arrandale, Christopher B. McLeod, Cheryl E. Peters, Jérôme Lavoué, Hugh W. Davies, Anne-Marie Nicol, and Paul A. Demers
Maintaining lumbar spine stability: A study of the specific and combined effects of abdominal activation and lumbosacral orthosis on lumbar intrinsic stiffness, Christian Larivière, Jean-Alexandre Boucher, Hakim Mecheri, and Daniel Ludvig
Ultrasound measures of the abdominal wall in patients with low back pain before and after an 8-week lumbar stabilization exercise program, and their association with clinical outcomes, Christian Larivière, Sharon M. Henry, Dany H. Gagnon, Richard Preuss, and Jean-Pierre Dumas
Revisiting the effect of manipulating lumbar stability with load magnitudes and positions: The effect of sex on trunk muscle activation, Christian Larivière, Ali Shahvarpour, Christina Gravel, Myriam Gauvin, Anne-Marie Jean, Ariane Viau, and Hakim Mecheri
Overall risk index for patient transfers in total assistance mode executed by emergency medical technician-paramedics in real work situations, Dominique Larouche, Marie Bellemare, Jérôme Prairie, Sandrine Hegg-Deloye, and Philippe Corbeil
To what extent do paramedics apply safe handling principles when transferring patients from stair chairs to stretchers?, Dominique Larouche, Philippe Corbeil, Marie Bellemare, Marie Authier, Jérôme Prairie, and Sandrine Hegg-Deloye
Expostats: A bayesian toolkit to aid the interpretation of occupational exposure measurements, Jérôme Lavoué, Lawrence Joseph, Peter Knott, Hugh W. Davies, France Labrèche, Frédéric Clerc, Gautier Mater, and Tracy Kirkham
A validated liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry method for 4,4′-methylenedianiline quantitation in human urine as a measure of 4,4′-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate exposure, Maggy Lépine, Lekha Sleno, Jacques Lesage, and Sébastien Gagné
Deciphering programs for optimal self-management of persistent musculoskeletal-related pain and disability: Clinical implications for PTs, Christian Longtin, Marie-France Coutu, and Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme
A transfer matrix model of the IEC 60318-4 ear simulator: Application to the simulation of earplug insertion loss, Yu Luan, Franck Sgard, Simon Benacchio, Hugues Nélisse, and Olivier Doutres
The effect of extensible and non-extensible lumbar belts on trunk muscle activity and lumbar stiffness in subjects with and without low-back pain, Daniel Ludvig, Richard Preuss, and Christian Larivière
Sex differences in upper limb 3D joint contributions during a lifting task, Romain Martinez, Jason Bouffard, Benjamin Michaud, André Plamondon, Julie Côté, and Mickael Begon
A machine-learning method for classifying and analyzing foot placement: Application to manual material handling, Antoine Muller, Jasmin Vallée-Marcotte, Xavier Robert-Lachaine, Hakim Mecheri, Christian Larue, Pierre Larue, and André Plamondon
On the use of modified phase transform weighting functions for acoustic imaging with the generalized cross correlation, Thomas Padois, Olivier Doutres, and Franck Sgard
Optimization of a spherical microphone array geometry for localizing acoustic sources using the generalized cross-correlation technique, Thomas Padois, Olivier Doutres, Franck Sgard, and Alain Berry
Identification of noise sources using a time domain beamforming on pneumatic, gas and electric nail guns, Thomas Padois, Marc-André Gaudreau, Pierre Marcotte, and Frédéric Laville
The impact of night shift work on breast cancer: Results from the Burden of Occupational Cancer in Canada Study, Manisha Pahwa, France Labrèche, Joanne Kim, M. Anne Harris, Chaojie Song, Cheryl E. Peters, Victoria H. Arrandale, Hugh Davies, Christopher B. McLeod, and Paul A. Demers
Burden of non-melanoma skin cancer attributable to occupational sun exposure in Canada, Cheryl E. Peters, Joanne Kim, Chaojie Song, Emily Heer, Victoria H Arrandale, M. Pahwa, France Labrèche, Christopher B. McLeod, Hugh W. Davies, C. B. Ge, and P. A. Demers
Insurers’ perspective on barriers and facilitators for return to work after occupational injuries, Marie-Maxime Robichaud, Manon Truchon, Louise St-Arnaud, and Iuliana Nastasia
Laboratory and in situ sound absorption measurement under a synthetized diffuse acoustic field, Olivier Robin, Alain Berry, Celse Kafui Amédin, Noureddine Atalla, Olivier Doutres, and Franck Sgard
The effect of extensible and non-extensible lumbar belts on trunk postural balance in subjects with low back pain and healthy controls, Ali Shahvarpour, Richard Preuss, and Christian Larivière
Analytical and experimental investigation of puncture-cut resistance of soft membranes, Ennouri Triki and Chantal Gauvin
Stress state analysis and tensile-shear fracture criterion in combined puncture and cutting of soft materials, Ennouri Triki and Chantal Gauvin
Bioburden in health care centers: Is the compliance with Portuguese legislation enough to prevent and control infection?, Carla Viegas, Beatriz Almeida, Ana Monteiro, Liliana Aranha Caetano, Elisabete Carolino, Anita Quintal Gomes, Magdalena Twarużek, Robert Kosicki, Geneviève Marchand, and Susana Viegas
Relationship among hand forces imparted on a viscoelastic hand-handle interface, Yumeng Yao, Subhash Rakheja, and Pierre Marcotte
Submissions from 2018
Estimation of the ear canal displacement field due to in-ear device insertion using a registration method on a human-like artificial ear, Simon Benacchio, Olivier Doutres, Arnaud Le Troter, Arthur Varoquaux, Éric Wagnac, Virginie Callot, and Franck Sgard
Do as you say: The effects of psychosocial safety climate on managerial quality in an organizational health intervention, Caroline Biron, Annick Parent-Lamarche, Hans Ivers, and Geneviève Baril-Gingras
How reproducible are methods to measure the dynamic viscoelastic properties of poroelastic media?, Paolo Bonfiglio, Francesco Pompoli, Kirill V. Horoshenkov, Mahmud Iskandar B. Seth A. Rahim, Luc Jaouen, Julia Rodenas, François-Xavier Bécot, Emmanuel Gourdon, Dirk Jaeger, Volker Kursch, Maurizio Tarello, Nicolaas Bernardus Roozen, Christ Glorieux, Fabrizio Ferrian, Pierre Leroy, Francesco Briatico Vangosa, Nicolas Dauchez, Félix Foucart, Lei Lei, Kevin Carillo, Olivier Doutres, Franck Sgard, Raymond Panneton, Kévin Verdière, Claudio Bertolini, Rolf Bär, Jean-Philippe Groby, Alain Geslain, Nicolas Poulain, Lucie Rouleau, Alain Guinault, Hamid Ahmadi, and Charlie Forge
Effects of ear canal occlusion on hearing sensitivity: A loudness experiment, Fabien Bonnet, Hugues Nélisse, and Jérémie Voix
Trunk postural adjustments: Medium-term reliability and correlation with changes of clinical outcomes following an 8-week lumbar stabilization exercise program, Jean-Alexandre Boucher, Richard Preuss, Sharon M. Henry, Marilee Nugent, and Christian Larivière
Human viral pathogens are pervasive in wastewater treatment center aerosols, Evelyne Brisebois, Marc Veillette, Vanessa Dion Dupont, Jacques Lavoie, Jacques Corbeil, Alexander Culley, and Caroline Duchaine
Development of a method for extraction and determination of 4,4′-methylenedianiline in soils by solid-phase extraction and UPLC-MS-MS, Camille Brunet, Simon Aubin, Sébastien Gagné, Robert West, and Jacques Lesage
Numerical study of the broadband vibro-acoustic response of an earmuff, Kévin Carillo, Franck Sgard, and Olivier Doutres
Activation of human eosinophils with palladium nanoparticles (Pd NPs): Importance of the actin cytoskeleton in Pd NPs-induced cellular adhesion, Pascal Chhay, Maxime Murphy-Marion, Yannick Samson, and Denis Girard
Validation of the impact of architectural flaws in six machine risk estimation tools, Yuvin Chinniah, François Gauthier, Barthélemy Aucourt, and Damien Burlet-Vienney
Employee perceptions about factors influencing their return to work after a sick-leave due to depression, Marc Corbière, Marie-France Coutu, G Bergeron, Esther Samson, Alessia Negrini, Geneviève Sauvé, and Tania Lecomte
Diesel engine exhaust exposure in underground mines: Comparison between different surrogates of particulate exposure, Alan da Silveira Fleck, Caroline Couture, Jean-François Sauvé, Pierre-Eric Njanga, Eve Neesham-Grenon, Guillaume Lachapelle, Hugo Coulombe, Stéphane Hallé, Simon Aubin, Jérôme Lavoué, and Maximilien Debia
Health care workers’ risk perceptions and willingness to report for work during an influenza pandemic, Georges Dionne, Denise Desjardins, Martin Lebeau, Stéphane Messier, and André Dascal
Trunk response and stability in standing under sagittal-symmetric pull-push forces at different orientations, elevations and magnitudes, Zakaria El Ouaaid, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, and André Plamondon
A comparison of lumbar spine and muscle loading between male and female workers during box transfers, Denis Gagnon, André Plamondon, and Christian Larivière
Risk assessment in safety of machinery: Impact of construction flaws in risk estimation parameters, François Gauthier, Yuvin Chinniah, Damien Burlet-Vienney, Barthélemy Aucourt, and Stéphane Larouche
Trunk musculoskeletal response in maximum voluntary exertions: A combined measurement-modeling investigation, Farshid Ghezelbash, Zakaria El Ouaaid, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, André Plamondon, and Navid Arjmand
Effects of motion segment simulation and joint positioning on spinal loads in trunk musculoskeletal models, Farshid Ghezelbash, Amir H. Eskandari, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Navid Arjmand, Zakaria El Ouaaid, and André Plamondon
Fault tree analysis and risk mitigation strategies for mine hoists, Laurent Giraud and Bertrand Galy
Exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in American and Canadian workers: Biomonitoring data from two national surveys, Sabrina Gravel, Jérôme Lavoué, and France Labrèche
Fingers' vibration transmission and grip strength preservation performance of vibration reducing gloves, Karim Hamouda, Subhash Rakheja, Krishna N. Dewangan, and Pierre Marcotte
Estimation of probability of harm in safety of machinery using an investigation systemic approach and logical analysis of data, Sabrina Jocelyn, Mohamed-Salah Ouali, and Yuvin Chinniah
Qualitative study on the control of hazardous energy on machinery using lockout and alternative methods, Benyamin Karimi, Yuvin Chinniah, Damien Burlet-Vienney, and Barthélemy Aucourt
Burden of lung cancer attributable to occupational diesel engine exhaust exposure in Canada, Joanne Kim, Cheryl E. Peters, Victoria H Arrandale, France Labrèche, Calvin B. Ge, Christopher B. McLeod, Chaojie Song, Jérôme Lavoué, Hugh W. Davies, Anne-Marie Nicol, Manisha Pahwa, and Paul A. Demers
Agreement in occupational exposures between men and women using retrospective assessments by expert coders, Aude Lacourt, France Labrèche, Mark S. Goldberg, Jack Siemiatycki, and Jérôme Lavoué
Predictors of disability and absenteeism in workers with non-specific low back pain: A longitudinal 15-month study, Arnaud Lardon, Jean-Daniel Dubois, Vincent Cantin, Mathieu Piché, and Martin Descarreaux
The effects of an 8-week stabilization exercise program on lumbar multifidus muscle thickness and activation as measured with ultrasound imaging in patients with low back pain: An exploratory study, Christian Larivière, Dany H. Gagnon, Sharon M. Henry, Richard Preuss, and Jean-Pierre Dumas
Detection and reaction thresholds for reverse alarms in noise with and without passive hearing protection, Chantal Laroche, Christian Giguère, Véronique Vaillancourt, Karine Roy, Louis-Philippe Pageot, Hugues Nélisse, Nicolas Ellaham, and Flora Nassrallah
Cost of occupational injuries and diseases in the mining industry in Quebec, Martin Lebeau and Patrice Duguay
Ultrasound-guided tendon fenestration versus open-release surgery for the treatment of chronic lateral epicondylosis of the elbow: Protocol for a prospective, randomised, single blinded study, Eugen Lungu, Philippe Grondin, Patrice Tétreault, François Desmeules, Guy Cloutier, Manon Choinière, and Nathalie J. Bureau