Successful strategies for occupational health and safety in small and medium enterprises: Insights for a sustainable return to work
Type de document
Études primaires
Année de publication
Titre de la revue
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
Purpose: The objectives of this paper were to summarize successful strategies in occupational health and safety (OHS) management in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to explore their potential applicability for disability management (DM) and return-to-work (RTW) after work-related injuries. Methods: A scoping review was conducted, using a consensus-based iterative approach, and a consultation with stakeholders. Twelve databases were searched in collaboration with a specialized librarian, using keywords and combinations of terms. The reviewers identified pertinent articles, selected those which corresponded to the inclusion criteria, extracted data, and analyzed information using qualitative content analyses. A synthesis was presented to the stakeholders, and their comments on overall applicability of these strategies in the Quebec context of DM and RTW were detailed. Results: A total of 638 references were retrieved from all sources, resulting in 37 scientific articles being analyzed. Four main strategies for improving OHS management in SMEs were identified: dissemination and exchange of information; transmission and acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities; using a participatory and collaborative approach; and considering the organizational context. Even if DM and sustainable RTW were sometimes mentioned by authors as important for OHS management in SMEs, specific strategies and implementation elements were not actually described by authors. However, different resources, structures, and activities, associated with one or more of the OHS management strategies described, through their different interactions between the various stakeholders, seem having the potential to act also in sustainable RTW. Conclusion: This review has provided an overview of strategies deployed to improve OSH in SME. The results invite stakeholders to a deep reflection on the potential application of such strategies to encompass sustainable RTW in SMEs.
Santé et sécurité du travail, Occupational health and safety, Suivi systématique de clientèles, Case management, Disability management, Maintien en emploi, Job maintenance, Petite et moyenne entreprise, Small or medium sized business
Numéro de projet IRSST
Citation recommandée
Nastasia, I. et Rives, R. (2024). Successful strategies for occupational health and safety in small and medium enterprises: Insights for a sustainable return to work. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.