Effect of personalized spinal profile on its biomechanical response in an EMG-assisted optimization musculoskeletal model of the trunk

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Études primaires

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Journal of Biomechanics


Recent developments in musculoskeletal (MS) modeling have been geared towards model customization. Personalization of the spine profile could affect estimates of spinal loading and stability, particularly in the upright standing posture where large inter-subject variations in the lumbar lordosis have been reported. This study investigates the biomechanical consequences of changes in the spinal profile. In 31 participants (healthy and with back pain), (1) the spine external profile was measured, (2) submaximal contractions were recorded in a dynamometer to calibrate the EMG-driven MS model and finally (3) static lifting in the upright standing challenging spine stability while altering load position and magnitude were considered. EMG signals of 12 trunk muscles and angular kinematics of 17 segments were recorded. For each participant, the MS model was constructed using either a generic or a personalized spinal profile and 17 biomechanical outcomes were computed, including individual muscle forces, ratios of muscle group forces, spinal loading and stability parameters. According to the ANOVA results and corresponding effect sizes, personalizing the spine profile induced medium and large effects on about half MS model outcomes related to the trunk muscle forces and negligible to small effects on spinal loading and stability as more aggregate outcomes. These effects are explained by personalized spine profiles that were a little more in extension as well as more pronounced spine curvatures (lordosis and kyphosis). These findings suggest that spine profile personalization should be considered in MS spine modeling as it may impact muscle force prediction and spinal loading. © 2023 Elsevier Ltd


Colonne vertébrale, Spinal column, Mécanique humaine, Body mechanics, Électromyographie, Electromyography, Posture debout, Standing posture, Dynamomètre, Dynamometer, Physiologie de l'appareil locomoteur, Physiology of musculoskeletal system

Numéro de projet IRSST


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