
Submissions from 2023

Assessment of acoustical materials sound absorption coefficient under oblique incidence plane wave and diffuse field using a virtual source antenna, Alain Berry, Magdeleine Sciard, Franck Sgard, Olivier Robin, and Thomas Dupont

Enhanced finite-element model and acoustic test fixture to assess the objective occlusion effect induced by earplugs under bone-conducted stimulation, Franck Sgard, Huiyang Xu, Kévin Carillo, Éric Wagnac, and Jacques De Guise

Submissions from 2022

Contribution de l’ergotoxicologie à une prévention construite en agriculture : rétro réflexion à partir de trois recherches-interventions, Louis Galey, Marion Albert, Julie Fredj, Fabienne Goutille, Caroline Jolly, and Alain Garrigou

Élargir l'échelle de l'analyse de l'activité, Caroline Jolly, F. Goutille, A. Garrigou, and É. Ledoux

Can psychological capital promote safety performance: A longitudinal study within safety-critical organizations, Simona Margheritti, Alessia Negrini, Massimo Miglioretti, Filippo Gambarota, and Massimo Grassi

Submissions from 2021

Un regard sur l’utilisation des ponts élévateurs dans le secteur de la mécanique automobile au Québec, Maud Gonella, Sylvie Beaugrand, Élise Ledoux, Marie Comeau, and Damien Burlet-Vienney

Recherche-intervention auprès de microentreprises agricoles : retour sur la construction sociale et le réseau d’acteurs, Caroline Jolly, Élise Ledoux, Sylvie Beaugrand, Alain Garrigou, and Ludovic Tuduri

Submissions from 2019

Modeling of airflow and dispersion of aerosols in a thanatopraxy room, Jihen Chebil, Geneviève Marchand, Maximilien Debia, Loïc Wingert, and Stéphane Hallé


Effects of collaboration and coercion on inter-organizational knowledge transfer, Cheikh Faye, France Desjardins, Gabriel Marchand, Nicolas Bouchard, and John Dumay

Characterization of nail guns impact vibration, Pierre Marcotte, Marc-André Gaudreau, Frédéric Laville, and Thomas Padois


Motion-based estimation of back loading during manual material handling tasks, Antoine Muller, Charles Pontonnier, Xavier Robert-Lachaine, Georges Dumont, and André Plamondon


Impact of working technique on cumulative loadings among other factors, Jasmin Vallée-Marcotte, André Plamondon, Hakim Mecheri, Denys Denis, and Philippe Corbeil

Submissions from 2018

Serious and fatal accidents caused by mobile machinery in Quebec: More prevention is needed, Damien Burlet-Vienney, Yuvin Chinniah, Taha Belmekki, Barthélemy Aucourt, and Mohamed-Salah Ouali

Analysis of 139 serious and fatal machine accidents occurring in Quebec between 2011 and 2015, Laurent Giraud, Lise Desmarais, Rachèle Hébert, and Jean Cadieux


In-ear noise dosimetry: Challenges and benefits, Hugues Nélisse, Fabien Bonnet, and Jérémie Voix

Vibroacoustic modeling of an in vivo human head wearing a hearing protection device using the finite element method, Franck Sgard, Simon Benacchio, Yu Luan, Huiyang Xu, Kévin Carillo, Olivier Doutres, Hugues Nélisse, Eric Wagnac, and Jacques De Guise

Industrial collaborative robot application: Experimental implementation of safety-rated monitored stop, Adel Sghaier, James Baudoin, Jean-Paul Bello, Sabrina Jocelyn, Damien Burlet-Vienney, and Laurent Giraud

Comparison of two calibration methods of a hand force mapping system, Yumeng Yao, Subhash Rakheja, and Pierre Marcotte

Submissions from 2017

Conditions favorables pour intégrer les nouveaux travailleurs du secteur minier : un outil d’autodiagnostic, Sylvie Beaugrand, Élise Ledoux, Charles Gagné, Linda Savoie, Caroline Jolly, and Pierre-Sébastien Fournier

Portrait de la formation du personnel de métier dans le secteur aéronautique : réalités, défis et pistes de solution, Denys Denis, Élise Ledoux, Maud Gonella, and Simon Fournier

Comment forme-t-on le personnel de métier en aéronautique : aperçu des contenus échangés et des modalités pédagogiques utilisées, Maud Gonella, Denys Denis, Bénédicte Calvet, Élise Ledoux, and Marie Comeau

Ergonomics contribution in the RTW of workers after work-related musculoskeletal disorders, Iuliana Nastasia, Sarah Gaspard, and Richard H.M. Goossens

Calibration and verification of a thin flexible film hand sensor, Yumeng Yao, Subhash Rakheja, Pierre Marcotte, and Fan Yang

Submissions from 2016

Collaborative co-construction of job know-how in 911 emergency call centres, Charles Gagné, Georges Toulouse, Sandra Moffett, and Brendan Galbraith

Submissions from 2015

Travail d’organisation des acteurs syndicaux dans les projets lean : vers une organisation capacitante?, Sébastien Bruère, Marie Bellemare, and Sandrine Caroly

Analysis of two risk estimation tools applied to safety of machinery, Yuvin Chinniah, François Gauthier, Damien Burlet-Vienney, and Barthélemy Aucourt

Calculation of horizontal lifeline tension and deflection during fall arrest and comparison to experimental results, Bertrand Galy and André Lan

Démonstration de savoir-faire de prudence chez les ambulanciers lors du déplacement de bénéficiaires, Dominique Larouche, Philippe Corbeil, Marie Bellemare, Sandrine Hegg-Deloye, Jérôme Prairie, and Marie Authier

Transfer and knowledge management in very small businesses: Developing a website with and for flexible floor layers, Monique Lortie, Idriss Kefi, Steve Vezeau, Andrea Garlatti, and Maurizzio Massaro

Systematic evaluation of the relationship between subjective and objective measurement methods of hearing protector devices attenuation, Hugues Nélisse, Cécile Le Cocq, Jérôme Boutin, Jérémie Voix, and Frédéric Laville

Assessing sound absorption coefficient under a synthesized diffuse acoustic field: Effect of the sample size and nature, Olivier Robin, Celse Kafui Amédin, Alain Berry, Noureddine Atalla, and Olivier Doutres

Using finite element modeling to predict the effect of ear canal microphone positioning on the sound attenuation of hearing protectors, Franck Sgard, Guilhem Viallet, and Hugues Nélisse

A study of main safety functions available to collaborative robotics, Adel Sghaier, Sabrina Jocelyn, Damien Burlet-Vienney, and Laurent Giraud