Submissions from 2025
Work-related psychosocial risk and protective factors influencing workplace sickness absence: A systematic literature review, Simona Margheritti, Laurent Corhtésy-Blondin, Samantha Vila, and Alessia Negrini (Disponible pour téléchargement le 01/08/26 )
Patient education for the management of subacromial pain syndrome: A scoping review, Katherine Montpetit-Tourangeau, Brittany McGlashan, Joseph-Omer Dyer, and Annie Rochette
Submissions from 2024
Safe human-robot collaboration: A systematic review of risk assessment methods with AI integration and standardization considerations, Morteza Jalali Alenjareghi, Samira Keivanpour, Yuvin Adnarain Chinniah, Sabrina Jocelyn, and Abdelhak Oulmane (Disponible pour téléchargement le 06/23/25 )
Trunk postural control during unstable sitting among individuals with and without low back pain: A systematic review with an individual participant data meta-analysis, Mansour Abdullah Alshehri, Hosam Alzahrani, Wolbert van den Hoorn, David M. Klyne, Albert H. Vette, Brad D. Hendershot, Brad W.R. Roberts, Christian Larivière, David Barbado, Francisco J. Vera-Garcia, Jaap H. van Dieen, Jacek Cholewicki, Maury A. Nussbaum, Michael L. Madigan, Norman Peter Reeves, Sheri P. Silfies, Stephen H.M. Brown, and Paul W. Hodges
Work–rest regimens for work in hot environments: A scoping review, Thomas A. Deshayes, Hsen Hsouna, Mounir A. A. Braham, Denis Arvisais, Benjamin Pageaux, Capucine Ouellet, Ollie Jay, Fabien D. Maso, Mickael Begon, Alireza Saidi, Philippe Gendron, and Daniel Gagnon
Recent advances on engineering of silver related nanocomposites toward antibacterial applications, Donia Dridi, Nhu-Nang Vu, Jaspal Singh, Mostafa Eesaee, Alireza Saidi, Said Elkoun, and Phuong Nguyen-Tri
Self-determination theory and its implications for team motivation, Simon Grenier, Marylène Gagné, and Thomas O'Neill
Work disability and musculoskeletal disorders among teleworkers: A scoping review, Quan Nha Hong, Jingjing Li, Marietta Kersalé, Eloi Dieterlen, Adrian Mares, Zeinab Ahmadian Sangkar, Virginie Paquet, Valérie Lederer, Marie Laberge, and Marie-France Coutu
Fostering stay at work after a period of disability: A scoping review of occupational rehabilitation strategies to support workers in the adoption of preventive behaviours, Alexandra Lecours, Marie-France Coutu, and Marie-José Durand
On the potential benefits of wide dynamic range compression for workers in loud environments: A scoping literature review, Solenn Ollivier, Hugues Nélisse, and Jeremie Voix
Pain catastrophizing: Controversies, misconceptions and future directions, Michael J.L. Sullivan and Dean A. Tripp
Systematic review and tools appraisal of prognostic factors of return to work in workers on sick leave due to musculoskeletal and common mental disorders, Patrizia Villotti, Ann-Christin Kordsmeyer, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Marc Corbière, Alessia Negrini, and Christian Larivière
A structured review of the associations between breast cancer and exposures to selected organic solvents, Sydney Westra, Mark S. Goldberg, France Labrèche, Jill Baumgartner, and Vikki Ho (Disponible pour téléchargement le 11/22/25 )
Submissions from 2023
Strategies to assess occupational exposure to airborne nanoparticles: Systematic review and recommendations, Louis Galey, Sabyne Audignon, Patrick Brochard, Maximilien Debia, Aude Lacourt, Pierre Lambert, Olivier Le Bihan, Laurent Martinon, Sébastien Bau, Olivier Witschger, and Alain Garrigou
Recent development of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA)-based materials for antibacterial applications: A review, Safa Ladhari, Nhu-Nang Vu, Cédrik Boisvert, Alireza Saidi, and Phuong Nguyen-Tri
Can psychological capital promote safety behaviours? A systematic review, Simona Margheritti, Alessia Negrini, and Massimo Miglioretti
Submissions from 2022
A critical review of the literature on comfort of hearing protection devices: Analysis of the comfort measurement variability, Olivier Doutres, Franck Sgard, Jonathan Terroir, Nellie Perrin, Caroline Jolly, Chantal Gauvin, and Alessia Negrini
What are the essential components of a self-management program designed to help workers with chronic low back pain stay at work? A mapping review, Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme, Christian Longtin, Marie-France Coutu, Nathaly Gaudreault, Dahlia Kairy, Iuliana Nastasia, and Guillaume Leonard
Submissions from 2021
Modeling occupational exposure to solvent vapors using the Two-Zone (near-field/far-field) model: A literature review, Spéro Franck Abattan, Jérôme Lavoué, Stéphane Hallé, Ali Bahloul, Daniel Drolet, and Maximilien Debia
Integrative prevention and coordinated action toward primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in workplaces: A scoping review, Bénédicte Calvet, Nicole Vézina, Marie Laberge, Iuliana Nastasia, Hélène Sultan-Taïeb, Georges Toulouse, Paula Rubiano, and Marie-José Durand
A rapid scoping review of COVID‐19 and vulnerable workers: Intersecting occupational and public health issues, Daniel Côté, Steve Durant, Ellen MacEachen, Shannon Majowicz, Samantha Meyer, Ai-Thuy Huynh, Marie Laberge, and Jessica Dubé
Environmental and occupational short-term exposure to airborne particles and FEV1 and FVC in healthy adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Alan da Silveira Fleck, Margaux L. Sadoine, Stéphane Buteau, Eva Suarthana, Maximilien Debia, and Audrey Smargiassi
A systematic search and review of questionnaires measuring individual psychosocial factors predicting return to work after musculoskeletal and common mental disorders, Andrea Gragnano, Patrizia Villotti, Christian Larivière, Alessia Negrini, and Marc Corbière
SARS-CoV-2 and its new variants: A comprehensive review on nanotechnological application insights into potential approaches, Ramalingam Karthik Raja, Phuong Nguyen-Tri, Govindasamy Balasubramani, Arun Alagarsamy, Selcuk Hazir, Safa Ladhari, Alireza Saidi, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, and Arulandhu Anthoni Samy
Tools appraisal of organizational factors associated with return-to-work in workers on sick leave due to musculoskeletal and common mental disorders: A systematic search and review, Patrizia Villotti, Andrea Gragnano, Christian Larivière, Alessia Negrini, Clermont Dionne, and Marc Corbière
Submissions from 2020
Protection practices for trench and excavation in Quebec sensitive clay soils: Review of codes, guidelines, and research needs, Miah Alam, Omar Chaallal, and Bertrand Galy
Questioning the value of manual material handling training: A scoping and critical literature review, Denys Denis, Maud Gonella, Marie Comeau, and Martin Lauzier
Submissions from 2019
Safety of machinery: Significant differences in two widely used international standards for the design of safety-related control systems, Yuvin Chinniah, Douglas S. G. Nix, Sabrina Jocelyn, Damien Burlet-Vienney, Réal Bourbonnière, Benyamin Karimi, and Abdallah Ben Mosbah
A critical review of the literature on comfort of hearing protection devices: Definition of comfort and identification of its main attributes for earplug types, Olivier Doutres, Franck Sgard, Jonathan Terroir, Nellie Perrin, Caroline Jolly, Chantal Gauvin, and Alessia Negrini
Assessment of occupational exposure to organic flame retardants: A systematic review, Sabrina Gravel, Simon Aubin, and France Labrèche
Literature review on the incentives and solutions for the bypassing of guards and protective devices on machinery, Aida Haghighi, Yuvin Chinniah, and Sabrina Jocelyn
How does returning to work after retirement influence older workers’ health? A scoping review protocol, Alexandra Lecours, Marie-Michele Lord, Alessia Negrini, and Rosalie Robitaille
Submissions from 2018
Airborne nanoparticles filtration performance of fibrous media: A review, Pooya Abdolghader, Clothilde Brochot, Fariborz Haghighat, and Ali Bahloul
Has the question of e-waste opened a Pandora's box? An overview of unpredictable issues and challenges, Bouchra Bakhiyi, Sabrina Gravel, Diana Ceballos, Michael A. Flynn, and Joseph Zayed
Horizontal lifelines: Review of regulations and simple design method considering anchorage rigidity, Bertrand Galy and André Lan
Common psychosocial factors predicting return to work after common mental disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and cancers: A review of reviews supporting a cross-disease approach, Andrea Gragnano, Alessia Negrini, Massimo Miglioretti, and Marc Corbière
Night shift work and breast cancer risk: What are the meta-analyses telling us?, Manisha Pahwa, France Labrèche, and Paul A. Demers
Submissions from 2016
A systematic review of reported exposure to engineered nanomaterials, Maximilien Debia, Bouchra Bakhiyi, Claude Ostiguy, Jos Verbeek, Derk Brouwer, and Vladimir Murashov
Mine conveyance safety: The evolution and regulation of safety catches, Bertrand Galy and Laurent Giraud
Mine hoist safety: Regulations and proposed improvements to risk mitigation strategies, Bertrand Galy and Laurent Giraud
Human exposure to carbon-based fibrous nanomaterials: A review, Irina Guseva-Canu, Thomas F. Bateson, Véronique Bouvard, Maximilien Debia, Chantal Dion, Kai Savolainen, and Il-Je Yu
Submissions from 2015
The efficacy of manual therapy for rotator cuff tendinopathy: A systematic review and meta-analysis, A. Desjardins-Charbonneau, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Clermont E. Dionne, P. Frémont, Joy C. MacDermid, and François Desmeules
The efficacy of therapeutic ultrasound for rotator cuff tendinopathy: A systematic review and meta-analysis, François Desmeules, J. Boudreault, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Clermont Dionne, P. Frémont, and Joy C. MacDermid
Submissions from 2013
A pilot study towards ranking occupational health risk factors emanating from engineered nanoparticles: Review of a decade of literature, J. Fatisson, S. Nadeau, S. Hallé, C. Viau, M. Camus, and Y. Cloutier
Submissions from 2010
A critical review of gender issues in understanding prolonged disability related to musculoskeletal pain: how are they relevant to rehabilitation?, Daniel Côté and Marie-France Coutu
Submissions from 2008
A review of assessment tools of illness representations: are these adapted for a work disability prevention context?, Marie-France Coutu, Marie-José Durand, Raymond Baril, Marie-Elise Labrecque, Suzy Ngomo, Daniel Côté, and Annick Rouleau
Submissions from 2007
A systems-based dynamic knowledge transfer capacity model, Robert Parent, Mario Roy, and Denis St-Jacques