Occupational pressures of frontline workers enforcing COVID-19 pandemic measures in Ontario and Quebec, Canada
Daniel Côté : https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3000-5622
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Études primaires
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BACKGROUND:During the COVID-19 pandemic, low-wage public-facing frontline workers (FLWs), such as grocery store clerks, were required to monitor retail customers and enforce COVID-19 protocols. OBJECTIVE:This analysis aimed to examine FLWs experiences of enforcing COVID-19 pandemic measures. METHODS:Between September 2020 and March 2021, in Ontario and Quebec (Canada), we conducted in-depth interviews about customer-related work and health risks with FLWs who interacted with the public (n = 40) and their supervisors (n = 16). Using a lens of situational analysis, verbatim transcripts were coded according to recurring topics. RESULTS:We found that enforcing public health measures placed already-precarious workers in difficult occupational health circumstances. Enforcement of measures created additional workplace responsibilities, stress, and exposed them to potentially negative reactions from customers. CONCLUSIONS:Interventions to better support these workers and improved methods of protection are discussed.
Covid-19, Maladie infectieuse, Infectious disease, Niveau de santé, State of health, Méthodologie, Methodology, Exposition, Exposure, Travail temporaire, Temporary employment
Numéro de projet IRSST
Citation recommandée
Hopwood, P., MacEachen, E., Coté, D., Meyer, S. B., Majowicz, S., Hyun, A.-T., . . . Ilic, A. (2024). Occupational pressures of frontline workers enforcing COVID-19 pandemic measures in Ontario and Quebec, Canada. Work, 79(2), 661-672. https://doi.org/10.3233/WOR-230315