The contribution of work activity analysis in assessing the comfort of protective clothing against pesticides

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Résumés de conférences

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Occupational Medicine


Farmers are exposed to pesticides during handling or other tasks. In Canada, due to the lack of a clear designation, a variety of clothing offering protection against pesticides are used. One of the aims of the ISO 27 065 standard is to standardize the characteristics of protective clothing (PC) in order to provide better protection for farmers.

A multidisciplinary research projected has been developed in order to facilitate the identification of effective PC and improve farmers' compliance with the requirements of the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA). It aims to develop a multidisciplinary methodology for evaluating the comfort of VPs dedicated to pesticides, in order to compare ISO 27 065 CP with the protective clothing currently worn by Canadian farmers. This presentation aims to demonstrate the relevance of work activity analysis, as used in ergonomics, in assessing the comfort of PC.

The project was conducted in collaboration with Canadian 11 apple growers, all of whom were responsible for pesticide spraying in their orchards. Preliminary interviews to describe the participants' socio-demographic profile and their use of pesticides and protective clothing were conducted prior to the spraying season. Filmed observations, coupled with measurement of external skin exposure, were carried out with the apple growers during the pesticide spray preparation-filling and spraying tasks.

Thematic analysis of the verbatim and videos documented the components of comfort. The data obtained through work activity analysis thus complemented exposure measurement and questionnaire data collection. This approach should be used to enrich proposals for task-specific design criteria.


Vêtement de protection, Protective clothing, Pesticide, Critère de confort, Comfort criteria, Agriculture, Ergonomie, Ergonomics

Numéro de projet IRSST

